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I haven't gushed about Haikyuu!! like this in a while -- Hinata, my summer child; our ray of sunshine! You deserve the WORLD!   But seriously -- SO much to talk about, both non-spoilers and spoilers alike!

Happy Thanksgiving -- here's a turkey gift to all, a full length reaction in the link above. ^^ 





*manga talk* did you see my MC do that?! MY MC JUST DID THAT!! I was an absolute mess last night when I watched it ..an absolute mess. My goat. My sunshine boy proved everyone wrong. This boy will become one of the best receivers in Japan and it all begins here. You are soo right that it would take a a lot for that panel spread to be done well. I was nervous going in as furudate just has this ability to create moments of such tranquility and meaning though their art and the animation team did it justice. It’s what my MC deserves. Also I don’t know about you but I’ve been replaying that laugh that he gives to his team soo much. Why is his VA the absolute personification of light and joy?? Nobody else could voice him. I also screamed at the promo for next week (I didn’t get spoiled for it so I had zero clue they were going to use his freaking EAR to hype everyone up) 😂 my trash boy can trend with just his ear! The power this boy holds is truly remarkable. And seeing my two favourtie boys trending together last night did my heart soo much good. Just knowing how Oikawa’s and Hinata’s journeys are soo similar and in the future will collide together ... well we manga readers know that won’t be the last time they trend together 😄


Ooooooooohhhh, my GOAT. Hinata and Oikawa are my favorites, so you can imagine how I felt this entire time, and yessss, spoiler talk -- but when Chapter 371 and 372 get animated, this girl is going to LOSE IT. YESSSS, Oh, they will be trending again, and I CANNOT WAIT. I am DYING with how Twitter has taken the Oikawa headshot and ran with it -- just killing me! XD I'm going to talk about his and Hinata's similarities next episode for SURE. Hinata's VA is perfect -- capturing his seriousness in analyzing the moment before the spike from Aran and then him laughing and so happy -- it was just perfection and Kageyama's reaction. ^^ So perfect. There's no capturing the manga with some of these moments, but I like how they did this episode. Just...ahhh, my favorite episode from this cour so far. And I have a feeling these next two episodes are going to be FIRE!!

WuXian Suibian

OUCH, My ears when you squealed seeing the preview! LOL Art/animation was in point, so was the OST, the voice acting all perfect. The last couple episodes has really reminded me how good the writing is for Haikyuu (reminder I am not a manga reader for this). I love how "connected" the scenes in Haikyuyu are. Sometimes scenes that seem inconsequential winded up have great importance to the story and character development. The training scene between Nishinoya and Kinoshita for example did not seem important but in the end it was the basis for significant moment in the plot. Haikyuu is JUST GOOD WRITING period!


Ahhh!! I am so sorry! I should have put a warning on that!! @.@ I wholeheartedly agree -- this is no spoiler, but having read the manga, Furudate is just a master at foreshadowing, setting up tiny seeds of things that seem so inconsequential and then have a HUGE payoff later on. I really liked Hinata's arc as the ball boy early this season 4 and it all came back and paid off in this moment! Yeah, the writing and episodes these last few ones have been on point -- SO excited for the three left to go! And apologies again about my utter destructive fangirling! -_- I will put up a warning for next week for sure!!

WuXian Suibian

If I wasn't using head phones it probably would not have been so bad. I should have expected it. For most reactions I was ready when Hinata received the ball, expecting the ear piercing reaction. My favorite authors tend to write stories that you don't notice how important something is until later, and maybe not until the second or third read through to actually GET IT.


Ahhh, I was so happy with his receive but more in awe that going crazy -- and yeah, Oikawa tends to elicit the inner fangirl in me. T_T I've been there before with reactions, so I feel your ear's pain! YES! That's probably what I love most about Haikyuu!! -- I've been rereading and there's little things I catch and notice that come up later, even from the earliest volumes that still surprise me and make me look at the entire story so fondly. It's also what I've loved noticing about Banana Fish, Given, and Run with the Wind so far -- you just pick up on those little nuances re-watching the episodes! ^^