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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/uquyo7  

This episode has two acts that tie Kyouka and Atsushi together with a common thread of love -- though, it's not love as a "normal" person would perhaps describe it. This episode is very intriguing and posts some interesting thoughts on perspective and how one's views may not change, necessarily, but can become more informed and developed over time... 

 ...Oh, and for the record: Kyouka's parents (especially her dad) can GET IT.  Just saying. I need a prequel spinoff series with them, please.  

 Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3: Episode 6 Reaction! "Herurisu & Portrait of a Father!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/uquyo7 This episode has two acts that tie Kyouka and Atsushi together with a common thread of love -- though, it's not love as a "normal" person would perhaps describe it. This episode is very intriguing and posts some interesting thoughts on perspective and how one's views may not change, necessarily, but can become more informed and developed over time... ...Oh, and for the record: Kyouka's parents (especially her dad) can GET IT. Just saying. I need a prequel spinoff series with them, please. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Moth (GreenAppleSause)

I do feel like that talk Dazai gave Atsushi was both about him and Akutagawa, but also Dazai and Mori. We know Mori is not the greatest mentor figure, but he knows how to... cultivate talents in people. We've seen it in how he lets Akutagawa go off on his own, we saw it in how he treated Dazai and Chuuya in Fifteen, and we see it later in the manga with a different character. But the way he can go about this is horrible (with the last one especially). I think a good through line in this episode, and one to keep in mind for this season, is how far people are willing to go for family - blood related or not. With Kyouka's parents and how willing they were to die for her, and with the Headmaster with the fact that he was willing to face Atsushi and all the rage he may have built up - maybe even face the ADA itself, no matter how powerful. It's actually something we've already seen a fair amount this season. Randou going after Arahabaki even after Paul's death (not going into specifics because Stormbringer), the ADA all going after the gang that hurt the coffee man, Gin and Akutagawa keeping their relation secret because it's likely that if it's known you care about someone in the underworld, they will get hurt to get to you, Kunikida caring about Katai, Kouyou spending half her yearly budget on giving Kyouka the truth, the bits of the Portrait of a Father that weren't animated that show Atsushi bonding with someone else. I've said this show has a lot of found family before, and it still holds On a different note, I was hoping to have Louisa's shawl finished by Fitzgerald Rising, but I don't know if I will now. It really creeped up.


The pacing of this season is much different. But I do appreciate these slowing down and getting to know some of our characters better episodes. Plot will come, just not quite yet.


Yeah, it's been an odd season compared to the others, but I still really like it! I'm very curious how the second half of the season will go, though! :D Thanks for the words of encouragement!! :D :D


Hmmm, that's interesting about Mori -- I'll be excited to get to that in the manga! And that's a really interesting note about how far people are willing to go for those they care about! Hmmm...I DEFINITELY think we see it in the coffee part of the last episode, with Gin and Akutagawa, and with the others in this season -- I hadn't considered that thread tying it all together, but I like that! Oooohhh, definitely send a picture when you finish it, even if it's after next week! :D :D

Anastasia -

I very much liked the idea of "something you hated actually came from the place of love". Just as Kyouka's parents, the headmaster probably was a very secretive person involved in government or criminal world... Too much calmness in the face of a tiger child! As per BSD fandom wiki, "Herurisu is the romanization of cherrírs, a Palauan word that refers to jealousy or over-possessiveness for one's spouse. This is featured in the real-life Atsushi Nakajima's work Husband and Wife, where two women compete over a man."


Yes, it's a really interesting theme that applies to this series very well and it's neat to see that illustrated through Kyouka's parents and the headmaster -- I now which we'd get more of both parties, since they're so interesting! Oh wow, and that's so cool to know that this is the title of an actual Atsushi work! I love that! :) Thanks for that info!


Wow. Thanks for sharing about that translation. I was trying to look it up in Japanese dictionaries, and it just didn’t seem to be a word. And that’s interesting. Do you think it is referring to the Kyouka/Lucy/Atsushi dynamic? I never shipped Atsushi with Kyouka, but I think Asagiri might..


If you haven’t seen them yet, would you consider reacting to Dororo and/or Durarara (similar sounding but unrelated) at some point? Dororo is an amazing anime but I don’t know how many people have seen it. I think Durarara shares a certain amount of fan base with BSD. Though I also hope you’ll react to Wan when the season is done, it’s really fun.


I can see how those watching this show might ship Atsushi with either Kyouka or Lucy, but I just can't quite get into the ship, hahaha! Shin Soukoku is too strong! :P


Oh, both of those are definitely going to be on the BSD/AOT replacement polls! I've heard Dororo is great, as is Durarara, so I definitely want to include them -- and YES! Much like MDZSQ, I want to watch BSD Wan when I'm done with the main show! :D

Toni simi

A reason why I'm not loving this season as much as the second is the pacing is really weird. I like the theme of 'something you hated actually came from a place of love'. We've seen this in so many different ways through out this series with different characters. And everyone dealt with it and felt differently. It's something I find really interesting. Can we get a spin off about Kyouka's parents? They were so badass in this one scene and I need more of that. They also look really good. Kouyou looked too pretty there. I just love how much she cares for Kyouka and tries to help her even now. I'm totally against the Headmaster's methods. Not only chaining up a little kid but also torturing him. It doesn't matter that he did it to make Atsushi stronger when he's older. But I can't just completely hate the headmaster. In shows I'm too weak for that. The proud smile of the headmaster shouldn't made me so emotional. I really like that Dazai tells Atsushi that he doesn't need to forgive him. He did horrible things to Atsushi and it's his choice to forgive him or not. Wish you a wonderful day!!


I COMPLETELY understand that! I think at this point -- can't make a final call until the end of the season -- I do like Season 2 a little more for its cohesion; it's weird because I love these individual episodes for season 3, but like you said; the pacing is a little odd. I am sure when I read the manga it'll make more sense! I love the theme of this episode, though! And Kyouka's parents are just sooooo great as side characters. Need their spinoff ASAP! :) And Kouyou...she looked SO GOOD in this episode as well! I'm with you on the headmaster, too -- this show loves to make it's characters not just be downright 100% evil, but show some redeeming qualities, despite all the bad. I don't agree with his methods either, but after this episode, I can't FULLY hate him. And Dazai's words really struck a cord here. Thanks so much for the kind words, and have a wonderful day, too!


Ah...this episode and the backstory in the beginning taking up 3 whole episodes is why I was disappointed in the season. I understand the sentiment of "something comes from a place of love" but the way the episode portrayed the headmaster and how dazai kinda equated atsushi`s abuser with a father...it made me horribly uncomfortable. Especially because through this episode (which left out a lot of core pieces for our main characters development) a lot of watchers felt sympathy and kinda a bit forgiveness and the sentiment of "he made atsushi stronger through what he did". I found it disgusting because atsushi only became stronger not BECAUSE of what happened, but DESPITE of it. All in all this episode should have been 2 episodes and portrayed not the full extent of the cruelty atsushi had to endure and as someone that loves him more than any other character the pacing of this season in general really displeased me. The talk that dazai had with atsushi at the end also made me slightly negative towards him...but anyways. I really hope you read the manga afterwards :)


Ahhhh, okay, so I'm glad you posted this comment -- this episode did make me feel uneasy, because it does seem to want us as the audience to feel some shred of sympathy for The Headmaster, and while he may have had better intentions than "just being the worst" -- he still did things that were wrong and awful to Atsushi, and Dazai's speech comes across more as Dazai trying to justify his actions towards Akutagawa and how Mori shaped Dazai specifically than how the Headmaster was towards Atsushi. I do admit it left me uncomfortable upon initial viewing as well! I DEFINITELY am going to read the manga with this series, so I'm excited to see how it will be different! Thank you so much for the insight, here!