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NEW LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/gnmXktaZPjoQTmSTs1K7Q3?

Well....that was a short-lived trip to LA! @_@

I'm glad Michael and Jessica are okay...BUT AT WHAT COST?!

"I've got a baaad" feeling about all of this....Thanks for watching with me and not spoiling me! 



WuXian Suibian

Never thought you'd be doing literary research while watching an anime. Honestly, it is very hard to predict where this show is going. There are so many twist and turns. SO many layers. By the way I believe in the Manga more happened to Jessica than is shown in the anime, although they eluded to the possibility from the one gang member's comment "Your wife is Hot" "She tastes good" . Yeah.


Me either! Haha, but honestly, I have started to love doing a little research before the episode -- there's some really neat tie-ins to each title and story! :D And YES! Sooooooo many layers! This story just sucks you in deeper and deeper and I honestly have NO IDEA where each episode is headed at the start! It's what makes me look forward to each new episode and simultaneously fear it so much! XD And ew, I wondered about that, especially after realizing they've cut from the manga....at the time, it seemed just like a veiled tease to Max, but if they left things out of the manga....yeah....gross.

WuXian Suibian

Banana Fish's use of literary titles for each episode to represent some of the themes in that episode reminds me of Given with its song titles. And yes the FEAR in Banana Fish is real. Sometimes your guesses are on track and then other times you find yourself so out in left field. Everything in connected in in this story and they layers and depth of the writing always amazes me.


plot plot plot SOO MUCH PLOT THIS EP loved your analysis for last episodes title! This show is truly the best for deep diving and analysis as it’s just rich with themes and symbolism and oh man there’s plenty of that to come. Another obligatory POOR SHORTER is needed once again! You can just see just how stuck he is and has very little control in this situation that yes he only really can use his and eiji’s life as leverage. Love that shot of him wanting to warn Ash before he goes and we can see his eyes though his glasses but then yut-lung (just like the op) creeps behind his shoulder and his glasses go dark again. Classic visual storytelling but it just works so well here. Also I think it is useful for you to know for future reference in the story that Jessica was sexually assaulted by those men. It’s kinda only implied by the anime but it is important to know as the story continues. You may notice that when Max and Ash arrive on the scene that Ash and Jessica have this ‘look’ with each other. Kinda an implied kinship I suppose for the trauma that is fresh for Jessica and big part of Ash’s life. Also a cool tidbit to know is that you can see how similar they actually look particularly in that shot of them looking at each other and in the manga Max actually said to Ash that he kinda looked like his wife. yut-lung is such a fascinating character and you can just feel the hate that is brewing inside of him. You are so right that we simply can not place him yet. Yes in the op it’s very implied that he is one of the antagonists but his motives are so different to everybody else and his main role currently is a pawn. He’s a complete wild card currently and we just don’t know what he is gunna do in this particular situation. even as a set up episode banana fish just never drops this quality ... it just makes me soo bloody mad that this story is not on everybody’s radar!


I feel these last two episodes have had SO MANY plot twists! And thank you -- I've gotten really excited to review the titles, because they tie back so well to the show and their symbolism; it's so cool! The visual storytelling was SO ON POINT with this episode -- Yes, poor Shorter has really not had a good time these last few episodes. And I'm so worried for him and Eiji, because we've seen just how terrifying Papa Dino can be! @_@ That is really good to know about Jessica and the manga -- that's SO disturbing...I'm sort of glad they kept it out of the anime, to be honest, but going back and re-watching you CAN see that look between her and Ash...UGH, that is heartbreaking!! And oooh, that makes me feel so bad for her, for Ash knowing he can relate, and for Max! Yut Lung continues to be soooo intriguing! I can totally see how he's a wild card! It's just insane how we got introduced to his character and already I'm all over the place with his character, but I'm totally okay with it, too! It gets me hyped to see where things go with him! And yeah, there's not been a bad episode of Banana Fish yet. HOW everyone is not raving about this show is BEYOND ME. Seriously!!