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NEW REACTION LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/srAf99fRLsohsbH7umg579?

Oh now, this episode has SO much going for it -- the first track meet, Sakaki reunion, meeting new teams...more allusions to the mystery of Haiji?! Just a SOLID episode!

I hope you all enjoy the full length reaction!


Run With the Wind: Episode 7 Reaction! "Bare Your Fangs at the Summit!" [REUPLOAD]

LINK TO THE REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/srAf99fRLsohsbH7umg579? We're finally here! The first track meet! And ooooh, "reality" is about to hit all our boys -- but new characters (I LOVE Fujioka already), new --Kiyose-like-- reveals, new insights into characters!? I'm all for this! ^^ Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack


WuXian Suibian

And now you've the Ushijima of RWTW, Fujioka. When it comes to Haiji he is different, but he is VERY competitive. Haiji is just special. Thankfully we see more of Fijioka and Haiji dynamic later That comment about Shiritorizawa...check out the colors of Fujioka's team? Purple and White, who else has Purple/white uniforms? My take on the Haiji and the drivers license thing that no one else has theirs so he is the only one who can drive them...even if he drives like a maniac. They'd prefer he NOT drive. Not only did the others find reality, but Kakeru also found reality, something he was not expecting. In high school, he won a lot, but here his reality that he is not good enough. It never seemed to occur to him that he wouldn't be. Honestly, there is no bad episode with this show.


He definitely gave me Ushijima vibes when I first saw him, and YES!! I saw the white/purple comparison -- that is fantastic! ^^ He definitely seems to have an adoration/respect for Haiji, so I am incredibly excited that we're going to get to dive into their dynamic more. And yessss, Kakeru is also facing reality. That makes sense that he won a lot in high school, and it looks like his coach really made a deal about it...and now that he's not "winning" it's a slap to the face in this college scene. Hmmmm...I'm really fascinated with where the show will go with that, but I agree, there hasn't been an episode so far I didn't like! It's just made me want more! ^^ thanks for the comment!!


Say hello to Fujioka who you may recognize as Daichi’s VA. Which is perfect because yes he seems like the Ushijima of this story when actually in fact he seems like a genuinely nice, humble guy which is perfect with the calm, leadership voice that the VA has. But the real thing about his presence in the story is not who Fujioka is but who the hell is Haiji then?? Someone like Fujioka who is an absolute champion and top of his game, not only talks to Haiji with warmth and respect but also knows what he was like before his injury, which so far no one in the story has this knowledge..... THE PLOT THICKENS Speaking of VAs, it’s kinda random but I love how they capture the different levels of running each of the 10 are with just how they breathe during the run. Everyone is pretty desperately trying to breathe, particularly Nico where you can tell his lungs are still recovering from the smoking (even Kakeru at the end of his race because the idiot didn’t pace himself right) but Haiji is really the only one who managed to keep a healthy breathing technique throughout his run. It’s just a detail I love noticing, and just helps the realism of this sports anime particularly as we are gunna start getting into that more and more as the team levels up. Oh Kakeru... running away again. Running away from the past, running away from his problems, and running away from reality. It’s gotta be hard to think that yes, he was hot shit in high school and clearly a lot of people remember his name but honey, this ain’t Kansas no more. You are in college as a first year and you are officially having to face against people who are better then you. Like Haiji said to him, it’s not just the team that has to face reality but you Kakeru have to too. And he wasn’t even bad! He was just impulsive and he’s gotta learn how to properly build himself up. Something I don’t know if you’ve picked up on yet or if someone has already commented but you gotta wonder why Kakeru is at Kansei Uni when they didn’t have a proper track team? The people at this track didn’t know the uni and had to check the list. So why is a incredible runner like Kakeru going to a school that didn’t have a good track team in the first place.... THE PLOT THICKENS 😄 I remember thinking this at the episode when I first watched it and was like ...”huh that’s weird” Also THAT PREVIEW *shivers with excitement*


Okay, YES! Sooooo much to talk about with this episode -- I was so in the moment, that it's seeing you all comment later that has me thinking more. I LOVE that Fujioka's VA is Daichi (I did not realize that) -- it makes so much more sense, because he really does come across as warmer and more compassionate/leaderly than Ushijima. You can tell he and Haiji have a past which has me SO. EXCITED. Also, what has me exited is the breadcrumbs we get for both his and Kakeru's past, which is just sooooo teasing -- I want answers NOW, but I know that I'm going to have to work through the season to get to them, but this show just tantilizes us with hints so much...it's torture, but also, so intriguing! Yeah, I wonder if Kakeru ran away to Kansai to get away from running...but then realized he still wanted to do it...and was MORE lost because of it....Ahhh, the plot thickens INDEED. That's a really cool note about the breathing dynamics between everyone! I didn't realize that! Of COURSE Haiji is controlled with his breathing -- and yessss, Kakeru gets slapped in the face by reality, but he didn't do bad! He was 3rd in the whole meet! And that preview? Hmmmmm....I'm not sure I'm ready. Thanks for the comment!