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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/t6lw6g

 A stand alone story of intrigue and revenge, indeed -- I love when our crime consulting boys get to flex and this story is the perfect vehicle for that! These nobles, though, eh? -_- Loved the visual symbolism in this episode!   

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Moriarty the Patriot: Episode 4 Reaction! "A Rare Breed!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/t6lw6g A stand alone story of intrigue and revenge, indeed -- I love when our crime consulting boys get to flex and this story is the perfect vehicle for that! These nobles, though, eh? -_- Loved the visual symbolism in this episode! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Moth (GreenAppleSause)

The majority of the episode titles aren't named after Sherlock stories, what you're thinking of is A Study in Scarlet linking to The Scarlet Eyes. Which makes sense in a way, A Study in Scarlet was where Watson and Sherlock met, while The Scarlet Eyes is where the Moriar-three met and became family. I swear, every reaction of yours I watch, I just wait for the accidental foreshadowing. It's always a treat to see how off handed a comment is when knowing it's a very accurate statement. I love how this show remembers it takes place in the mid to late 1880s. Most people didn't know a lot of fruits were edible in Victorian England, so people wouldn't know that grapefruit could interact with medicines in the way that it does here, unless they went and researched it like we saw William doing briefly in this episode. Also they (William and Louis, Albert is staying close to London for work) moved to Durham because William now works at the school there. Durham University still exists to this day, and does look like it does in this anime.


I really liked this stand-alone episode and the next one. I liked in this episode how William says to the noble they are `James Moriarty`. He means him, albert and louis together are James Moriarty, About one of your questions, it could be that William applied as a teacher at the university because he 1) genuinly loves math and loves to teach but also 2) universities during those times were places where only the nobility and upper class had access to. Lower and Middle class parents would not have been able to send their sons there. It could be a good place to scout information. I really can not wait for next week`s episode because I feel that atmospherically it fits well with tis spooky season.

Rei Hasuke

This show is so good! Something you’ll come to realize is that Moriarty carries out these executions very carefully. He always makes sure there’s no way of tracing the crimes back to himself or his associates. In this case the man’s death looks like it was due to accidentally combining grapefruit and his medicine. In the first case he got someone else to carry out the task for him. He makes sure the blood is never on his own hands. Truly a worthy consultant indeed ^^


Oooooh, that's a good connection to make -- it's like we're seeing the "Moriarty Versions" of the Sherlock tales, which is exciting! :) And ha! I didn't realize that I do that, but that's really funny -- things that I don't realize are going to come back later on -- but that's half the fun, right? If AOT has taught me anything... And yes! The "practical" resolutions to the crimes/situations are all reflective of the time period they take place in -- I love it! I like the realism of the locations and the scenarios in this! I'm sad that Albert is separated from Louis and William, though.

brianna a

from what I remember, you definitely should wait until you finish the anime to read the manga... some arcs are skipped, and I feel like certain things are moved around timeline-wise... the pacing and mood of the anime and manga feel pretty different because of the focus put on certain things or characters (but they're both good!!!) it just would probably not flow well for you if you tried to read and watch together XD (and I seriously can't wait until sherlock shows up!! and the other characters heheh honestly love everyone so much in this show) ps. the whole "awwwww" look at these three wholesome murderer brothers ^-^ lol


Oooooh yes, the next episode (which I just watched) is one of my FAVORITES of the series so far...for....reasons. :) I hadn't realized that, but that is really cool how Albert, Louis, and William all refer to themselves as one "group" and one name -- and that's such a good point, too, about why William would want to teach. So interesting! And yesssss, Episode 5 will be JUST in time for Halloween! :) Thanks for the kind words and comment!


Yes, I like that Moriarty takes care to not get anyone else around him "caught." He wants it to be the "perfect crime" and to have no one involved that it can be traced back to. And yessss, a true consultant, indeed. That's a great point that William helps carry out the crime, but keeps himself at a safe distance. :)


Oooh, thank you for the recommendation! I definitely want to read the manga, and will probably do a Soapbox about it afterwards, but that's great to know that I can wait a bit to make sure nothing is spoiled. Thanks! ^^

Reuben Filimaua

Fun reaction and discussion. My interpretation of the ending credit sequence is that its them as kids having fun not caring about how dirty they get. Considering who they become and who they are.. you could see the paint on them as blood. Its a distinct contrast to them as criminals who commit these crimes so carefully and presise to not get caught and yet at the same time they still have the same lack of care in how "dirty" they get. No matter how much blood they get on their hands (there's a shot focused on their hands drenched with paint), it all is for a good cause to destroy the system and bring about a better world.


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! :D Ahhhhh, that is a really cool interpretation! And contrast of paint and blood -- man, that makes the ED a LOT more morbid when you think about it! @_@ That's interesting to contrast with the end of the ED, where the waterfall has "rinsed" them clean, eh? But it also looks like there's blood in the water with the family crest! That's really cool! I like that interpretation! :D

Toni simi

The kid with brown hair in William's class is voiced by Takeo Ootsuka who voiced Kakeru from Kazetsuyo. The show does a really good job in making the nobles unlikeable. You don't feel bad for them when they get killed. And often it feels pretty satisfying. I just find it fascinating that William tries everything that no one will be able to let the crime trace back to anyone. He not only protects himself but also others. I really like that about him. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Oooooohhhh!!! Tate? I thought it was Haiji's VA, so that's hilarious if it was Kakeru's! XD Yeah, you definitely get the sense of justice in Moriarty's actions in these episodes, which I'm sure is the intent! It'll be interesting, I'm sure, once Sherlock gets thrown into the mix, here. And YES! He's trying to protect not only himself, but everyone else involved -- he's at least considerate in that regard! :) Thank you for the kind words and have a great day, too!