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**Headphone Warning...y'all probably know where**

I thought the basketball game was going to be the twist...but NOOOO...this show has something far more disastrous up its sleeve! I had been curious the circumstances of this "mission" the whole time, but it all comes out in the wash this episode, and Cheng...our poor Cheng is in a mission that is MUCH closer to home to him than I could have imagined...

...I am sorry, but I don't know if I can wait until next week for the new episode.

Thank you for watching with me and for the support!


Link Click: Episode 4 Reaction! "CONFESS!"

LINK TO REACTION (Starts at 2:42): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/6RozE6nbvrZdd7mnGAE4DU? **Headphone Warning...y'all probably know where** I thought the basketball game was going to be the twist...but NOOOO...this show has something far more disastrous up its sleeve! I had been curious the circumstances of this "mission" the whole time, but it all comes out in the wash this episode, and Cheng...our poor Cheng is in a mission that is MUCH closer to home to him than I could have imagined... ...I am sorry, but I don't know if I can wait until next week for the new episode. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Have you watched the next episode Romania? I really hate to wait for another week for the next episode, but I hope you've "enjoyed" it already. I don't know how I endured the waiting time when this episode was being aired on a weekly basis. It's just a serious test on my willpower. Cheng's parents probably weren't killed in the earthquake, as Qiao Lin has said in this episode. In the first episode, we knew that Cheng's parents left him with the photograph shop in his early childhood and never came back. So Cheng is still waiting there for his parents to return. He calls Qiao Lin the landlady because the building is owned by Qiao Lin's father, and he accepts these missions as a way to pay the lease. And the earthquake, my gosh. Growing up in China, I instantly picked up the date when the mom said it. The CHILLS!!! I remember that I was still in primary school when the earthquake hit and the casualty was insane. It killed more than 69,000 lives and millions lost their home. Its scale was 8.0 and took place in today's Sichuan province, which is basically a very mountainous area but densely populated, so the landslides damaged many houses, especially in the rural areas. I also experienced a few minor earthquakes in the years living in Japan so I am sure how traumatic these experiences could be. But I'm glad that the place I live now in the US is not on the seismic zone. If you have watched episode 5, plz take a breath and watch 5.5 sometime just in-between, for God knows what would happen in the latter half of this season.


I have -- I couldn't wait, so I'm sorry you all have to -- I hope my sobs will be worth the wait! Seriously...these episodes...how people waited in between this episode and the next when it first came out. I definitely have needed a small hiatus after episode 5 to take a "breath." I cannot imagine the chills if you grew up in the country this took place in, especially an event of that magnitude! @_@ I'm glad you're currently not near an area that could happen in. And that's a good note about Cheng's parents -- I'll have to make note of that -- interesting. For some reason, I thought they'd died in this same earthquake; the melding of "memories" and emotions in this show is so trippy! What an episode...yep...next week will be rough. Thanks for the kind words!!


Yes, the melding of memories and emotions. It makes the show emotionally impactful, because at the end of day we as audience are also blending our own memories and emotions with the characters. Also, I forgot to mention that the foreshadowing of the accents that voice actors did in this episode. Both the mom and the captain's sister spoke in a typical Sichuan-province accent that is distinctively different from the standard Mandarin. So a Chinese speaker would kind of know where the village was situated, and it would make perfect sense after the revelation of the earthquake. Thanks for your wonderful reaction and can't wait for next week!

WuXian Suibian

The writing for Link Click is SOOOO Tight throughout the whole series. Honestly, can't wait until you've watched ALL the episodes. I think XiaoShi's comment about the noodles is a slight reference to the episode with the ladies with the noodle business. If you remember he ate a lot of noodles during his times in the photos and Lu Guang also fed him noodles in the present. Poor boy all noodled out. Have to say no matter how many times I have watched this episode it always gives me the chills.


Mind blown, huh? When I was originally watching this, I was also watching Cuchallain reacting to each episode afterward (He's House of Copper Hounds on YouTube now - you should totally watch his reactions for this and MDZS) and he noticed very early that the clouds (you can see them when Cheng is riding back to his house after talking to the girl) are in a specific formation - one that is believed in China to form whenever an earthquake is going to happen. Then he figured out the date, right before the episode revealed everything. It was kind of amazing and he knew about how bad that earthquake really was - so it wasn't just like..."Oh, that happened in real life," but felt even more devastating because he pulled up some numbers of how many died and stuff. And this aired right around the anniversary, as well. The wait for the next episode in real-time was harsh. I see you've already seen it - lucky you! When you watch 5.5, make sure you watch through the credits. They asked real people to send in photos - important or meaningful photos, the kind you might want to travel back and experience again. It was very sweet to see them even if we didn't get the translations for the notes that go along with them.


Yessss! I love that meta-connection to us as the audience with these characters! That's SO GOOD! <3 And wow, I hadn't even thought of the idea that the accents could give away the location of the story -- that would make the reveal that much more of a "lightbulb" moment, if you could connect the dots that way! @.@ Wow! Thank you for the kind words and awesome insight! I love that!!


YES! This arc is making me realize how good this series is and I'm REALLY hyped for it! Ahhh, and that's a good point -- our poor boy has had nothing but noodles for a while; I don't blame him! Yes, LITERAL CHILLS with the reveal in this!


Oooohhhh, that's so cool!! Thanks for the heads up about that reactor - that's really a neat observation! @.@ Wow, yeah, knowing all of that information adds an entire weight to this episode that someone who doesn't know (like me) wouldn't pick up on at first -- that's awesome that he did that. And yeah, lucky me and my tears, haha!! Thank you for the heads up on Episode 5.5, too! I haven't watched it yet, but that's good to know! Thank you for that info in this comment! :)

Anastasia -

OH. Great. Why does Chinese animation insist on turning our souls inside out. Can't wait for the next one. Not gonna binge this series, definitely.


SERIOUSLY! This is only my second donghua, but I'm thinking I need to add more to the polls, if they're going to be as hype and good as MDZS and this! Yeah....avoiding the binge is going to be touch! @.@

Toni simi

I didn't saw that twist coming. But it all makes totally sense. The writing in this show is awesome. I heard that the reason we didn't get to hear what the messages for them were is since it is based on true events and so many people probably have regrets and wished they could have told the people they loved something, they made it mute. I'm not sure if it is true though. Of course Xiaoshi have to has a connection to this person too. Isn't like this all is traumatizing enough. I thought his first love was the Captain too. You're not alone with that. XD At this point with the mother Xiaoshi didn't knew they would die so maybe Lu Guang told him to fight with her so it isn't too obvious? When I watched this episode it was already really late so I had to wait till the next day and it was so difficult. Wish you a wonderful day!!


The twist totally took me by surprise, but I agree -- the writing in this show is so tight, and it shocks you in the most satisfying -- albeit nervewracking -- way! Ahh, I can see why they wouldn't show the messages now. Honestly, I like that ambiguity and leaving it up to the audience to determine what he was saying to them. That's a nice, personal, and respectful touch, there. And yesss, Cheng, our empath. We love him, though, but the trauma he's had in this series ALREADY. @_@ I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought his first love was the Captain! I'm just trying to convert every series into a BL. :P Ahhh, and that's a good point Lu trying to keep the fight going; I hadn't thought about that. That stinks having to wait until the next day -- I can't imagine the ones who had to wait for the episode to come out in real time! @_@ Thank you for the kind words and have a great day, too!


I feel so bad for both of them in these episodes. It was just supposed to be a simple mission of saying a few things to a few people and going home. But the more accidental changes Cheng made, the more suspicious it seemed that it was still alright. I’m sure the smaller changes would have mattered if everyone wasn’t about to die right afterwards. Lu Guang was a lot more careful in the other missions. He stopped answering Cheng at the very beginning just to send the message of how serious those little changes can be, normally. We’ll see how well it got through. Poor Cheng is still waiting for his parents… I made the assumption that they died in the earthquake too, though I guess that’s not entirely clear. I can’t blame you for watching the next episode. I definitely binged this arc, and watched the whole show within a week. Not gonna have a choice for season 2 though, and that’s gonna be tough. I saw a preview for it, but still don’t know when it’s coming out. 5.5 is basically another side story. Don’t know why they couldn’t have included it early on and let there be 12 eps lol.


Yessss, Cheng's alterations made him want to stay and make sure everything was "fixed" and then two and two added together and it was too late for Lu to keep him from finding out the truth. >.< And that is so sad that Cheng does NOT have closure about his parents... T-T And yeah, I couldn't wait...but I am glad there's at least a season 2 coming! I'm glad there'll be 5.5 to kind of be in between the sadness...hahaha *nervous chuckle*