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Link to Reaction: https://streamable.com/3zenia  

Remember when I said the last episode was painful? No, no, that episode was hard, but the aftermath of the survey corp's resounding failure? No, THIS is straight up PAIN. 

 I have never wanted to reach through the screen and hug someone like I have for Levi, Erwin, Eren...all of them this episode. And you're telling me we're back to square one where we left off at Episode 14?! Where do we go to from here!? And only THREE episodes left?! **screams into the void**   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan: Episode 22 Reaction! "The Defeated!"

Link to Reaction: https://streamable.com/3zenia Remember when I said the last episode was painful? No, no, that episode was hard, but the aftermath of the survey corp's resounding failure? No, THIS is straight up PAIN. I have never wanted to reach through the screen and hug someone like I have for Levi, Erwin, Eren...all of them this episode. And you're telling me we're back to square one where we left off at Episode 14?! Where do we go to from here!? And only THREE episodes left?! **screams into the void** Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



this episode hurts so so much 😭😭 the bit with Petra’s father kills me every time


I was doing..."okay"...until Petra's father walked up. I had resigned to thinking she was an orphan, but seeing that no, no she had a family, and they all thought so highly of her....just PAIN. Straight up PAIN. T___T


What a tough episode! When will Eren and the gang catch a break? 😭 I just wanted to point out that it's alluded that the survey corps patch Levi gives to Dieter wasn't Ivan's at all. Since earlier in the episode, it showed Levi cutting the patch from a soldier (possibly Petra's?) before Dieter even retrieved Ivan's body. All of these characters just have so much trauma and it's only the beginning! Thank you for the reaction and I can't wait for more!


Seriously! This show is just out to knock EVERYONE down! T-T Ohhhhh.....oh wow....I hadn't even placed the timeline together...so....so you mean....that Levi might have taken off Petra's patch to keep for himself, but gave it to Dieter because he saw he needed it to get through more than him? Oh, okay. That's fine. *sobs in corner* "It's only the beginning." - Ahahahahahaha....Yay! **nervous laughter** Thank you for the kind words and I'm SO excited for the final three episodes of the season!!

Raad A

Oh I can write an essay about this episode, it's without a doubt one of my favorite episodes in the show and to me it was the highlight of season one as the show did something different, it showed that every character's death matter. To us as viewers we care more about the three trio, the cool character (Levi), and are interested by the commander, to us those side characters didn't really matter that much (dead 1, dead 2, dead 3 and Petra :D ), but no this episode explored a different angle and showed that those character got families, friends and loved ones. It showed that Levi is so OP that he could fight most of the titans himself (alone), and yet he sometime depend on his comrades (believing in my abilities or trusting my comrades), and I think twisting his leg was needed (more on that latter) It also explored what happen when someone doesn't follow orders (due to emotions or inexperience) like Eren, Mikasa and the two other soldiers. Regarding the titan crying, at this point I viewed it as either a reflection on her actions (author try to humanize the villain), or she is just crying because she failed her mission. Erwin and Levi conversation with the soldiers was great, the episode also explored the toll/efforts it take for someone to be the commander of a suicide squad. It's sadder when you take into consideration, how long Levi and Erwin have been doing it?, and how many comrades they have lost? I loved the scene where they had to drop the bodies, it was so logical and yet so brutal, Levi depression, knowing that he can't do anything and the toll of such an order. Petra's shot was a very sad shot, but I like the addition of it, because Levi's order affected those close to him (In a different anime, Levi would have saved her and break his order, just because it's someone close to him), so I really liked that. Oh BTW the badge (wings of hope) that Levi gave Dieter wasn't Ivan's (remember Ivan was missing when Levi was cutting the badge and Ivan's body went missing again after the titans attacked), it was one of Levi's squad and most probably it was petra's, this show how much compassion Levi has, and also how much he will go through to make one of his subordinate heal or have a peace of mind (instead of him keeping a token to remember them by). All and all a great reaction, and a great discussion.


SO TRUE -- every life having an affect and mattering -- this episode is so painful, but so good. I love the themes that it's presenting to us and the parallels from the start of the season! I definitely want to bring up your point about depending on comrades and actions having consequences, especially when it comes to following orders, so I'm glad you've brought this up! I've watched Episode 23, but not 24 right now, so I'll definitely bring it up there! I agree about why the titan was crying at this point, and yessss, Levi making the decision to dump the bodies -- his control in that moment contrasted with how Mikasa and Eren flew off the handle really establishes the difference between these characters, and YES! Y'all have just flooded me back with more PAIN as I realize it was Petra's badge...I just....need to process. *sigh* Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I am SO HYPED for the last of this season!!

daragh faro

Can't wait to get home to watch this. Going to be like the 20th time I have seen this episode and no doubt I will tear up and experience the scouts pain all over again. I think this episode perfectly depicts the life the scouts, pain, loss, and more pain and loss. But experiencing it for the first time at least makes you feel closer to the scouts.. we finally understand the faces and feelings they came to town with in the first episode when they finished their expedition. I know you have heard this before but this first season is literally touching the tip of a giant iceberg and I can not wait to experience season 2 with you!


Thank you for the kind words -- I honestly get it. This episode HURTS. I thought re-watching during the discussion would be okay....but it was still painful. Man....


This episode hits HARD. Specially when we see Levi's reaction. He isn't the type to show his emotions, but that looook! you can really see he cared for his team, specially Petra. His look when he sees she is being thrown down is just PAIN Btw, it is important that you watch the whole end credits for the last episode. Can't wait for the final 3 episodes


Levi doesn't have to cry or scream to convey emotion -- his eyes, whether they're gleaming, tinted in red, or devoid of light -- they are truly windows to his soul, and they CRUSHED me this episode. T__T Thank you for the heads up with the end credits scene with the last episode and ooooooh, I can't wait either!!

daragh faro

Can confirm I teared up during multiple scenes again but it was worth it. That analogy with the bone was perfect, couldn't describe the way they torture us any better. It must be exciting for you to see how the season ends with only 3 episodes left, this episode almost felt like a pre finale and makes it feel like its the end for the scouts, but the plot lines in this show are so rich that I think you will enjoy how the rest unfolds!


Seriously, I can only IMAGINE the mangaka cackling as they torture us...it's genius, but oh so painful! I am SO EXCITED to get into the last three episodes -- this episode definitely felt like the gateway to the season finale and the next three episodes are alllll leading up to it! So much hype!!

Toni simi

"If only you would have protected Eren" Mikasa? His squad died trying to protect Eren. When Mikasa gets controlled by her emotions she really can piss me off. XD Everytime there is some kind of big fight or war in a show the moment when it's over and all the survivors see the corpses, that's what hurts me the most. I feel bad and have so much respect for Erwin and Levi. I don't want to know how often they have to hear people say they don't have human feelings. Erwin probably feeling responsible for all these deaths ties back to Pixis and trost. He knows he's the one who made the decision and that every of these deaths are on him. The parallels between the commanders. I'm sure Levi will give Erwin a hug when they're alone. Sorry, my EruRi shipper came out. XD I think the badge Levi gave Dieter was Petra's because we saw him kneeling in front of her body and taking the badge. It's so strong of Levi to give it to Dieter instead of holding onto it himself. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Yeah, not going to lie, that line irked me -- you're absolutely right; Mikasa is so calm under pressure unless Eren's involved, and then she lets her emotions get the better of her. I definitely think that Erwin and Pixis represent the sad side of leadership in war; taking responsibility of the lives lost....I can't imagine the pressure of that, and he's been a leader for...ten years? Did they say that? And Ahhhh, I totally get the Levi x Erwin ship! I need more of them together in the future with the show! And yesssss, the whole thing with the badge being Petra's is absolutely HEARTBREAKING! I've already recorded the episode where I give credit to others above who mentioned the thing about the badge, so apologies if you're not included on it! But thank you for pointing that out and for the comment! Have a great day, too!