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NEW REACTION LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/KUzCfDo2JXCymD1VZEJKwP?

I went into this episode TERRIFIED for our protagonists and with no expectations of what would happen next. 

I did NOT expect this. 

The explosions? The confession? The twists and turns? Only in America, eh? 

NOTE: Please make sure you are of age and only drink in moderation when watching Banana Fish. 



WuXian Suibian

Ash being all Bad@ss and all. We got some subtle sweet moments between Ash and Eiji in this episode, that hit you in the heart. Their relationship is JUST, well the light in all this darkness and those moments keep us going My boy Sing, my little Ninja being all infatuated with Ash. Lut Lung all full of schemes. Good news, you get to catch your breath, even if it is just a little in the next episode.


RIGHT?! Ash going Rambo, Eiji declaring (basically) his love, Sing declaring revenge -- though yes, infatuated with the lynx -- and Yut Lung being the biggest troll, running off with the Banana Fish! I realllly needed this episode, and will definitely welcome the next, too! If it means we get a moment of breathing after everything that's gone down! ^^


post episode 9 : BRING OUT THE ALCOHOL I honestly cackled seeing that 😄 can I just say how much I adore Ash’s VA again with this episode. You can really hear the difference in how he addresses his gang and then immediately how he talks to Eiji. It makes such a difference to his believability as a character. If I could sum up Ash and Eiji’s relationship in one word it would be ‘understanding’ which is just beautiful. They come from such different worlds but they have completely connected and have such warmth, trust with each other and faith. I love the moment where Ash is dreaming about his brother and it fades to Eiji. There’s a lot of different interpretations you think up with that but I think it demonstrates that Griffin was his ‘important person’ in his life as a child and to his surprise he realises it’s now Eiji. Griffin was taken away from him and he can’t accept the same thing happening with Eiji. Also freaking Yut-Lung is such a drama queen and I bloody love him for it! That face just reads scheming. Although, I will say there’s a lot of complexity and nuance to his character and I’m quite excited for you to explore his depth going forward.


Hahahaha!! Well, at least to send an ode to Shorter! ^^ It felt right, haha!! Oh man, Ash's VA is just sooooo good in this show -- all of the emotions he had to project this episode and the last were nailed PERFECTLY. Ash has lost so much, and to almost lose BOTH his best friend and Eiji were so hard. Yes, Eiji and Ash have such a unique bond built from the adversity of the events of this series. I do think that it was interesting that dream sequence -- I think Eiji is now the closest person to Ash, now that both Griffin and Shorter are gone. That fire scene at the end and Ash's fury....*shivers* And yesssss, Yut-Lung in that ridiculous Banana (pun intended?) costume was just perfection. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy his character and the chaos he causes (hopefully)!!