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Hey all!

It's a little early, but I'd love  your opinion about these end of Season 3 part 1 decisions!

Here's a Link to Poll: https://forms.gle/LBq3mbWrpJvcgJBy9

I'll close the poll on Tuesday, November 16th. 

I CAN say these things for certain:

* There will be a Recap, Review, & RIP for Season 3: Part 1 before we start Episode 13.

* I am NOT watching the Episode 12 post-credit scene until...well...one of your choices in the poll. 

* I will be watching the OP for Season 3: Part 2 AFTER Episode 18 is over...so I'm not spoiled. ^^ That still gives me 4 episodes to break it down.

* My brain shall surely be mush by the end of this season.

You all are amazing; thank you for the support!

- RB



I don't think I'm best for the poll because I haven't seen the OVA's in a long while. I can't remember bits & pieces of when to watch what especially since I literally watched them after binging the entire series for a few months lol I'll try to participate in another one next time💚


Thank you so much for being honest!! :D I really appreciate that, and that is fine! ^^ Thanks!

The Weird Pianist

What's shown in the post-credits scene takes place in Episode 18, so it's better to watch it right after you finish Episode 18. It's actually a mid-credits scene, so don't accidentally watch it after finishing Part 1. I can't tell you why but it's gonna be weird to watch it after Episode 18. I was originally saying that you should watch the OVAs after Part 1 but now after I watched someone watch them after Part 2 I realized that it's better to watch them after finishing Season 3.


Ahhh, I had thought the mid-credits (thank you for specifying) scene would be maybe fun to bring up and talk about in the Recap, which is why I had that option -- but if people would prefer me to talk about it post an episode, it could be after episode 18 instead of 22. So far, most people seem to recommend the Part 3 OVA for Lost Girls after season 3 is all over -- is it okay to watch the Annie ones (part 1 and 2) in between Part 1 and 2? I like the idea of breaking them up, if there's nothing overly spoilery there...I just miss Annie, haha! Thank you for the feedback!

Pada Lee

I voted for watching them all after S3P2, including the mid-credit scene being during recap. It avoids any and all potential spoilers apart from what you already have since you know already it can be watched after episode 18. At that point it is more like a deleted scene you watch after finishing a movie. I agree with Weird Pianist that it definitely could be weird watching it directly after episode 18, so giving it some distance would be better.


That's interesting! Thank you for that information, too! I don't mind watching the OVA's at the end of Season 3 (it'll be a TITANIC Week for sure, then), if there were spoilers along the way. I thought the mid-credit scene would be fun to talk about in the recap, too, but I'll wait until the end of the poll and touch back with everyone! :) Thanks so much!


I think watching the mid-credit scene should be left for the end of the season. But if you do decide to watch it after episode 18, then maybe you could wait till the end of the discussion? Or even the next episode? Because as others are saying, it could be pretty odd and distracting to watch it right at the end of the episode.


If I did watch it at the end of Episode 18, it would be after the discussion, right before I ended it, to see what I would have seen had I watched the end credits scene; at this point, I think either will be fine, so I'll see what y'all vote for! :) Thank you for that info, though! :D