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I thought the first fourth (6 episodes) of Banana Fish was intense, but this episode just ramped it up to an ELEVEN....ALREADY! I can't believe everything that went on this episode -- what an episode! 

I hope you all enjoyed the reaction! Thanks for the support and watching!




and finally the introduction of the drama queen trash boy himself, yut-lung! Truly a incredible character and you picked up on quickly, a complete foil to ash. His interest in eiji and ash is also incredibly fascinating and not as simple as just mere ‘jealousy’ but you’ll just have to wait and see! (Also obligatory POOR SHORTER is needed) One thing I love seeing in this ep is when ash tells yut-lung that he doesn’t like people approaching him from the back, we immediately see eiji do just that and ash didn’t even flinch. The show really continues to demonstrate how far their relationship has come and how much ash really cares for eiji and vice versa. It is a relationship of equals. Just because it seems on paper that ash is the experienced one and eiji is the naive one doesn’t mean they aren’t equals. As ash even says it himself. They do come from different worlds but that doesn’t make their relationship that out of balance, in fact it’s the opposite. I love that the story is slowly making you realize that actually maybe it’s a good thing that eiji and ash are together and not separated. Also you are right this op is a bloody amazing! But rest assured that ALL the ops and Ed’s are fantastic and relevant to their cours

WuXian Suibian (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-19 03:59:05 Yup....Banana Fish gets you again. The scene where Ash is on the computer and Lut Lung comes in...Ash comments he does not like people coming up from behind him. He also mentions that Lut Lung how he walks quiet. Right after that Eiji walks right in into room and Ash NEVER turns around to see ho it is, which he did with Lut Lung. Eiji then walks right up to Ash and leans over his shoulder to see what he is doing. Again, no reflexive response from Ash he just keeps working. Lut Lung notices the different between how he is treated and Eiji. The part about Eiji doing things for Ash and not expecting anything in return, hurts but it why Ash accepts Eiji. He gives with out needing or wanting to receive anything in return, he is perfect for Ash. DId you notice in that scene how they focused on Ash & Eiji's shadows? Even though they are not actually standing near each other, their shadows are, almost holding each other. merging together. All I can see is be prepared for a roller coaster. Prepare some good comfort food, its going to a ride for a while.
2020-11-08 18:18:24 Yup....Banana Fish gets you again. The scene where Ash is on the computer and Lut Lung comes in...Ash comments he does not like people coming up from behind him. He also mentions that Lut Lung how he walks quiet. Right after that Eiji walks right in into room and Ash NEVER turns around to see ho it is, which he did with Lut Lung. Eiji then walks right up to Ash and leans over his shoulder to see what he is doing. Again, no reflexive response from Ash he just keeps working. Lut Lung notices the different between how he is treated and Eiji. The part about Eiji doing things for Ash and not expecting anything in return, hurts but it why Ash accepts Eiji. He gives with out needing or wanting to receive anything in return, he is perfect for Ash. DId you notice in that scene how they focused on Ash & Eiji's shadows? Even though they are not actually standing near each other, their shadows are, almost holding each other. merging together. All I can see is be prepared for a roller coaster. Prepare some good comfort food, its going to a ride for a while.

Yup....Banana Fish gets you again. The scene where Ash is on the computer and Lut Lung comes in...Ash comments he does not like people coming up from behind him. He also mentions that Lut Lung how he walks quiet. Right after that Eiji walks right in into room and Ash NEVER turns around to see ho it is, which he did with Lut Lung. Eiji then walks right up to Ash and leans over his shoulder to see what he is doing. Again, no reflexive response from Ash he just keeps working. Lut Lung notices the different between how he is treated and Eiji. The part about Eiji doing things for Ash and not expecting anything in return, hurts but it why Ash accepts Eiji. He gives with out needing or wanting to receive anything in return, he is perfect for Ash. DId you notice in that scene how they focused on Ash & Eiji's shadows? Even though they are not actually standing near each other, their shadows are, almost holding each other. merging together. All I can see is be prepared for a roller coaster. Prepare some good comfort food, its going to a ride for a while.


Ooooh, the fact that you call him "Drama queen trash boy" has me SO excited! I love me a trash boy, hahaa!! I'm really excited to find out more about him, and YES! POOR SHORTER! T_T I really did NOT pick up on that, so that is such a good call -- going back and re-watching it stand out now, so that is an awesome point to notice! And yessss, despite what they say in the show, Eiji (like Max in some respects) is a good balance for Ash! And like Ash said, he really would have been dead had Eiji not been there for him. I'm sad that we'll be switching OP's and ED's soon, but it's good to know that they're all good! ^^ Thanks for the comment!!


I did NOT notice that little nuance between Ash/Eiji/Lung when he came in -- that's suuuuch a good observation, and really connects to him realizing how much Ash cares/trusts Eiji, hence why he knows Ash will come to Eiji if he's kidnapped. And aaaah, this episode also hints why Ash likes Eiji and they're so good for each other. T_T Ahhh, I didn't notice that about the shadows, but now that you point it out? **HEART MELTS** Ahhh, these little quiet moments are MAKING this show for me...and your last comment? Oh. Hahahahaa **Nervous Laughter** Welp. Time to get the ice cream out, eh?

WuXian Suibian

By the way good catch noticing Lut Lung in the OP. The way he puts his arms around Shorter is so possessive and creepy. The quiet moments allow you to catch your breath, while giving us some added character depth. Lots of ice cream and maybe some chocolate syrup.


Ahhh, that's probably my favorite shot of the OP -- not because it's creepy (it totally is), but how Shorter is drawn -- his expression, the lighting, the colors -- ah, *chef's kiss* Yes, I agree about the quiet moments -- as if our characters aren't fleshed out enough already! ;) And definitely stocking up on ice cream. I'm sadly allergic to cocoa (no chocolate for this girl T_T ) but caramel? Yep. Lots of caramel to come.