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NEW REACTION LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/eDEr4CRoZ7u6i8Hx8jNeKv?

Holy Smokes...uhm....THIS episode, I was NOT ready!

I hope you enjoy the reaction in full length! This one was hard to cut down!


Given: Episode 5 Reaction! "The Reason!" I WAS NOT READY! [REUPLOAD]

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/eDEr4CRoZ7u6i8Hx8jNeKv? I was NOT ready for this episode! The drama set up! The romance set up! KAJI?! Haruki, I may relate to you most. I hope you all enjoy the reaction! I am LOVING this show! Thank you for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack


WuXian Suibian

Yes, this episode is a info drop, but they did a good job in "showing"not just telling. About Yuki, if you go back to the very first epsiode you'll see a flash back with Mafuyu holding the guitar, there are beer cans on the floor and a knocked over stool. Its one of those scenes that are easy to miss, but makes more sense after you get more info. Kaji is a complex story and you'll get a bit more details about him as the anime and manga go on. The sound design for this show is really good. Really enjoying your reactions to Given and your enthusiasm for it. As much angst as there is in Given I always have a smile on my face when watching or reading it.

WuXian Suibian

One more thing I wanted to mention....is about their names and the bands name Haru in Haruki is spring Aki in Akihiko is Autumn The Ka in Ritsuka is summer They came up with the band name "Seasons" from their names. Now Mafuyu means midwiter (Fuyu = Winter) so he fits in the theme. Yuki = snow The mangaka Natsuki Kizu love using the theme of cycles and the seasons. The anime originally aired in the Summer of 2019 and the bands first Live was in the "summer" too.


OOOOH! I didn't realize that with the seasons, but that makes SO MUCH sense now that you mention it! I did go back and view episode one again, and you're right, I didn't get to it in time for the Episode 8 reaction, which I just did, but I'll make a note of it when I post it! ^^ Thank you so much for the information on this episode and the comment! And yessss, Kaji is so complex; I'm really excited to delve more into his character!