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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/5ohzyj

This episode has, oddly enough, been my favorite the entire series so far. 

The conclusion of this "Dark Age" arc was just masterfully done -- from Oda's incredible showdown with Gide, to the intricate plotting of Mori, to Dazai's admission of seeking his "purpose" and the connection back to the agency...BRILLIANCE. 

So, let's toast to Oda, to Dazai, to Ango, and to Bungo Stray Dogs -- what a way to round out the first third of Season 2! Cheers. 

Thank you all for watching with me and for the support!


Bungo Stray Dogs Season 2: Episode 4! *Roll Credits!*

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/5ohzyj This episode has, oddly enough, been my favorite the entire series so far. The conclusion of this "Dark Age" arc was just masterfully done -- from Oda's incredible showdown with Gide, to the intricate plotting of Mori, to Dazai's admission of seeking his "purpose" and the connection back to the agency...BRILLIANCE. So, let's toast to Oda, to Dazai, to Ango, and to Bungo Stray Dogs -- what a way to round out the first third of Season 2! Cheers. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anastasia -

Dazai speaks as a true writer here. "Getting close to true human nature", indeed. Well then, he got what he wanted, the bad and the good. I'd recommend not to look into Natsume for now! Just know that he was VERY much an influencer for all 20th century Japan, as Fukuzawa was before. Sakaguchi, well. We've got quite a few of rowdy and crazy stories about Buraiha, in fact. Mostly, Dazai and Ango were prone to drunken antics, and Oda had to bail them out of police stations. Once, Ango invited a girl to his room and she found it covered in toxic anti-insect powder, just so that he didn't have to clean it at all. Oda, on his own, was known to delve into narcotic stuff - well, most of them did it from time to time then. Dazai had HILARIOUS run-ins with Chuuya, who acted like an aggressive chuunibyou chihuahua... Fun times. Yep. Anyway. Back to present next week! Time to escalate the situation. I don't think we'll ever find out if Dazai hides anything under the bandages. At first, that was just an association for his visuals, as mangaka (the artist, not the manga story author) has told. Like, this guy is a cheerful suicide maniac? Let's give him bandages all over! Whether the author worked out some explanations or crazy hidden contraptions/curses for it later, I've never heard of them. Maybe his eye was damaged once and then he just continued with it after it healed. Maybe it's like a pirate eyepatch, useful to see better in the dark when you uncover the previously covered eye.

Melanie Marie

Lots of people see this arc as an amazing addition the animators did in order to honor the light novels and add a little bonus for us to enjoy, but I believe that it’s crucial to the plot moving forward. Besides allowing us to learn more about Dazai (who is practically another MC), it also introduces us to the Special Division for Unusual Powers and the gifted business permit which if you remember was what Fitzgerald wanted from Fukuzawa in season one finale. Plus, other things that you will realize once they’re mentioned…like that cat 😂 So it’s definitively, imo, one if not the most important arc so far in the anime. Plus, it was so much fun. While not my favorite character in the show, I did enjoy Oda a lot. I, especially, loved how we got to learn much more about who Dazai is through his eyes, since Dazai is a VERY “unreliable narrator”. My only peeve with Oda’s character is when he tells Dazai he’ll NEVER find something to fill the hole. I mean, he’s only 18! And, even if it’s true, I think that hearing that from your first and only friend will impact you so much that you may never realize if you do find something to fill that hole. 😭😭 BUT I do love the “if it’s all the same, do it on the side that saves people.” That was beautiful. Dazai asking Taneda “Will I be able to save people?” at the end is one of my favorite lines in the show bc it’s so wholesome…I first watched the dub, and the VA made Dazai sound so young and hopeful while saying it, and I love it. The bandages symbolism has been debated to the death on this fandom. The most popular theory is that it has to do with self injury scars. But, as you noted, he had no scar under those bandages Oda took out so maybe it’s more symbolism of him being slowly taken over by the darkness of the mafia or something and Oda helping him letting go…idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you! I'll hold off researching Natsume -- I figure that until we know the name of his ability (if he has one but I'm sure he does), I'll keep that away from being researched. :) I LOVE the idea of Dazai, Oda, Ango, AND Chuuya in real life running amok and then we have their fictional counterparts....basically doing the same! ^^ And yessss, back to the present! I like that the bandages are an aestheic choice with him...Hmm...it could be symbolic, too. Who knows; all I do know is that scene with Oda ripping off the bandages was GORGEOUS. RIP, Oda. T_T


Just the atmosphere, the pacing, the story, the twists, the character development -- it was all a big ol' **chef's kiss** for me so far! I loved it! I like that we got to learn from Dazai through Oda's perspective, which was a great narrative choice. And geeeezzz, yeah, that part -- I'm not sure I agree, either, maybe he was trying to say that Dazai can't supplement his own emotional turmoil through others, or something to that effect, but yeah -- he's only 18! Haha! And yeah, the fact that Oda is his only friend; Dazai took that to heart. And Oh my GOD! I watched the dub of this and the "Will I be able to save people?" line straight up SLAYED MY HEART. It was so pure and hopeful -- I just gushed. His expression at the end was just...a total 180 from the Port Mafia; it's sad, but it was like he was reborn in the face of Oda's death. And that would make sense if they're mostly symbolic, such as Dazai being "un-blinded" from what the Port Mafia has done to him by having the bandages removed -- maybe that he can "see fully" after hearing Oda's words? Who knows, but it was a beautiful shot!!

Toni simi

There are theories about Ango and his ability, which makes his character even sadder. I really like how the light novel fits really well in to the plot. If I remember right, there are things that wouldn't make as much sense if we didn't had this. Oda is really well written for an character that we only get for such a short while. I personally think the bandages are a symbolism for Dazai letting go from this dark side. Trying to left the port mafia behind and start a better life. The parallel with Dazai reaching for Oda. Of course they had to do that. "Protect the Orphans"  As much as it hurts, Oda's death was so important for Dazai's growth. Now that we're finally here I need to rant a bit. I hate that a lot of people say it's Ango's fault that Oda died. Yes, he was involved in the plan but it wasn't his fault, he was a pawn himself, and I'm sure he never wanted Oda to get killed. Wish you a wonderful day!!


I agree; it makes total sense to adapt the novel to start this season off -- to help build up Dazai, and especially MORI'S character as well! And hmmm...I'll be interested in hopefully seeing more of Ango in the future (no spoilers haha) -- and YES! Oda was SO well-written for the length of time we had him...I'm sad to see him go. I agree; I think Dazai's bandages are mostly symbolic, and Oda loosening the one on his eye shows he's no longer partially "blinded" by the Port Mafia. And of COURSE the parallels -- yes, that line about Protecting the Orphans and then we cut to Episode One with Atsushi? SO GOOD. Oh, I don't think it's Ango's fault Oda died -- it's straight-up Mori's. Mori orchestrated the ENTIRE ordeal, and was very willing to let Oda die so he could get the business permit. I think it's 100% Mori's doing, and Ango was just caught up in his various duties and the role he had to play. Thanks so much for the kind words and have a great day, too!

Melanie Marie

The animators definitively went all out for this arc. They even had 2 OPs; and the second one was used for only ONE episode! And, yes, I agree! While Dazai still has the main traits that made him succeed in the PM, Oda’s death definitively served as giving him some semblance of purpose and thus, willingness to live. The mission to save people and protect the orphans; the bungo stray dogs :) I can’t wait until you see the rest of the season!


YES! The fact that they made TWO Op's astounds me! Like all that work and time for ONE episode's playing? They didn't have to go that hard, but they did! Hahaha! And yessss, it all makes sense why this episode is the title of the series -- it's Dazai's realization of purpose; thanks to Oda, he has a reason to live and motivation to move forward. :3 I just....**sigh** And now for the rest of the season!!