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NEW REACTION LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/mN9nMWbHvgj9hLzYZhza4X?

NOTE: I do like Kakeru. I do. But man....this episode was HARD, y'all. So hard. 

I was about to cry -- I have a feeling I'm going to be doing that in this show, aren't I?

I hope you all forgive me; I was riding an adrenaline high off this reaction -- I'll be calmer when we get to Episode 9, promise. ^^

Thanks for watching with me, especially the Kakeru-stans. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be one of you by the end of this series! ^^


Run With the Wind: Episode 8 Reaction! "A Menace!" [REUPLOAD]

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/mN9nMWbHvgj9hLzYZhza4X? I do like Kakeru. I do. But man....this episode was HARD, y'all. So hard. I was about to cry -- I have a feeling I'm going to be doing that in this show, aren't I? I hope you all forgive me; I was riding an adrenaline high off this reaction -- I'll be calmer when we get to Episode 9, promise. ^^ Feel free to comment below! No spoilers, please! Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack



Prince as he enters the kitchen: “Mum? Dad? Why are you fighting?” 😄 and here we go. THE SCENE. The scene that told me that this show was different. That this show was going to go somewhere incredibly special. You’ve noticed before that this story was going to not just delve into the physical side of running but the spiritual too and Haiji laying into Kakeru that there is more to running than speed is just another moment that is building up this message. I remember almost being in tears too with Haiji at the end. Kakeru currently is not just a danger to the team, but a danger to himself and Haiji is now at his breaking point with him. When Haiji gets pissed you know you have massively fucked up. The quote “No one here is running half assed” (translation from CR) sticks with me soo much. Everybody in their own way is serious about this. Yuki with his care for their well being, Shindo and Musa with getting outside support, Nico becoming ‘too’ serious, the twins with their usual hype and Prince getting a treadmill. So yes, fuck you Kakeru for thinking that they are being ‘half assed.’. Ohhhhh Kakeru. What I love about his character is his realistic relapses. In episode 4 at the end he sees that everyone is there for him and will support him and won’t be like his old team and he takes a step in their direction. And then episode 7 happens. And he gets a proper taste of college level running and he panics. He tries to follow what Fujioka told him and completely misses the point. He looks at the team and believes that because they are celebrating and having a night off that they aren’t taking it seriously. And in a way he is correct... but not really. Sure maybe they aren’t as upset as you but does that mean they are being ‘half assed? No. THEY ONLY JUST STARTED RUNNING. Of course they aren’t gunna be as obsessed as you are but it doesn’t mean they don’t care about this. Kakeru has just come out of a clearly toxic environment and is a bit of a dork and socially awkward. He doesn’t know how to navigate this new feeling of being on a team that is supportive towards him. He’s thinks of running as numbers, rivals, winners and losers, times and that’s the only thing it is. “Running is a competitive sport”. He’s got a lot of growing still to go sadly, but that is the exciting part. And this episode we end with him going after their ‘weakest link’. I won’t say too much about this part as it’s kinda needs to be saved for later. But oh boy Kakeru and Prince... this was a long time coming. I love the detail of Nico and Kakeru’s appearances in this episode. They slowly animate their eyes to look darker and heavy as clearly both of them are pushing themselves too hard and are getting to a breaking point. Nico has always been one of my favourites of this group as just like Haiji and Kakeru he has a very complicated relationship with running. He’s certainly correct that body shape DOES matter when it comes to certain sports and his body is just not made for competitive running. But semi-starving yourself as well as Kakeru putting unrealistic goals in his head is certainly a bad mash up and Yuki can read him easily. Nico loves running and has clear self esteem issues with it but he needs to think of his goals with himself in mind and not anybody else. Such a perfect episode to follow up 7 and it’s totally fine not liking Kakeru currently! The episode title should be a hint that we are not supposed to right now. He’s being a huge dick and needs ... a wake up call... *cough* let’s just say I’m very excited for this story to continue 😄

WuXian Suibian (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:58:22 One of the things I noticed about the scene with Kakeru & Haiji, when Haiji is talking there are a couple moments that the "camera" pans down and focused on Haiji's knee. Especially when he is talking about "Are results all that matter" and "Why can't see Kakeru, that striving for speed is not enough. That way of thinking leaves you EMPTY." I believe he is talking from experience and that is why they focus on his knee during this moment. Haiji sees himself in Kakeru, he knows the path that he is on, but Haiji had his wake up call. Kakeru is so blinded by his past that he just can't see how his attitude/actions are affecting those around him. This show....love it.
2020-11-18 15:45:01 One of the things I noticed about the scene with Kakeru & Haiji, when Haiji is talking there are a couple moments that the "camera" pans down and focused on Haiji's knee. Especially when he is talking about "Are results all that matter" and "Why can't see Kakeru, that striving for speed is not enough. That way of thinking leaves you EMPTY." I believe he is talking from experience and that is why they focus on his knee during this moment. Haiji sees himself in Kakeru, he knows the path that he is on, but Haiji had his wake up call. Kakeru is so blinded by his past that he just can't see how his attitude/actions are affecting those around him. This show....love it.

One of the things I noticed about the scene with Kakeru & Haiji, when Haiji is talking there are a couple moments that the "camera" pans down and focused on Haiji's knee. Especially when he is talking about "Are results all that matter" and "Why can't see Kakeru, that striving for speed is not enough. That way of thinking leaves you EMPTY." I believe he is talking from experience and that is why they focus on his knee during this moment. Haiji sees himself in Kakeru, he knows the path that he is on, but Haiji had his wake up call. Kakeru is so blinded by his past that he just can't see how his attitude/actions are affecting those around him. This show....love it.


Oh my GOSH, YES! That was what sucked me into the scene -- that EXACT set of dialogue and focus on his knee -- you are SO right; he clearly has had similar feelings to Kakeru and is trying to speak to him from experience, and Kakeru just can't see that...yet. Man, this type of conversation just sold me on how DIFFERENT and special this show is. I can't imagine another show having this type of conversation! I love Semblance of Sanity's reactions -- and so I can't wait to watch them see this scene as well! Thanks so much for the comment! I cannot WAIT to see the next episode!


That last scene just GOT me so hard -- You can FEEL Haiji's frustration, and like Wu commented below, it's like Haiji knows what Kakeru is going through but he's trying to show him that everyone is working just as hard in their own way and the most that they can and that running just isn't about speed....man, that scene sets itself apart from any anime I've seen in just the raw emotion you could FEEL the tension in the room! I keep telling myself that Kakeru is from a toxic environment from High School and Episode 7 caused a relapse for him seeing Sakaki and being in that competitive environment again...only this time not being the big fish but a regular fish in a bigger pond competition-wise. I also noticed Kakeru having the bags under his eyes and Nico too -- I'm so glad that Yuki stepped up to be a true friend and to let Haiji know that things were getting out of hand...I agree, this is a PERFECT follow-up to Episode 7, and now that I've had time to "breathe," haha, I really like this episode...but you are correct. I want Kakeru to stop being a prick, lighten up, and get a wake up call, too! I'm so nervous, but so ready for the aftermath of this! Thank you for the comment! Glad it's okay to not like Kakeru in this moment. ^^