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Hey everyone!

I'm going to be working on an "Attack on Titan: Season One Recap, Review, and RIP" video to go over my thoughts on Season One of the show (and do a few other fun things)! 

I want to ask you all on Patreon if you have any questions or discussion topics you want me to dive into with the video! I'm hoping to have about 5-10 questions/topics to answer in the video! 

Cheers! We're almost to the end of Season One! 


Jordan G

Ohh very excited to watch that! Will there be a ships section 👀


I need expectations/predictions for season 2 ! Imo it would be fun to revisit that topic at the end of each season and compare what you wanted to get and what we actually got, since theorizing was the thing to do back then when we all had no idea - Like i said, the stuff people came up with was wild. I remember your expectations for Levi's character for example. I think it's fair to say that you got something different than expected. I also think you liked it better :) Also, what is even going on ? Give us the big picture ! We got some answers, but not really... kinda ^^... did we ? What's in the basement ? Is it all a government conspiracy ? Is it aliens ? Did Titans build the pyramids ? Are there characters you want to know more about and why is Pixis at the top of that list ? Or does someone else sit on that throne now ? And while we are at it, who is gonna live and who is gonna... get replaced ? I think we all need a "these people are safe imo"-list at the very least, haha. The heart and soul of AoT are the characters of course, despite what the plot would suggest. Are there characters that grew in ways you wouldn't have predicted over the season ? Jean would come to mind of course, but i think the show thrives on character development. So, favorite developments ? Who needs/do you want to step up their game a notch or two ? I feel like you could fill two videos already when talking about specific characters in-depth. On a bit more serious side, can you identify overarching themes ? Are there some that stand out to you/you resonate with most ? Are there any that you see more critically ?


**Takes out Notebook and starts Jotting Down Questions** Hahaha!! But in all seriousness, some of these I planned on talking about but I really like the idea of the "Predictions" segment, "What's Happening?", and especially the "Safe" list of characters -- though as soon as I write it down, I will doom that character to an untimely death I'm sure! hahahaha! I also like the character questions -- this is exactly what I was looking for, so thank you for all the suggestions!! :D :D Yeah, it's probably going to be a long video...but it's taking the place of a livestream, so of course it'll be long! :D

Pada Lee

I agree that predictions would be fun. I’ve also seen tier lists for characters while explaining your opinion/thoughts on each character ranked but that tends to be pretty long. I also would love to hear ships, haha. Are there characters you want to know more about or otherwise want to see more of in the story? Favorite scenes? Favorite episodes overall?


I'm definitely doing the tier list for the characters! Hopefully, it won't be too crazy! :D I feel I've talked about these characters a lot over the season, so it won't get too long, hopefully. And YES! Thank you for reminding me about the episodes - I definitely want to rank the episodes and talk about favorite scenes! :)


What about the show so far has strayed from what your expectations were before you started? Is there anywhere you were hoping it would go but it didn't? Or the opposite, are there any twists that were completely unexpected that you really like?

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:21:51 Oooh, those are great questions to ask about the expectations and twists! Thank you for those!! <3
2021-09-02 01:05:57 Oooh, those are great questions to ask about the expectations and twists! Thank you for those!! <3

Oooh, those are great questions to ask about the expectations and twists! Thank you for those!! <3

Mihail Babus

I hope this isn't too personal, if so feel free to ignore it. If you were born into the world of this story, would you be grateful or resent your existence? Assuming that's the only world you know of course. I think Eren is the type of person who values life despite the burdens and threats. (Titans, Class separation, etc.)


Oh wow! That is SUCH an interesting question...If I didn't know anything else but that world...that's hard to say, I'll have to think about that answer for the recap video, but thank you for that really interesting question! :D If I were a character, I'd like to think I'd be like Armin, but I'd probably be like Jean at the start of the season. I can only hope I'd end up being like Jean at the END of the season. :)