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LINK TO THE REACTION: https://streamable.com/kf03ed

If there's one word to describe this midseason finale, it's: "OMINOUS."   

My heart goes out to Levi, who has far too much on his shoulders right now than I'm comfortable with; out to Erwin, who has death flags all around; to our main trio, who are coming to terms with moving forward into the future while trying to savor and hold on to a dying past...and to my sanity, because...new character? 

NOTE: I've been told it was Bertholdt that was with Reiner at the end. LMAO. Please ignore my freakout and last 10 minutes of discussion on it. **facepalms**

Thank goodness I don't have long to wait for Episode 13...but I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Hoo buddy.  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 3: Episode 12 Reaction! "Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall!"

LINK TO THE REACTION: https://streamable.com/kf03ed **HEADPHONE WARNING** If there's one word to describe this midseason finale, it's: "OMINOUS." My heart goes out to Levi, who has far too much on his shoulders right now than I'm comfortable with; out to Erwin, who has death flags all around; to our main trio, who are coming to terms with moving forward into the future while trying to savor and hold on to a dying past...and to my sanity, because...new character? NOTE: I've been told it was Bertholdt that was with Reiner at the end. LMAO. Please ignore my freakout and last 10 minutes of discussion on it. **facepalms** Thank goodness I don't have long to wait for Episode 13...but I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Hoo buddy. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Jason T Frye

Lol yep, it’s just Bertholdt drinking in the sunset. And for some reason I hadn’t realized it before in the series either, but Bertholdt has always had a pretty tanned complexion. Especially now though since he’s probably been out in the Sun for a while. But definetely, Erwin/Levi and Eren/Armin/Mikasa’s conversations this episode are some of my favorites.


I'm glad you stopped it because you are too smart. If there's anything I've learnt from watching your reactions it's that you definitely would have thought of some theory that would of been exactly what happens in the next season!


I was just trying to enjoy the ED one last time, and that mid-credit nonsense interrupts me! *grumbles* Thank you for the kind words, though! Yeah, we'll see it all go down soon enough in this series, so I'm excited! :D


I cannot believe it was Bertholdt! @_@ They seriously made him look SO different with his hair pushed back...ah well, maybe that eases my anxiety...for now. :P Also, YES! The conversation with our main trio and Erwin/Levi -- there's something beautiful and heartbreaking to it...it definitely was soothing but also made me feel nervous...probably the feelings that will follow me going into Season 3 part 2!

The Weird Pianist

I think it was mentioned in Season 1 that Titans come mainly from the south. I can't say anything else. Just wanted to give you the info in case you didn't know.


Just in case you weren't already crying, that scene with our trio on the steps talking about their futures and hopes and dreams reminded me so deeply of when Levi, Far and Izzy were looking up at the stars talking about THEIR futures, hopes and dreams. And Levi just sitting their listening to it has 3 meanings for me. 1, he's just looking at these kids that he's responsible for being hopeful children. 2, he's remembering that scene with his friends before they died. 3, he's responsible for human life in a way that he hasn't really been before.Erwin is giving him too much responsibility over human life, he never wanted his role to be the person who chooses human life like that. He wants to follow the person who makes those decisions, those gambles. Levi is just,,,, too good of a person for Erwinto be asking him to make these decisions, and i think that that [along with Levi's action prowess] is why Erwin decides to make him responsible. It makes sense, but I'm still mad about it. I was [and honestly am, even in rewatching] also so so anxious. This episode does that anxiety inducing feeling of suspence that season 2 did a lot [and very well]. You are not prepared, good luck, I hope this season doesn't break you the way it broke me✌️

Jordan G

Lol that end-credit scene came in hot. i forgot it was there and then I remembered what it was about *sigh* no spoilers just a sigh lol pain. Death flags? More like a death parade sheesh. I would be surprised if Erwin survived haha. Also congrats on 3k on Youtube!! *celebration noises*


SERIOUSLY, A DEATH PARADE! I've never felt more dread going into the future episodes of a series, but here we are. Honestly, if Erwin makes it out of this season, it will be a miracle, I feel. But we shall see, eh? And thank you so much for the kind words and support! It is appreciated! Cheers!!


Yesssss, that scene with Levi listening in reminded me SO MUCH of No Regrets, and so much of him thinking those same things you talked about in this! @_@ Levi has had a HUGE weight placed on his shoulders, which parallels Eren in a lot of ways, and I'm feeling for our captain, for sure. And I about spit my drink at the line, "You are not prepared, good luck" -- I've never felt more anxious going into an episode (I have not watched Episode 13 yet...probably need to get on that), but I am dreading what's to come. Thank you so much for the kind words, though! My mind will likely need all the luck it can get, haha!

Toni simi

The first half of the episode just feels like a big death flag and I do not like that. Erwin this season really out there throwing death flags around. XD Levi saying that Erwin should sit down and use his head reminds me of Yun saying to Yona that for powerless people like them it's better to use their brain for mental games. 'Even more important than humanity? .. yes' god do I love that moment. I really like that Erwin is aware and embraces his selfishness. Why is the eating scene one of the most chaotic scenes in this show? Marlo being completely clueless the whole time. XD Jean showing us again that he has abilities to be a leader in the future. I still can't believe how far he has come and that in only 4 months?! How is Jean so underrated? I really don't get it. The parallels with Armin, Eren and Mikasa sitting on the stairs talking about dreams and with Levi, Farlan and Isabel. And Levi hears them!? Pain. I wouldn't be suprised if Isayama said "nope, nothing in the basement." This man would do something this crazy. XD I don't want to know how long the disscusions gonna be at the end of this season. XD Wish you a wonderful day!!


Something I forgot to say last episode: with that one, containing the material from chapter 70, you have hit exactly the half-way point of the story (in its original form, at least). Here's to an even wilder second half. I was wondering which discussion would hit the 2 hour mark first, was thinking REDACTED or maybe REDACTED but wouldn't have guessed s03e12... What a welcome surprise. You can watch the flashforwrd at the end of this episode after 18 no problem, but don't do a frame-by-frame analysis. There's still a couple of hidden clues in there. The writing on the bottles can be deciphered: it's Japanese written with very distorted kana. It's way too messy for me to decipher myself (the 'titan' side writing is a little easier, but the 'humannity' writing, like the one on the Reiss injection bottles is completely opaque to me. People have deciphered it though, apparently the surviving vial says "Normal Titan" (and the one that Historia was supposed to inject said "Strongest titan"). Not giving away a lot here... Interesting observation on Reiner not eating Eren, but keep in mind that Reiner didn't know whether Eren was actually the coordinate - in the trees, he and Bertolt talk about it, and how they might need Historia if it's not Eren (so presumably they know at least something regarding where the coordinate really should be). The review and ep 13 should be great, looking forward to them. Have you thought about how to handle the reviews for the final season? Part 1 and part 2 would make sense, but ep 16 might not be an optimal stopping point, there's a relatively clear end of an arc before that (won't say which episode unless you really want to know) and there should be another natural point to pause and breathe a few episodes into the second half (we won't know where until it airs ofc). So three shorter ones might not be a bad idea.


Uhm, so yeah, this episode completely sold me that I'm the biggest Erwin and Levi stan at this point, haha! The death flags are out and YONA! Maybe I was thinking of Yun and Yona's conversation, hahahaha! Hmmm. The dinner scene is absolute chaos, and YES, Jean showcasing his growth and leaderly skills...we stand behind our King! :) The parallels to Levi's friends with our main trio is SO painful, and the fact that Levi heard them...this show is setting up major things with Levi and Erwin, and I'm NOT READY for it. *sigh* That basement better be worth it, haha! I've watched a little ahead and no craaaaazzzzy discussions like this one yet...but I feel that Isayama is packing the grenade, and it's palpable the pin's about to be pulled. @.@ Thank you for the kind words and have a wonderful day, too!


The fact that we're just HALFWAY there is insanity! Pure insanity. I mean, I'm excited there's still so much to go...but it's crazy. And yeah, who knew this would be the episode to break the mark? Hm. Thank you for redacting the episodes you thought this would be -- when we get to them, you'll have to let me know (who knows! Maybe they'll break the mark there, too). Thank you for the heads up about the mid-credits scene! I'll make sure if I do watch it, it's just a once-through. And THANK YOU for the information about the vials!! That is SO helpful; I've watched a little ahead, so I'll have to note that, though, when I get to it. Wow, though, "strongest titan" -- welp. That's good to know. @_@ Good point with Reiner, and more to think about...Yesssss, excited for season 3 part 2! Also, hmmm....I've only thought ahead to when Season 4 starts, but I may (considering your words) put a post out on Patreon as it gets closer to see what everyone thinks! But three recaps for Season 4? Hoo Buddy. @_@ Yeah, thank you for the heads up -- I'll definitely be asking you all as it gets closer!


About the opening, i definitely think you could watch it once (probably not more than that but it is part of the show so i feel like it would be hindering the way the show was meant to be presented😭) Maybe you could watch it once for ep 13 and then just listen to it for the rest of the reactions up until 19? Idk i just think cutting it completely would mess up the flow a little