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NEW REACTION LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ygScsQuWJiKoohFrn8GNhV?

Ohhhhh man, THIS EPISODE.

The fated confrontation between Ash and Arthur, finally, and mannnn...this may be one of my favorite Episodes so far because of how tense it was from start to finish. But again....at WHAT COST?! @__@

Hope you enjoy the Full Length reaction!



WuXian Suibian

Jumping right back in the RUSH that is Banana Fish. And the Yes the OP and ED change now, hat Arthur is out of the pictures. Its hard for Eiji, he has seen the other side of Ash, the vulnerable side and although he has known that Ash has killed people (Shorter right in front of him) Ash never really wasted Eiji so see his cold, cruel side. Even if Eiji hates that side of Ash, I believe he would accept him , but Ash believes that he should not be accepted for it. And I finally can hear "Kita" in Eiji with this episode.


RIGHT?! Just when you think you have a break, Banana Fish kicks it into high gear! I really feel for Eiji, who has seen Ash at his most vulnerable and his sweetest...having to see his cruiel, cold side. And Ash's line about him not wanting Eiji to see him like that...HEARTBREAKING! Of course, Eiji still cares for Ash and will want to help him, even if he doesn't like that side of Ash. And I really like your line, "Ash believes that he should not be accepted for it." That is SUCH a good point! And yessss, now that you mention it, the Kita shows through. ^^ Ugh, Banana Fish....kickin' us in the gut once again!