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Link to Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1APfZKmKs7imXUVSUESXzA?

Oh man, this may be one of my favorite episodes this season! 

Momo's  growing on me, Nitori is still precious, Sosuke takes charge, Rei and Nagisa stage an intervention, and Mako drops a "firework" of truth on Haru and souls are bared! 


I cannot wait for next week! Thank you all for watching and the support!


Free! Eternal Summer: Episode 11 Reaction! "The Open Turn of Destiny!"

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1APfZKmKs7imXUVSUESXzA? Oh man, this may be one of my favorite episodes this season! Momo's growing on me, Nitori is still precious, Sosuke takes charge, Rei and Nagisa stage an intervention, and Mako drops a "firework" of truth on Haru and souls are bared! The FEELS! The DRAMA! And THAT END CREDIT SCENE?! Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack


Melanie Marie

I love the ending of this episode so much. Haru has been struggling with things changing and the one constant in his life, Makoto, is leaving too and now he just crumbles. Makoto leaving is like the final straw for him finally realizing he can’t continue ignoring that things will change whether he accepts it or not.

WuXian Suibian

The Haru kidnapping episode. They're feeding the starving fans.


Hahaha!! Are you RinHaru? I'm a multishipper so I don't judge. :P But this episode I'm sure fed many a starving fan -- it was SO good!


YES! That final confrontation with Mako during the fireworks? It hit me how this season was building to that moment and it was sooo sad but so satisfying to finally get it out in the open. Yes, Haru can't hide from the fact that things around him are changing, and now it's a matter of what is he going to do about it? I am SO excited for the rest of this season!

Aaron Carrico

Finally able to sit down and watch this reaction! I was amused to see the length of the video, knowing full well this episode might elicit a lot to talk about. I really love this episode. Might be the best of the season, for me. It's so perfect with the melodrama, the fireworks exploding as Makoto finally reveals the big thing he's been trying to tell Haru. (Don't tell me that's not extremely romantically-coded!!!!!!) As a MakoHaru enjoyer I will take a wrist grab and a "we love you" from Makoto to Haru as nourishment for my crops :P Also I lol'd so hard at the "get in, loser" remark. That's exactly how it was! Rin's just like, "hope you have a passport, idiot." It is also kind-of a gut punch to see Haru bundled up and lying there so listlessly before Rin comes to break his doorbell. So, we got a SouRin episode, a MakoHaru episode, and you guessed next episode's theme already. All the ships crossing paths kinda leads to some fun polyamorous angles to take. Perhaps Makoto and Sousuke go be gymbros-with-bennies while Rin and Haru are off galivanting about. There's kind-of /a lot/ of explicit art of Sousuke and Makoto together, which is both weird since they hardly interact, and understandable because, well, look at them. As usual I look forward to next week's reaction! The Australia episode is tons of fun, and really felt like the writers went absolutely all out with it.

Aaron Carrico

ALSO I die every single time Makoto's siblings interact with Haru. They just love him so much! (And he seems quite fond of them, as well.) I'd kill to see a scene where Haru eats with the whole Tachibana clan. I'm sure Makoto's parents love him just the same.


Mako has such a good relationship with his family, which helps to establish his "parental" nature as a person -- I just love it, too! Characters with positive family representation? Yes, please! Hahaha!!


Oh, I had a LOT to think about this episode! It's probably one of my favorites this season as well! I'm kind of leaning MakoHaru/SouRin with this series, just based on this episode and the last, and that firework scene? I mean, might as well have been a confession! Hahaha! That moment Mako shares his future with Haru, though, and the firework goes off? Perfect symbolism! I am SO excited for the next episode -- Yeah, Rin's like, better have a passport! XD And "gymbros-with-bennies" -- **DEAD** -- Hahahahaa, that is strange about the Mako/Sousuke pairing. I mean, they are basically Haru and Rin's support people, so that kind of makes sense, haha! Still, I have a feeling next week will be wild, and I'm all here for it! :D

WuXian Suibian

More a MakoHaru shipper than Rinharu. Rin is too angsty for me where Mako is "softer" and more a caregiver than Rin would sever be.


I have found I'm leaning MakoHaru/SouRin -- Mako and Sosuke (surprisingly enough) are the supports for our emotional fish, Haru and Rin -- I definitely get more of a BFF/Rival vibe with Rin and Haru. :)