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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/9l44an
*Headphone Warning*  

This was definitely Erwin and Historia's episode...well, and Hange's too. We FINALLY get backstory on Erwin, and it was worth the wait! I definitely understand more about his character motivation and his desire to avenge his father's death, even if it means taking on the entire government head on! 

 Now, Historia's backstory? DEFINITELY complicated, as she has ties to KENNY of all people and possibly others? I have a feeling I'm going to be putting that white board to use this season...  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 3: Episode 3 Reaction! "Old Story!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/9l44an *Headphone Warning* This was definitely Erwin and Historia's episode...well, and Hange's too. We FINALLY get backstory on Erwin, and it was worth the wait! I definitely understand more about his character motivation and his desire to avenge his father's death, even if it means taking on the entire government head on! Now, Historia's backstory? DEFINITELY complicated, as she has ties to KENNY of all people and possibly others? I have a feeling I'm going to be putting that white board to use this season... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:30:23 lmfao listening to your theories has become one of my fav past times now, no cap (easy to listen while I crochet) I also just loved how you just pointed at the chairs like; "chairs (≖_≖ )" (idk why, but that brought up a random memory of how me and the gang used to joke about our theatre teacher collecting tables in his car and vacuuming them as his past time, don't ask idk either, just smt random I decided to share) Back when I saw Erwin talking about the king changing memories, I just shut up the laptop and went to bed.ʘ‿ʘ I reeaally like how throughout you're with your theories and the way you analyze the episode, also your voice is soft and relaxing (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Even though I end up thinking about how much I just want to see you analyze and theorize so much other stuff too(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑). But that doesn't matter because seeing how much fun your having when you theorize these things, it's so much fun for me too. Hope you continue to have fun with your aot reactions, and with other reactions too!! ★>d(,,・ε´-,,)⌒☆
2021-10-30 14:56:53 lmfao listening to your theories has become one of my fav past times now, no cap (easy to listen while I crochet) I also just loved how you just pointed at the chairs like; "chairs (≖_≖ )" (idk why, but that brought up a random memory of how me and the gang used to joke about our theatre teacher collecting tables in his car and vacuuming them as his past time, don't ask idk either, just smt random I decided to share) Back when I saw Erwin talking about the king changing memories, I just shut up the laptop and went to bed.ʘ‿ʘ I reeaally like how throughout you're with your theories and the way you analyze the episode, also your voice is soft and relaxing (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Even though I end up thinking about how much I just want to see you analyze and theorize so much other stuff too(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑). But that doesn't matter because seeing how much fun your having when you theorize these things, it's so much fun for me too. Hope you continue to have fun with your aot reactions, and with other reactions too!! ★>d(,,・ε´-,,)⌒☆

lmfao listening to your theories has become one of my fav past times now, no cap (easy to listen while I crochet) I also just loved how you just pointed at the chairs like; "chairs (≖_≖ )" (idk why, but that brought up a random memory of how me and the gang used to joke about our theatre teacher collecting tables in his car and vacuuming them as his past time, don't ask idk either, just smt random I decided to share) Back when I saw Erwin talking about the king changing memories, I just shut up the laptop and went to bed.ʘ‿ʘ I reeaally like how throughout you're with your theories and the way you analyze the episode, also your voice is soft and relaxing (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Even though I end up thinking about how much I just want to see you analyze and theorize so much other stuff too(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑). But that doesn't matter because seeing how much fun your having when you theorize these things, it's so much fun for me too. Hope you continue to have fun with your aot reactions, and with other reactions too!! ★>d(,,・ε´-,,)⌒☆

Darth Danker

Pixis dressed like my old math teacher this episode and I love it, lmao Edit: I also wanted to point out that ever since we got that Ackerman name reveal for Levi, the show has been really adamant at putting the two together to show their similarities!

The Weird Pianist

This is the second time you watched the ED with a shadow over it because you put the mouse cursor somewhere. I had a feeling it was gonna happen. It's really annoying me because I really like it and you like it too, and you're seeing a darkened version of it. Sorry, I had to point it out. Now I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't watch the post credits scene. It shows something that's not good and you're gonna be thinking when it's gonna happen. If less than 70% of people vote for you to watch it you should be the one to make the final decision when the time comes. If you decide to not watch it you should still watch it before the season is over after it happens. And I have a question for you. When we find out the truth about the titans do you think the explanation will be scientific or supernatural? Which one do you want it to be? Don't assume that I know the truth myself.

Jason T Frye

Erwin to Eren: What do you see here? Who is the enemy? -episode 15-


YES! THIS! That question and quote has plagued my mind this season so far...and I have a feeling it's going to for the rest of this season! @_@ And as Ymir answered, "Who knows?"

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:30:25 Seriously! He looked so wholesome in casual clothes! <3 And NO JOKE -- the show has had them together (him and Mikasa) before, but now it's more and more pronounced! :)
2021-10-30 22:20:57 Seriously! He looked so wholesome in casual clothes! <3 And NO JOKE -- the show has had them together (him and Mikasa) before, but now it's more and more pronounced! :)

Seriously! He looked so wholesome in casual clothes! <3 And NO JOKE -- the show has had them together (him and Mikasa) before, but now it's more and more pronounced! :)


Ahhh, that's Funimation -- I don't like that tint that goes over the screen, either; if it helps, it doesn't happen in the next episode! Apologies; thank you for pointing it out, though! And after your comment and a few on YT as well...I think I'm not going to watch the post-credits for Episode 12. Someone made a good point, too, that the post-credits were mainly for hyping up the second part of the season and may not be necessarily scenes from the manga, so that helped solidify that I don't plan to watch it...until either the last episode of the season or in the recap video. :) And ahhhhhh....my heart tells me that it's supernatural/divine -- especially with the "northern lights" deity-looking-energy that Ymir saw when she "woke up" -- but I'm curious to see if there's some scientific tinkering with it...maybe it's both? Especially in the creation of the putty titans vs the titan shifters? I guess we shall see, but that's my initial thought!


Oh wow, that's awesome about crocheting! I'm glad I can help you during that process! And HA! I have really been taken by the symbolism of "chairs" this season, so I feel anytime I find a chair in an episode, I'm going to point it out! :) And ahahahaha -- the whole "king changing memories" line just opens up a giant can of worms, eh? Like....WHAT?! And thank you for the kind words about my endless theorizing and rambling! :) I appreciate the support! I hope to watch shows in the future that give me as much theorizing as this show does!

The Weird Pianist

It's gonna be weird to watch it after you finish the season. I can't tell you why. I'll let you know when it's fine to see it. You should watch it right after the episode it shows and before you start the next episode. Btw sorry if my comment came out as passive aggressive. English isn't my native language and even though I'm "fluent" I still have trouble conveying my thoughts sometimes.

daragh faro

Not watching it is the best call, it's like eating desert before the main course, it will taste nice but it will dampen the main course.


With how much you try not to be spoiled, I really doubt you’d want to watch a scene from a future episode. Glad you’re leaning towards not watching it.


This is random, but I’m studying Kanji through Wanikani which uses mnemonics for the radicals to remember the meanings. And I made up a mnemonic for a new kanji a couple days ago that involves AOT with the stool/chair radical. I was worried that it was a weak association, but you have cemented it in my brain and now I know I won’t forget it XD Watching you theorize is always fun. And we’re finally getting answers, bit by bit for now. I’m looking forward to seeing you learn more.

Trung Ta

There's a mid season end credit scene, I think you should definitely avoid it at all cost. You'll get spoiled big time. Every reactors that I've watched who likes to go deep into discuss theories about the show all avoided it. The end credit served as a hype keeper because there was a break between 2 parts of the sesason. So they revealed some very big stuff in there to keep the anticipation up. It's good content for "reaction" sake but I think it would be way better to see your reaction when the actuall scene plays out.

The Weird Pianist

lol are you using RTK too? I just finished it. Don't stop. It gets easier and easier and you might end up learning 100 kanji a day.


@TheWeirdPianist -- you are totally fine! ^^ I appreciate all your help! And thank you for that information! It may be funny to look back on in hindsight and say, "Oh wow! Glad I didn't watch that before!" :) Thank you!


@Julie - Thanks! Yeah, the fact that it was just added at the end of the episode to build hype and isn't actually part of the manga...that cemented it for me. Thanks! :)


@Julie - that is SO cool! Oooh, I wish I had that dedication to learning Kanji - I'm glad the chair analogy is helpful! :D Thank you for the kind words; yessss, a slow drip of information, but it's a constant one, now, which has me excited! :D :D


Thank you for the kind words and suggestion -- yeah, after hearing everyone's thoughts on this, I'm going to avoid it, just to be safe! :) I definitely want to see it all play out in real time, especially since I'm not waiting 6 months to watch it, haha!

The Weird Pianist

If you ever feel like trying it, check out Remembering the Kanji Vol. 1 by James Heisig. It just teaches writing and meaning of the kanji, not the pronunciation. It's actually really fun and easy. Normally you'd have to just memorize thousands of them, which is really hard, but that book makes it really simple and intuitive. And if you ever decide to learn Japanese it's gonna be really easy because you'll already know the hardest part. Watching anime and reading manga in Japanese is completely different from doing it in English. If you wanna see if you could learn Japanese check out Duolingo. It's good for starting, but it gets really hard quickly without additional resources.


Thank you for those resources! :D :D I really appreciate it!! That sounds really cool, especially Heisig's resource, there!


I’ve heard of RTK, but I don’t know a lot about it. I’m doing Wanikani, which is also an SRS that teaches vocabulary with the kanji. I’m learning about 100 kanji a month (100 a day seems kinda crazy XD) and about 300-350 vocab a month to go with them. I think it’s a good system, and I don’t have to do anything on my own so it’s good if you’re lazy. Though their mnemonics get less useful the higher the levels go, so I’ve been making up my own. Lots of them anime related, or course lol.

Trung Ta

Good decision. Also the entire opening of S3 p2 is spoiler. I don’t know why they decided to put spoilers into the op. You might not understand what’s going on watching without context for the first few times. But you will catch on to things the more you watch. So I think the best way to do this is briefly watch it for 1 time only and try not to pay too much attention to the images. Then skip the op until the last few episodes.

The Weird Pianist

Oh my bad. I thought Wanikani was similar to Anki but it seems to be a totally different thing after looking further into it. RTK just teaches the meanings of kanji and how to write them and it uses made up stories (which can be really weird sometimes) to help you remember them in minutes. And with the correct Anki deck you can review them. RTK also relies on you to make up stories the more you get into it but a good Anki deck can provide you with multiple stories for all the kanji. That way it's possible to learn the meanings and writings of 100 or more kanji a day if you have the time and energy. Wanikani seems to be a combination of RTK Vol 1 and Vol 2 (which teaches pronunciations). I'll probably hop on it after I finish RTK 2. For the language itself I recommend Genki textbooks + ToKini Andy channel. And Duolingo for practice. I think you can find free digital versions of all the textbooks on Reddit.


I was told that, too! The Weird Pianist on here said after Episode 18, it would be okay to view the OP, so I'll just wait until then and then I'll still have four episodes to analyze it at the end. :) Yay! Thanks for the heads up! :)

Toni simi

I feel so bad for Historia. Going through all this at such a young age. Kenny taking out this big knife was funnier than it should be. We got so much more informationen now but there still are important pieces missing. Erwins backstory was so good. To see why he is willing to sacrifice so much to find out the truth. Seeing how you put things together and talk about your theories is just amazing. It's so enjoyable to watch and hear. Wish you a wonderful day!!


YES! Seeing just HOW much she's seen in terms of disturbing events and still managing to smile with Ymir? UGH...it hurts! And Kenny's knife -- yes! Unintentionally hilarious! And thank you so much for the kind words -- there's enough information to start to form the picture...but we're missing some key pieces; it definitely has me excited! Have a great day, too!

Nyjae (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:30:20 Yes!! Erwin Backstory! I love how he took his trauma of the loss of his Father &amp; turned it into his motivation of finding the Truth! It's so sad but man now we know where all that drive comes from. To come to terms with not only the government killing your father but knowing that you played a part in your father's death for talking...speechless. It makes his character all the more human as many of his comrades &amp; people call him "Devil" or "Demon" yes he can be that but finding this out just made him feel more human. That smile he gave at the end of Season 2 makes this even more meaningful. Historia reading books on how family should be &amp; the brutal awakening that she would never recieve that from her mom, heartbreaking. Lots of theories, lots of things at play. Ha ha yes bring out the board!🙌🏽⭐ I can't believe I missed that scene of King Jean wearing that hat! We love! Kenny Kenny Kenny you sly man he just pops up at every ocassion. Ik Historia's mom was really crappy &amp; had regrets but she didn't deserve that from Kenny. Ymir come back &amp; hug Historia pls💚
2021-11-04 06:03:50 Yes!! Erwin Backstory! I love how he took his trauma of the loss of his Father & turned it into his motivation of finding the Truth! It's so sad but man now we know where all that drive comes from. To come to terms with not only the government killing your father but knowing that you played a part in your father's death for talking...speechless. It makes his character all the more human as many of his comrades & people call him "Devil" or "Demon" yes he can be that but finding this out just made him feel more human. That smile he gave at the end of Season 2 makes this even more meaningful. Historia reading books on how family should be & the brutal awakening that she would never recieve that from her mom, heartbreaking. Lots of theories, lots of things at play. Ha ha yes bring out the board!🙌🏽⭐ I can't believe I missed that scene of King Jean wearing that hat! We love! Kenny Kenny Kenny you sly man he just pops up at every ocassion. Ik Historia's mom was really crappy & had regrets but she didn't deserve that from Kenny. Ymir come back & hug Historia pls💚

Yes!! Erwin Backstory! I love how he took his trauma of the loss of his Father & turned it into his motivation of finding the Truth! It's so sad but man now we know where all that drive comes from. To come to terms with not only the government killing your father but knowing that you played a part in your father's death for talking...speechless. It makes his character all the more human as many of his comrades & people call him "Devil" or "Demon" yes he can be that but finding this out just made him feel more human. That smile he gave at the end of Season 2 makes this even more meaningful. Historia reading books on how family should be & the brutal awakening that she would never recieve that from her mom, heartbreaking. Lots of theories, lots of things at play. Ha ha yes bring out the board!🙌🏽⭐ I can't believe I missed that scene of King Jean wearing that hat! We love! Kenny Kenny Kenny you sly man he just pops up at every ocassion. Ik Historia's mom was really crappy & had regrets but she didn't deserve that from Kenny. Ymir come back & hug Historia pls💚


YES! I've been waiting for backstory on him since Season 1 and we FINALLY get some! Yessss, the smile at the end of season 2, being one step closer to the truth -- it's all making sense, now! I love it! He's a demon as the commander of the Survey Corps, but he's also human and just wants to uncover the truth to avenge his father's death...you gotta love it! And YES! Historia's past is tragic and it's a shame her concept of "love" is so warped and twisted...Ymir was really the best thing to happen to her. And Kenny...ooooohhhhhhhhh Kenny...I've grown to love his character more and more each episode. :) We shall see what happens with him, eh? But seriously, if Ymir could pop back up and save Historia, that'd be great!