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This episode has a lot going for it: Sousuke moving forward, Natsuya getting the tea from Nao (and giving Nao the tea, literally), Hiyori and Ikuya angst, and Haru has a surprise for us ALL at this tournament!

Oh my, y'all, there's SO MUCH to talk about this episode! 

LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Uj4qEhdTnfrh1k1KM5BYYe?

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Free! Dive to the Future: Episode 7 Reaction! "A Solitary Medley!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Uj4qEhdTnfrh1k1KM5BYYe? Reaction Starts at 3:04! This episode has a lot going for it: Sousuke moving forward, Natsuya getting the tea from Nao (and giving Nao the tea, literally), Hiyori and Ikuya angst, and Haru has a surprise for us ALL at this tournament! Oh my, y'all, there's SO MUCH to talk about this episode! Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Rom... Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack If you want to send me anything, my mailing is: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Toni simi

NatsuNao date!! Nao doesn't have many scenes but he always says the things we want to tell them. I really like that he told Natsuya that he needs to do something. That it can't go on like this. It's nice that he is so proud of his little brother and all but even the strongest people will hit a wall and won't be able to get up on their own. I feel like Natsuya is relying too much on others to look after and help Ikuya when things get harder for him. Ryuji is weird but that's his charm. The Makoto and Ryuji chips scene is hilarious.  XD Kisumi is this College student who just wants to have fun. XD You can see how much he cares for his friends and wants to be there for them. We got another Yamazaki family moment. I really like that conversation between them. The scene between Asahi and Ikuya was wonderful. It's nice that they just talked a bit without anything being over dramatic. When I first started free I would have never thought that Haru will have such a big character development. I love it so much.  When Haru said "You're not alone" yasss. Tell him. Wish you a wonderful day, again.

Melanie Marie

Natsu's ways of dealing with Ikuya always frustrate me. His answer is always, "my brother is amazing so let me leave him alone to figure out things for himself" and I hate that. Even talented people need help and support! Especially from their family! As for Ikuya, his problem will always been his abandonment issues. He has been "abandoned" twice by his brother and his friends and that hurt him. So now, he distances himself from everyone bc then they won't be able to abandon him and make him go through that pain again. He doesn't even trust if he has true friends or teammates since that has failed him in the past. Of course since we are seeing Haru's and the other's points of view, we want to smack Ikuya and tell him that he has people who do care about him. But, if we put ourselves in his shoes, I think we would be hesitant to trust others too, especially people who have already "betrayed" him once more. Plus, the fact that Natsu and Hiyori are all the time telling Ikuya he can do everything bc he is so talented, may also be part of why Ikuya's so screwed up. It cant be easy to have all those expectations set upon him. I would be terrified of failing, making them not proud and losing them. Literally, his mentality is I can't lose or I'll lose the only people I still have..... Asahi and Ikuya's talk was so validating to me bc I was like: "see Hiyori, they talked and the world didn't collapse". Ikuya didn't even seem mad! And that episode finale was so amazing! My jaw was on the floor! Haru was like, "this jerk won't let me talk and swim with my friend? Then, I'll just enter a competition with him." The prequel movie and this season are my favorite...probably bc even though I love Nagisa and Rei, I ADORE Ikuya, Asahi and Kisummi, so I wasn't that broken up about their absence 😅


YES! Finally, some NatsuNao moments together! I just love Nao -- Mako has learned well from him! And YES, Nao was preaching to the choir telling Natsuya to take charge and DO SOMETHING. I am so happy he did that! And yes, Natsuya is relying too much on others; I love his character, but I agree this is the case! Ryuuji has grown on me, with his unabashed, weird ways. And YES, that scene with Mako and him was HILARIOUS!! I just love it. Kisumi is also the party boy, social butterfly of the group! And Sousuke wins for having "most supportive family," hands down. Also, YES! I really did not expect Haru to get so much growth over the course of this show, but here we are! That ending with him and the "You're not alone," was SO GOOD. And of course, the Asahi/Ikuya dynamic is back and I'm all in on it! Thank you for the kind words!! :D


Yes, I'm SO SO glad that Nao came forward and said what needed to be said here, because him passing off responsibility to others just wasn't working AT ALL. Yes, even those with talent need help and support; I like that message, here! It has been really sad seeing Ikuya suffer when we know Haru and the others are trying to reach out. Yeah, Natsuya and Hiyori were not handling that situation the correct way. And YES, The Asahi and Ikuya conversation was SOOOO needed! And ahhh, yes, our dolphin has grown SO much! I just love it! Ahhh, yes, I love Nagisa and Rei, but I won't lie -- the focus and shift to college life has been a welcome one! :)