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The SK8 Replacement Poll is HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50622095

If you thought that love hotels and infinity daps would be the peak of this series, you would be WRONG, my friend! This series' third act is cranking the chaos and insanity up a notch, and I can't tell you how here I am for it!

Reki and Langa are back in action, and while Langa may be the prodigy of our series, this episode was ALL REKI'S -- from start to finish. I love our sunshine inventor so much and he proved his mettle in this episode, taking on a fiendish Adam...who gets his just desserts! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/My3DvVSXiEwpQrhm7ovedV?

But y'all, SO MUCH to talk about -- watching this episode and the dub afterwards was like having a great meal -- and now, it's time for the cake next episode...right?!

Thanks for watching and for all the support!


SK8 The Infinity: Episode 11 Reaction! "King vs. Nobody!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/My3DvVSXiEwpQrhm7ovedV? The SK8 Replacement Poll is HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50622095 If you thought that love hotels and infinity daps would be the peak of this series, you would be WRONG, my friend! This series' third act is cranking the chaos and insanity up a notch, and I can't tell you how here I am for it! Reki and Langa are back in action, and while Langa may be the prodigy of our series, this episode was ALL REKI'S -- from start to finish. I love our sunshine inventor so much and he proved his mettle in this episode, taking on a fiendish Adam...who gets his just desserts! But y'all, SO MUCH to talk about -- watching this episode and the dub afterwards was like having a great meal -- and now, it's time for the cake next episode...right?! Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Rom... Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack ​


Jordan G

I love ADAM let me tell you that. Even so my traitorous heart found great joy in seeing him trip not once but twice 😔. The amount of videos I've seen of him falling on loop oof. The catch at the end was just *chefs kiss* perfection. Excited for next week oooh

Melanie Marie

I love this episode so much. Reki’s arc was my favorite of the series, probably bc I relate a lot with him, and the ending of it was perfect.

WuXian Suibian

The rise of Reki! As you said I love how they use the establish character traits for Reki to help him move forward. He did not get some spontaneous or miraculous power up, he just finally accepted his own skills be they inventing or his own skateboarding skills to drive him further forward. Of course this all leads him to reconnecting with WHY he loved skating in the first place, the fun of skating and especially skating with friends. Oka kind of reminds me of Max from Banana Fish that father figure but also his looks feel like a thinner/younger max. Adam falling in the mud was SO satisfying and SO well deserved. Adam is one of those character that is SO well written we just have to hate him matter. He is just that well written as antagonist. There's at least one other character I can think of that like him, so we written you just hate them (Umm, Akito). You can love the writing, but still hate or dislike the character.


YES! Reki finally realized what makes him a great skater (his innovation and skills with technology) and he was able to use it to his advantage -- against ADAM no less! And yes, the fun of skateboarding -- it's different for each of them, but I'm so happy Reki found his happiness in this episode! And I can SOOOOO see the Max/Oka comparison! Does that make Miya like Sing? :P Bwahahaaha, I find Adam's character so intriguing, but YES, a thousand times YES, him falling in the mud was SO satisfying after what all has happened over the course of this season! Adam is a darn good antagonist and ahhhh, yes Akito is a good comparison! And the writing on him? Wonderful! SO ready for episode 12, but not for this series to end!


Reki has become one of my favorite characters in the show and I just LOVE that this episode was ALLLLL his! He finally shows he can stand up with Joe, Cherry, Langa, and the others, and I LOVE IT! Ahhhh...so sad/ready/excited for the final episode!


OH, the catch? That was perfection -- I have become really invested in Adam and Tadashi's story in this series as much as our other pairings, so that was wonderful! But yeah, him falling in the mud (twice) was just deserved, especially after his actions to Cherry and Reki! And ahhhh, I can imagine the falling loop! :D Ooooh, I'm SO excited for next week, but sooooo sad because it'll be the last one. :'(

Toni simi

Sk8 suprised us all a lot. XD Oh god, this one sentence in the dub. XD When little Adam said skating is fun,he reminded me a bit of little Rin. I'm not sure why maybe they're expression were similar. I really like the contrast between the scenes with Reki and Langa and Adam and Tadashi. Seeing Reki happy makes me happy too. Miya is such a cinnamon roll. The last few episodes he really stole my heart. Cherry's laugh is everything I needed. Reki finally got his moment, like he deserved. I think this was the most satisfying "lose" I've ever saw. It was obvious that Adam would win, because of the storyline, but it felt like Reki won and I really like that.  I like Adam as a character because he's really interesting but I don't like him as a person. Adam falling was one of the best things ever. I laughed so much. XD It's something that happens to a Skater but because Adam is so good at it, it feels so satisfying to watch. XD Adam really went into a different villian mode this episode. He was terrifying. The whole situation with him is so comlicated and problematic. Why can't characters just go to therapy? That would make everything easier. XD When they were in the group after the race it looks like they left a spot open for Shadow. That was adorable. Uh yes the Cindereki audio drama.  I'm excited for it. XD Have a wonderful day!!


The sheer parallels of Reki, Langa, Adam, and Tadashi in this episode were WONDERFUL -- I loved all the comparisons and contrast! I can't believe we got Cherry laughing -- his voice actor being the same one for Rukawa from Slam Dunk amazes me! Also, Miya tearing up? PRECIOUS. Reki FINALLY getting to show his skill and prove he's an amazing skater, too? PRICELESS! And YES, I think we all knew that Adam would win the beef, but the fact that Reki pulled all of that off and rallied the crowd to him was fantastic and so, so satisfying!! And yesss, I agree with you 100% -- the writing for Adam's character is one of my favorite things in the show! Even if he is a terrible character; that sploot in the mud was so wonderful! And yessss, I have a headcanon that Harry, that one-shot skater, is actually a therapist and wondering how he can help in all this. XD It WOULD make things easier! I did NOT notice that spot open for Shadow! Yessssss, that's a cool note to observe! And YES, the Cindereki drama. SO READY! Thanks for the kind word and have a wonderful day, too!