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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/mibp7m
**All the Headphone Warnings** 

HISTORIA, MY GIRL! Breaker of chains! Mother of Dra--erhm--Titans? There's a reason you're S-tier in my books, you and Ymir!  

What a follow up to "Sin!" This episode may be one of my favorites in the series, now: action, intensity, lore grenades, Eren's VA giving it 100%, and a badass could-be Queen taking action and taking names! Even Kenny's impressed! I loved this episode...so much, it's my longest discussion, yet.   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 3: Episode 7 Reaction! "WISH!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/mibp7m **All the Headphone Warnings** HISTORIA, MY GIRL! Breaker of chains! Mother of Dra--erhm--Titans? There's a reason you're S-tier in my books, you and Ymir! What a follow up to "Sin!" This episode may be one of my favorites in the series, now: action, intensity, lore grenades, Eren's VA giving it 100%, and a badass could-be Queen taking action and taking names! Even Kenny's impressed! I loved this episode...so much, it's my longest discussion, yet. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck

idk if I'm reading this too much or anything, but Eren giving his speech about how he wants Historia to kill Eren to kill titans and stuff. I genuenly don't know why, but the way his eyes look, and the voice of his and all that stuff, it's just so similar to when he was trying to trick Reiner back in the trees. ఠ _ ఠ idk, I just cannot see it in any other way. nice discussion as always

Jason T Frye

Love Eren and Historia’s dynamic and parallels. Definitely two of the best characters in the entire show for me, with an already loaded cast of great characters. The whole Historia realizing Eren didn’t feel needed, and like he was a mistake like how Historia felt as a child because of her mother was heart-breaking. Interesting connection though I thought to bring up, Armin saying to kill them from behind is almost a connection to the way the scouts kill titans from behind (at their nape), so it’s almost like the idea is they’re killing people as if they were titans (Jean killing the mustache man by slicing his neck).

Moth (GreenAppleSause)

No long comment today (it's past 2am) but there isn't much to say without spoilers, and gotta keep those hushed up. But this episode is just Histora going "I'm tired of being nice, I want to go apeshit" and we all love her for that. That scout training really helped her

Jason T Frye

I actually feel like Rod is a pretty sad character though when you think about his perspective, having his wish to exterminate the titans as a child denied by the King who had the memories. Then presumably denied by his the rest of his family members that inherited it such as Uri and Frieda. I could see why he’d begin to believe there was a reason and greater purpose almost like a ‘god’s will’ for why the Founding Titan would choose to maintain the status quo. In the end his family’s refusal to change things became his own as generations continued, and he found solace in mundane pleasures such as having a mistress. It’s almost as if he had to convince himself that there had to be a good reason behind their cage, because if there wasn’t, his family’s ritual sacrifices would have been in vain, and their bloodline would be left without a sense of direction. So in that sense, status quo became preferable compared to freedom for him. Especially since it was also logical to leave the world’s fate in the hands of those with the memories of this world, after all, who was he to question the will of god?

Nathan Hardy

Now you know why Santa Claus Titan never reverted back after swallowing Eren back in Ep 5, he never listened to his mom's order to chew his food 😢 That would have been awesome, much like Jean in his one-off OVA opening, Santa Claus Titan as the main character running around on ODM gear hacking and slashing! 🎅

The Weird Pianist

Thought I'd clarify some things. Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie being "warriors" is different from what Kenny's grandfather meant when he was talking about Ackermans. It could be a translation thing. And as we now know, Eren has two Titan powers inside him. But since he needs to have the royal blood to use the Founding Titan's powers we've only seen him as the Titan that he got from his father, the one that was hairy when Grisha had it. He did somehow use the Founding Titan's power though at the end of Season 2.

Loco Logic

Historia rebelling against her father, largely influenced by Ymir's heartfelt advice, will always be one of the coolest character building moments for me.


It IS similar -- I can definitely see that connection and I hadn't noticed it before you mentioned it, but yeah...it's definitely the most pitiful we've seen Eren so far -- maybe the connection is when Eren was "acting," it was pitiful, too? :P I'm not sure, but that's a neat observation! Thanks for commenting about it and the kind words!


Picking my top five is hard enough in this series, there are seriously SO MANY well-developed characters you want to root for in this show! And ahhhh, I'm glad you said that about Eren not feeling like he deserved to exist -- it was tying to Historia more than the mom, and that's a good point to make. And the note about Armin and how to kill the Kenny Squad being similar to titans....hmmm....wellllpppp...interesting.


That is a good point, and I'm glad some of you are playing devil's advocate for Rod -- I absolutely think that's a good point to bring up, that there has to be a REASON for their beliefs...right....RIGHT? The reason they're not telling is the intriguing part...there's so much being kept close to the vest...and I want to know what it is, haha, but all in good time, right? You make a great point here -- I'm still not on board with the dictator he basically became, but yeah, if he viewed his brother/father/daughter as a "god," then you can see how that would completely warp his perception. Good note, there!


OMG, I'm DYING -- I'm just imagining Roland (the sweet little old man) from Violet Evergarden, in ODM gear -- zipping around, slashing people alongside Mikasa. I just.... XD That's amazing! Yeah, good point about the importance of chewing, too, right?


Woah! Yeah, I don't blame you if it's past 2 am where you're at! Thank you for not spoiling, and yeahhhh, Historia just let loose this episode! @.@ Girl is WAY stronger than we gave her credit for!


Interesting!! It was "warriors" on both Crunchyroll and Funimation, but it could have just been a mistranslation! Thank you for clarifying that -- and oooooh, I will have to note that about Eren in episode 8, but I completely forgot that technically he has two titan powers in him! @_@ Thank you for that!


I was gonna make a note about that translation too. I looked up the words they used on Jisho and I figure I’ll just tell you the different nuances. Edit (and actually include it before posting on mobile) The word the scouts use just is 兵士 (heishi) and just translates as soldier The word Reiner and them use is 戦士 (senshi) and translates as soldier, combatant, warrior The word Kenny used is 武家 (buke) and translates as samurai, warrior, military family I think warrior was the best translation for both of them, but there’s all sorts of other nuances to the original Japanese. Hope it’s helpful.


Badass Historia really comes through for us this episode. I was so proud of her in that moment. And I didn’t even think about Yumir being one of the Titans that would get killed. I just thought she wanted to keep her promise and stop lying to herself and living for other people. But that makes sense as part of it too. And seeing Eren all broken like that was pretty brutal. I was surprised to see him seeming to prioritize humanity over his own life. A side we haven’t seen before. But I whether he was being selfless or it was just the guilt (or even still motivated by his revenge like you implied) is a valid question. Thanks for another great reaction. Love seeking whiteboard-kun 😁.


Oh wwwwoow! Thank you, Julie! I've already recorded Episode 8, but I'll have to make reference of that for Episode 9! :) That helps out a lot!


I'm SO proud of Historia -- she's really come so far from season one, hasn't she? And yesss, it was sad to see Eren like this, but I'm glad our main character is having a breakdown, finally -- he needs to get these emotions out. Now, whether it's really for the sake of humanity, to ease his own guilt, or as a way to seal the chance for revenge...could be a combination of all three? Maybe? Thank you so much for the kind words and yesss, Whiteboard-kun is definitely my partner in crime with this series! :)

The Weird Pianist

I hope saying that Eren has two Titans inside him and us having seen only one wasn't a spoiler. I think you should've been able to figure it out. And this has nothing to do with these episodes but when I said that Titans could be women that look like men you kinda seemed to have taken it as any Titan could be a woman. Obviously the ones that have beards and moustaches are men like the one that ate Eren in Season 1.


Oh, I don't consider it a spoiler, since that makes complete sense! I thought that the "founding titan" power would "override" the other, but this makes sense, too. It's interesting -- Eren's titan kind of looks like a cross between Frieda and Grisha's -- Eren doesn't have chest hair! XD

Pada Lee

Eren and Historia are my two favorite characters, so naturally, I ship them. Took me a while with my schedule this week but really enjoyed the discussion! Whiteboard-kun came out early to help. 😂


While I love Ymir and Historia, there is a part of me that definitely ships Historia and Eren -- she makes Eren better, in my opinion. :) And no worries -- y'all can comment anytime! :) Whiteboard-kun has been so helpful, right?! XD


No problem. The scout’s word uses the kanji for “soldier”, while the titan shifter word uses the kanji for “war”, so it feels a lot more intense. The kanjis for the word Kenny used literally mean military and family.

Toni simi

Jean killing that guy was so sad to watch. His expression said how much he hated doing that but also knew that he can't hesitate. Everybodys wishes are getting destroyed this episode. XD Kenny is such an interesting character and everytime I love him more and more. I feel so bad for Eren. He is just completely broken at this point. And when he started to call out all the names my heart broke. Historia being badass. Yes girl!! At the moment it's so difficult to write a comment. There is so much to say but my mind just gets blank. XD Wish you a wonderful day!!


YES! You could tell he hated to kill that man, but knew in the moment it was necessary to save Eren and Historia. I feel for our King! :( Yeah, wishes destroyed all around! I really love Kenny's character and he has me excited to see more of him, if he makes it through all of this -- and Eren....ugh....I just felt so bad for him; him saying Marco's name is what broke me. Thank goodness Historia is there to help him!! And RIGHT?! I rambled on so much, but I always feel I'm missing SOMETHING with each discussion...*sigh* The AOT Effect, right? Thank you for the kind words and have a great day, too!