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I am honestly NOT ready for the final four installments of Psycho-Pass, but the roller coaster is climbing this episode! Full of set up, as Azusawa makes a final stand...in the heart of the Public Safety Bureau!

The pieces are falling into place, but there are still SO many questions, so many things left to be said and brought up...and we only have three more installments to do it in...no pressure or anything!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/3C1zm2129KL67p5Nd997EV? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS First Inspector: Episode 1 Reaction! ZUGGARAT'S CAPTURE PART ONE!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/3C1zm2129KL67p5Nd997EV? **TOWERING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I am honestly NOT ready for the final four installments of Psycho-Pass, but the roller coaster is climbing this episode! Full of set up, as Azusawa makes a final stand...in the heart of the Public Safety Bureau! The pieces are falling into place, but there are still SO many questions, so many things left to be said and brought up...and we only have three more installments to do it in...no pressure or anything! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! Another episode where so much happens + a lot of set up. And you are right – season 3 aired Oct 2019 to early Dec 2019, and then that post-credits Kunizuka cliffhanger… and we had to wait until Apr 2020 for First Inspector! 😭 Which was extra fun for all the other reasons at the time, too. I enjoy Azusawa and your analysis of him/exasperation – he does put a situation on rails and then attempts to get praise for his “benevolence.” Gaudy is a good word for him in general. But for me it is also the fun he seems to have with it. He is unlike the other antagonists we’ve had in Psycho-Pass before, I think. Honestly though, I don’t know how much my enjoyment of Azusawa is purely due to the fact that the VA (Kenyu Horiuchi, incredibly prolific, doing excellent work) was also Gren from Cowboy Bebop - who was one of my first anime loves. 🥰 So I may be really biased there, as well. Baby lamb!Sugo getting hurt again 😭 – at least he and Frederica got out of there! Also loved the split of characters and slightly different groups than we saw for a lot of S3 e.g. more Tenma & Hinakawa, etc. I absolutely related to your annoyance at the mini-robot fight – ‘the characters could be talking!’ 😂 But then I feel that way about most action with very few exceptions. Though all the little robots + floaty helper bots are extra cute in this. Looking forward to next week! 🧡


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! That is insane about having to wait for some months for First Inspector – it also could explain the animation if it was getting completed through Covid-19’s quarantine season. Interesting! Yes, Azusawa is such a good antagonist because of his flaws but what makes him dangerous is he believes he’s correct! Gaudy seems to fit him well! And yes Horiuchi does a REALLY good job as his VA and helps add to the “smarm” of him! Sugo really can’t catch a break! Honestly, I feel all of Frederica’s “hounds” are all men quite PRONE to being hurt…poor dudes! I definitely am the person that would skip the Shonen battle to get to the aftermath or the conversations with the characters! At least we got to see Obata and Shion face each other – and it was very cute! Thank you for the comment and kind words! I’m So excited for the First Inspector series!