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I started out this episode with so many questions...and somehow left with EVEN MORE. 

The plot is thickening, the past is unraveling, and there's so many perspectives and versions of memories at work, it's hard to know who to believe! 

One thing is for certain: This show is hooking me deeper and deeper!

Thank you for watching the full length reaction and for the support!


Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 2: Episode 5 Reaction! "Untamed!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/AtiFbM2nwhVo7kGB5pyXge? I started out this episode with so many questions...and somehow left with EVEN MORE. The plot is thickening, the past is unraveling, and there's so many perspectives and versions of memories at work, it's hard to know who to believe! One thing is for certain: This show is hooking me deeper and deeper! Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Rom... Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack ​


Anastasia -

This episode was a big chalice of pain for everyone. Answers for some questions, even more questions in return, just as you said. I personally believe Wei Ying shouldn't have revived Wen Ning. It's a widely known point of no return for many literary characters, trying to create or return life. Of course, he had too many arrows pointed at him anyway, and saving even one of the fallen may be seen as a good deed... saving one of those his own share of victories over Wen clan had doomed. Maybe he just felt he owed Wen Qing and her extended family too much. Just as he overdid the war and saved Jiang Cheng, for owing the Jiang clan. Always remembering the words that he's noone if he doesn't pay back all the good he received. The other option... well. Wei Ying emerged out of Burial Mounds carrying vengeful spirits with him, didn't he? Those who were dead long ago, those who died fighting against the Wens, and now the Wens themselves. Perharps their dead voices also called to him and fueled Wen Ning's undead vengeance as well. The scene of breaking up with Jiang Cheng is one of the most powerful in the whole show. Two people who are both right, who are both wrong and who still are brothers, after all that transpired. Who get each other on such a deep level, even when fighting. Wei Ying can't turn back from his decisions, his sense of justice calls to action. Jiang Cheng can't turn away form his newly recreated clan and make enemy of the cultivation world of himself and his subordinates. The sense of "fate dictated this, their characters created the fate" is strong in this episode. Wens were destined to wither and die. Wei Ying was destined to fall from grace. Lan Zhan was destined to lose him. Jins were destined to grab power... for time being. And then... the new life where Wei Ying can say he's sorry. And new young cultivators who can see him for who he is. Mmhm, I'd say the "- give us the seal - no way" part was made so more powerful in live action, so full of boiling emotions, Yiling Patriarch for the win! That's just a tiny bit to hype you up even more, of course XD Wen Yuan ahh. A boy who is guilty from the birth, just by being a Wen. A little green shoot who can't grow into a red flower. I think Wei Ying would be much more gloomy in those times if not for him. The Jiang motto, "Attempt the impossible" is actually a Chinese classics citation and carries kinda different meaning that we fandom all thought of at the first glance. I'd recommend googling the explanations, I'm not the person to try that here and now. Remember when I said this show makes you suspect everyone? So, when Wen Ning was supposed to die and be burned, the Nie clan leader subdued him. Then Jins told everyone he's dead for real. Then those three without faces came to chained Wen Ning and talked about the process... the fan gives Jin clan leader away but we don't know if there is Yao or Xichen or anyone we know at all. Even the best behaved clan can have their mysteries.

Rei Hasuke

OMG. Take a shot every time the strings on Lan Zhan’s zither snaps, honestly that shit can’t be cheap! And wow what a gut punch it is to see Wen Ning’s dead body again. I think only showing his body in the rain made for a much bigger/sadder impact than if they showed him getting killed on screen. Truly heart breaking. Also I am prepared to go to war with every clan (maybe not Lan) if it means protecting baby Yanli, Ying, and Cheng. FIGHT ME! PS: I love how when he brought Cheng to see the undead Ning, Wei was just like “Nah fam don’t worry I’ve got everything under control I have him tied up in a cave~” like that was good enough for Cheng. CHENG of all people! Lmao.


Yesss, answers, but more questions! And in hindsight, yes, ANY time you bring “someone back,” it usually doesn’t go well. And yeah, Ning may have caused more harm than good beyond the grave. The scene of WuXian asking to be banished was HEARTBREAKING! I hated how sad this was, and it’s made sense that this is the start of the true split for these two. The worst is that YES, both are wrong, both are right; both are true to themselves…and that’s the worst part for me. T_T At least, like you said, WuXian is getting a second chance – so to speak – to renew these relationships…don’t screw it up! Hahahaha!! And little Wen Yuan! He’s so cute! And for WuXian, it’s like a little kid! I hope we see more of him! Ahh, that is interesting about the Jiang motto! Hmmm…I may have to google some explanations! But yes, suspicious characters that we don’t see the faces for Is SUPER suspicious! Hmmm….lots to think about before Episode 6.


My heart breaks just like those strings every time I see Lan Zhan sad, and it gets harder to watch, honestly! And man....they really went there with having killed Ning. :( Chenggggg, ah that whole end of the episode was so sad as well! I just want WuXian to make amends with Cheng in the present, now, as they try to unravel all of this!


Just a quick note: the Jiang motto is derived from a famous line in the Analects to describe Confucius. Here is a tumblr post that explains this motto fairly clearly, and there won't be any spoilers in this article so no worries. And I do recommend this tumblr account perhaps after you watch the Untamed. It has a lot of informative articles :) https://hunxi-guilai.tumblr.com/post/617045313341063168/have-a-fabulous-day-teacher-you-are-a-fount-of


Thank you so much for this information! I'm always up for helpful backstory that adds to the understanding of what's going on, so I appreciate it! ^^