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NEW REACTION LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/jfgNMYKtEZaTTL2TcPzDaV?

Ohhh, well, let's just quietly build all that tension up and then end the episode, 'kay?

I am SO hyped for the concert now! I hope you all enjoy the full length reaction!

NOTE: I realize Yuki hung himself -- I don't know why I went on that tangent theorizing otherwise...blame it on the episode, reducing my brain to mush. ^^


Given: Episode 8 Reaction! "Time is Running Out!" [REUPLOAD]

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/jfgNMYKtEZaTTL2TcPzDaV? Originally Uploaded August 2020 Ohhh, well, let's just quietly build all that tension up and then end the episode, 'kay? I am SO hyped for the concert now! I hope you all enjoy the full length reaction! NOTE: I realize Yuki hung himself -- I don't know why I went on that tangent theorizing otherwise...blame it on the episode, reducing my brain to mush. ^^ Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack


WuXian Suibian

Really good reaction and in sights. Ugestu = the dark, the coolness Haruki = the light, warmth One of the things I love about the scene with Hiiragi and Mafuyu is the sounds design. There is NO background music, just the sounds of the rain, the phone ringing, and then the VAs. Having just the sound of the rain put emphasis on the moody of the scene. If you re-watch the episode you'll notice that Yuki (Yoshida) and Mafuyu (Sato) live next door to each other. We actually saw both houses in the episode when Mafuyu was wandering around before going to the beach. He visits the neighborhood where he lived. Hiiragi describes you as " flashy, domineering and MOODY" So, he faught with Mafuyu, then drank and he tended to be moody and we all know the result. And yes we were all caught off guard at the lack of preview, they wanted to keep it under wraps Special HINT keep an eye on the Opening next epsiode. .


OOOOOHHH!!! @.@ It all makes so much sense, now! Oh, wow...Hmmm..... *movie hype intensifies*


I hadn't noticed that about the rain and the lack of background music until you pointed that out -- THAT is why that scene was so odd; I noticed something was "off" in the reaction, but couldn't pinpoint it to comment on it in the moment. That makes SO much more sense, now! And yes, all of those points about Yuki definitely (and sadly) point to why that happened to him. Hmmmm, I'm so excited for the next episode!

WuXian Suibian

I in re-watching this episode, the there are two times when the guitar string snap, the first was when Mafuyu found Yuki and the second time here during the argument with Uenoyama with time running out.

WuXian Suibian

Yes. The snapping of his heart string. And he's having another "little" argument (fight) with the person he cares the most about.


Ugggh, the "poetic cinema!" That's so true! I really love how Sato reacts to Uenoyama saying "next time," like for him, there wasn't a 'next time' with him and Yuki, so hearing another person frame the moment like that to him must have hurt sooo much!

Melanie Marie

Ugetsu looks so much like Dazai to mee and it creeps me out 😂😂