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Link to Audio Drama (Chapters 11-12): https://youtu.be/ZKIGF-xFD3o
Link to Audio Drama (Chapters 13 -15): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVZ5kivgBEE&list=PL2iQPHlA1BhyUQjjaWuV2kRYa7xR9HFfV&index=6  

NOTE: The first link starts at the end of Chapter 12; I can't get it to correct, so just start the video over. ^^ Apologies!!

We're in uncharted waters, y'all! WuXian's feelings for Wangji are slowly being revealed and he makes a bold decision -- good thing for us it backfires!  We're also getting into the flashbacks, now, so fun times!  Time to dive into Chapters 11-15 of the novel and its adaptation in the manhua and audio drama!

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Mo Dao Zu Shi: Audio Drama, Manhua, & Novel Review - Part Three!

Link to Audio Drama (Chapters 11-12): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKIGF-xFD3o&list=PL2iQPHlA1BhyUQjjaWuV2kRYa7xR9HFfV&index=5&t=782s Link to Audio Drama (Chapters 13 -15): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVZ5kivgBEE&list=PL2iQPHlA1BhyUQjjaWuV2kRYa7xR9HFfV&index=6 We're in uncharted waters, y'all! WuXian's feelings for Wangji are slowly being revealed and he makes a bold decision -- good thing for us it backfires! We're also getting into the flashbacks, now, so fun times! Time to dive into Chapters 11-15 of the novel and its adaptation in the manhua and audio drama! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anastasia -

Oh, the first link appears to have a timestamp, I was a little confused about video starting in the middle XD Lan Zhan got so thick-faced in all those years! Just from telling juniors "Drag him to my personal quarters" straight into "Then stay like this for a whole night"! BTW, what are your thoughts on why Lan Zhan never speaks of his scars and sun brand mark? Apart from "not anyone's business", of course, since clearly Wei Ying is involved somehow. All that gay chicken game, though... keep that in mind for the end of the novel. Rereading will give you a new perspective on that, as always. I love manhua robe designs the most, I must admit. The faces, too, but robes are the noticeable point of difference. So simple and not adorned, just like Lan rules probably approve the most. Also, thick Wangji daddy vibes toned down to the minimum XD The rules of Cloud Recesses are a great subject of discussion. While young cultivators regard them as restrictions, this place is, of course, half monastery and half university for a dangerous job involving spirit and body refinement, so the rules actually make sense, don't they? Including vegetarian food with no spice, no running, no frivolous actions, no alcohol, it's about keeping purity and balance of body and mind. If you dig deeper, though, it kinda connects with "modern" idea of mindfulness and planning your life to the extent where small decisions like choosing your dinner don't eat away at your mental capacity. For Lan Zhan, the rules are not cage bars but ribs in his chest, most likely. Either way, he's probably learned to let the reins loose when those rules threaten to actually suffocate, himself and juniors as well. Jingyi totally ignores the no screaming or running rules most of the time! I love the yao-mo-gui-guai distinction introduced so early as well. Remember, "demons appear from living humans". Isn't that what the sects feared the Yiling Patriarch has become, in their fears? Isn't that why even Lan sect ignored the rules about helping and not having prejudice about people? How many times had Wei Ying thought of that himself, probably? Along with "You've buried my corpse so many times already" and other foreshadowing this line also looks ominous. Turning to lighter themes: "I'm not from Lan clan and I don't plan to join it, why should I learn the rules"?! Oh how you clowned yourself, Wei Ying. Also, Wei Ying's quick answers at the lesson show just how much he really has learned in the Jiang sect. Probably in less time than others needed, so he had free time to frolick around, but he clearly did study, it was not only about him being a natural genius in cultivation. That damn "Pathetic"/"Boring" response, though. As far as I understand after some reading, that line is more like "Stop being silly" or "Don't you have anything better to do?". Huaisang's position is quite different from Yao: it's not clearly specified, but his mother had to be either second wife or official concubine to Nie papa, has been the senior wife since the death of the first one, and Huaisang was claimed as his son from the very beginning. Yao's mom was never in any kind of official relationship with Jin Guangshan and, being a prostitute, herself had one of the lowest ranks in society, so Yao had very very tough time in getting himself recognised. Even his new name, Guangyao, is itself the sign of Guangshan setting him lower than the "Zi" generation, and keeping the "yao" part means he's not a new person, not really this family's adult. Huaisang being sus after talking about resentful energy, though! Hadn't thought about it much before...

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:30:46 Oh no! I've tried about half a dozen times to fix the time stamp issue, and it's not cooperating at all, so I've added a note to just backtrack the video before starting. Thank you for that! ^^ I find it SO fascinating how Wangji has changed over the course of the novel, or maybe "change" isn't the right word -- he's opened up in so many ways, while still being his stoic self. It's so subtle, but of course, WuXian and XiChen notice! ^^ I'm VERY intrigued about the scars and sear, but I'm keeping my mind off it for now, as I'm sure it will come up later. Ooooh, I love that ribs of the chest vs cage bars metaphor! <3 That's so fitting! The Cloud Recesses take "Self Care" to a new level! ^^ And Poor WuXian is kind of hedonistic, so of course the restraints of the Cloud Recesses aren't to his liking, even after 13 years... I hadn't considered the ominous nature of that explanation in these chapters until now, but that's an excellent point, too. I feel when we get to Wei Ying's death, it's going to be HEARTBREAKING...so I'm not going to think about it right now, haha! And that is interesting to note about Huaisang vs Yao! It's like Yao has had to work his way up to the top despite his status, whereas HuaiSang just kind of lucked into a high position naturally...interesting.....and topping that off with HuaiSang's fascination with resentful energy? Sus sus suspicious.....Hmm. Things to think about! Thanks for the Comment!! ^^
2021-07-12 16:20:26 Oh no! I've tried about half a dozen times to fix the time stamp issue, and it's not cooperating at all, so I've added a note to just backtrack the video before starting. Thank you for that! ^^ I find it SO fascinating how Wangji has changed over the course of the novel, or maybe "change" isn't the right word -- he's opened up in so many ways, while still being his stoic self. It's so subtle, but of course, WuXian and XiChen notice! ^^ I'm VERY intrigued about the scars and sear, but I'm keeping my mind off it for now, as I'm sure it will come up later. Ooooh, I love that ribs of the chest vs cage bars metaphor! <3 That's so fitting! The Cloud Recesses take "Self Care" to a new level! ^^ And Poor WuXian is kind of hedonistic, so of course the restraints of the Cloud Recesses aren't to his liking, even after 13 years... I hadn't considered the ominous nature of that explanation in these chapters until now, but that's an excellent point, too. I feel when we get to Wei Ying's death, it's going to be HEARTBREAKING...so I'm not going to think about it right now, haha! And that is interesting to note about Huaisang vs Yao! It's like Yao has had to work his way up to the top despite his status, whereas HuaiSang just kind of lucked into a high position naturally...interesting.....and topping that off with HuaiSang's fascination with resentful energy? Sus sus suspicious.....Hmm. Things to think about! Thanks for the Comment!! ^^

Oh no! I've tried about half a dozen times to fix the time stamp issue, and it's not cooperating at all, so I've added a note to just backtrack the video before starting. Thank you for that! ^^ I find it SO fascinating how Wangji has changed over the course of the novel, or maybe "change" isn't the right word -- he's opened up in so many ways, while still being his stoic self. It's so subtle, but of course, WuXian and XiChen notice! ^^ I'm VERY intrigued about the scars and sear, but I'm keeping my mind off it for now, as I'm sure it will come up later. Ooooh, I love that ribs of the chest vs cage bars metaphor! <3 That's so fitting! The Cloud Recesses take "Self Care" to a new level! ^^ And Poor WuXian is kind of hedonistic, so of course the restraints of the Cloud Recesses aren't to his liking, even after 13 years... I hadn't considered the ominous nature of that explanation in these chapters until now, but that's an excellent point, too. I feel when we get to Wei Ying's death, it's going to be HEARTBREAKING...so I'm not going to think about it right now, haha! And that is interesting to note about Huaisang vs Yao! It's like Yao has had to work his way up to the top despite his status, whereas HuaiSang just kind of lucked into a high position naturally...interesting.....and topping that off with HuaiSang's fascination with resentful energy? Sus sus suspicious.....Hmm. Things to think about! Thanks for the Comment!! ^^