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NEW REACTION LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/J2pNv6iVmFACbqZHapYv4Q?

Okay. Kakeru, consider yourself redeemed! ^^

We get confirmation on Haiji's condition, Kakeru steps up as a leader; Prince bonding! Manga reading! THAT MOMENT ON THE TRACK. 

My HEART IS SO FULL! Seriously, this episode. SOOOO Good! 


Run With the Wind: Episode 10 Reaction! "Our Own Pace!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/J2pNv6iVmFACbqZHapYv4Q? Okay. Kakeru, consider yourself redeemed! ^^ We get confirmation on Haiji's condition, Kakeru steps up as a leader; Prince bonding! Manga reading! THAT MOMENT ON THE TRACK. My HEART IS SO FULL! Seriously, this episode. SOOOO Good! Thank you for all the support! I'll be re-uploading Run With the Wind Episodes on Here throughout the week! I hope you enjoy! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack



I do have to say that this is one of the special episodes of RWTW. Even though I personally think each episode is truly fantastic, there’s episodes like this one that just really encapsulates why this show is special. I think a lot of people can agree that episode 10 is the start of this show being recognized as one of the best sports anime out there. And it all begins with Kakeru and Prince finally starting their beautiful friendship with each other. And just good old found family and celebrating the small victories. Yes, Prince has a looooooong way to go but goddamnit he is doing his absolute best!! There’s are a lot of dynamics in the story that I adore, and even though I would say that Haiji and Kakeru is the best, personally I love Prince and Kakeru a very close second. Kakeru finally becomes a leader and not only that he gets on Prince’s level and pace and does something productive. Instead of constantly berating him for not doing enough, he runs WITH Prince and finally see’s him at where he is. They bond over each other’s passions and most importantly it was THEM that did this. You could say that Haiji’s collapse instigated this change in them both but nobody was forcing them to do this with each other. Haiji recognized that they both needed to do this themselves and he wouldn’t jeopardize it by pushing in and fixing Prince’s form himself. Sure it may have been easier to that himself but it wouldn’t have fixed the problem that Kakeru and Prince had with each other. Also I love how Haiji is most definitely not perfect. We know he’s quite manipulative but he’s also not practicing what he preaches. He’s soo laser focused on his dream and taking care of the team that he neglected his own health. Although the team should have really helped him out before (or he should have asked for help) but now that the team understands it should be all good. Now the subtitles don’t make it clear but the ‘anemia’ is really just exhaustion and fainting. So don’t worry about Haiji’s health problems too much as it’s really just him overworking himself until he just collapsed. But his leg... well feel free to still keep that in your head for the future 😄 Loving your reaction to rwtw! You really do understand these characters soo well and it’s a joy to watch you love this show!

Jacob Garza

Its so good, and it just gets better this show is insane

WuXian Suibian

And now you know why this episode is one of my favs in RWTW. These moments between Kakeru and Prince are the best. AND the character growth for Kakeru is amazing. He has now learned to truly SEE his teammates for who they are as runners. So glad you caught the manga page flipping moment. The first time I noticed it, melted my heart. And then the moment at the race where Kakeru sacrifice his REALLY good time in order to support and cheer Prince to look Forward was huge. Yes, Prince did not make the qualifying time. They each need either 16:30 min for 5k or 30 min for 10 K. Kakeru was going to be under 14 minutes but he threw that away for his teammate.


This episode made my heart grow three sizes -- it was SOOO good! If all of the episodes contain moments, character development, and growth like this one? Then this series is going to probably go down as one of the best feel-good series I've seen in a while. Thank you for commenting!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:57:19 Man, YES! I GET IT, NOW! Man...Prince is one of my favorites in the show, along with Haiji, and seeing Kakeru bond with him -- over the manga and then in the race -- I just...I was FLOORED by Kakeru's growth these last two episodes. That made my heart melt, too!! I loved Kakeru telling Haiji about that, and I noticed as the montage went on, Kakeru slowly sat closer and closer to Prince, opening up to him! ^^ It was sooo sweet!! And then YES. Yes yes yes, Kakeru's excellent time, probably a personal best. And he sacrificed it to help encourage Prince. That was the moment I may have fell in love with Kakeru's character and this show all over again. That little moment when Haiji had the stopwatch shaking in his hand? That was my SOUL. Ugh. I could gush and GUSH about this episode...but you all already know. I get why it's your favorite! I hope there are more highs like this in the rest of the season...but man...this is the definition of FEEL GOOD! <3
2020-12-03 04:31:39 Man, YES! I GET IT, NOW! Man...Prince is one of my favorites in the show, along with Haiji, and seeing Kakeru bond with him -- over the manga and then in the race -- I just...I was FLOORED by Kakeru's growth these last two episodes. That made my heart melt, too!! I loved Kakeru telling Haiji about that, and I noticed as the montage went on, Kakeru slowly sat closer and closer to Prince, opening up to him! ^^ It was sooo sweet!! And then YES. Yes yes yes, Kakeru's excellent time, probably a personal best. And he sacrificed it to help encourage Prince. That was the moment I may have fell in love with Kakeru's character and this show all over again. That little moment when Haiji had the stopwatch shaking in his hand? That was my SOUL. Ugh. I could gush and GUSH about this episode...but you all already know. I get why it's your favorite! I hope there are more highs like this in the rest of the season...but man...this is the definition of FEEL GOOD! <3

Man, YES! I GET IT, NOW! Man...Prince is one of my favorites in the show, along with Haiji, and seeing Kakeru bond with him -- over the manga and then in the race -- I just...I was FLOORED by Kakeru's growth these last two episodes. That made my heart melt, too!! I loved Kakeru telling Haiji about that, and I noticed as the montage went on, Kakeru slowly sat closer and closer to Prince, opening up to him! ^^ It was sooo sweet!! And then YES. Yes yes yes, Kakeru's excellent time, probably a personal best. And he sacrificed it to help encourage Prince. That was the moment I may have fell in love with Kakeru's character and this show all over again. That little moment when Haiji had the stopwatch shaking in his hand? That was my SOUL. Ugh. I could gush and GUSH about this episode...but you all already know. I get why it's your favorite! I hope there are more highs like this in the rest of the season...but man...this is the definition of FEEL GOOD! <3


This episode WAS special! This is the Kakeru I've wanted all along! His bonding with Prince slowly but surely melted my heart, and then THAT RACE?! When he didn't focus on the results, but the journey of someone else?! MY GOD, so powerful! I can see why this is making to be a very special sports anime! I love how they show us, slowly but surely, that Kakeru and Prince are actually QUITE similar in their own ways -- resiliant, set in their reasoning, but also super passionate about what they love and willing to go to great lengths to meet their personal goals. The fact that they bond is so beautiful -- but Kakeru stepping up and becoming a leader?! Uhm, hell yes. That's what I've wanted since Episode 8 and it finally happened!! And yesssss, Haiji. I've put Haiji on a pedestal for a while now, since Episode 2, really. But we're starting to see the cracks in the perfect surface. Haiji puts on a show of confidence and it's usually unshakable, but here. We see that he's not perfect. He isn't taking care of himself like he really should, even though he wants to make sure everyone else is on top of their health and their game. Hmmm...yeah, I've got a lot of thoughts about Haiji, but I'll keep them for now! ^^ And thank you so much for the kind words! I feel like we can really understand all these characters and relate to them. They are so fleshed out...it just makes the series that much better!

WuXian Suibian

This show does not miss a beat. Each character's journey in this anime is just so special, but its also their journey together that takes it to another level all together. The writing and the pacing is perfect. The emotions it evoke - the up the downs, the heart ache, the triumphs - it has it all. I binged this show when I first watched it this past winter and as soon as it ended, I NEEDED to rewatch. The feelings I had when I finished it reminded me of the feelings I had when I finished Haikyuu at the time. Honestly, its in my top favorite all times animes.


No, it really doesn't! It can be so low key at times, that on the outside, one might think it gets slow or boring, but it NEVER DOES. You get so invested in the writing, the characters, and their emotions in the show, that you are never at a dull moment! This show definitely "has it all." I've gone back with these first episodes and watched them with both the HiDive and Crunchyroll translations, and this week, I started watching the Dub, and I actually like it! The VA cast for the dub is actually good! ^^

WuXian Suibian

Hmm, on your recommendation I might try the dub, was avoiding it since I love the original VAs.


I'm usually picky about dubs -- I could NOT watch the Free! dub past the first episode; I just didn't think the casting choice matched well at all. This one works, though. Shindo's probably my least favorite choice for the dub, but I think the others match well. I still prefer the original sub cast, but I like the Haiji/Kakeru choices they made -- and they keep pretty strict to the translation, which impressed me.

WuXian Suibian

That is the one thing that threw me off the Haikyuu Season 3 dub was some of the translation changes. I had watch season 3 sub so many times I hurt to see some of the changes. Okay, I've have to give the RWTW dub a try.


Oh RIGHT?! Haikyuu's dub is soooooo hard for me to really get into, because of that. I don't mind Hinata and Kageyama's VA's and I actually like Tendo's (probably because he's Yuri's English VA of Yuri on Ice), and Oikawa's is fine too...but some of those linesssss....they are cringe-worthy what they translated them to. T_T