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We reach the climax of our current multi-volume arc and it's....NOTHING like I could have expected! And perhaps sets the stage for the future in a way the laws of causality...couldn't predict? My Brain needs time to catch up with my Heart!

NOTE: This volume left me theorizing, bamboozled, and VERY curious where this is all going. Please bear with me and be patient with me until next week. I'll definitely start Volume 22 with a more concise and formulated theory and ideas about the story! 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BERSERK: Volume 21 Reaction! THE BABE WITH THE POWER?!

**BATTLE-BAFFLING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We reach the climax of our current multi-volume arc and it's....NOTHING like I could have expected! And perhaps sets the stage for the future in a way the laws of causality...couldn't predict? NOTE: This volume left me theorizing, bamboozled, and VERY curious where this is all going. Please bear with me. I'll definitely start Volume 22 with a more concise and formulated theory and ideas about the story! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Complex City

Not a spoiler as you forgot one crucial piece of information that will give you more clarity on what happened and give you more theories on what's going on with that Griffith look alike as you mention how Griffith already exists so it can't be him but this is what skull knight said previous volumes about the godhand: they exist everywhere in this world, any place negative human thoughts swirl in large concentration but at the same time it can be said as a huge body of thought, they cannot take flesh in this world, thus they exist no where but at times there are exceptions. When the concentration reaches a critical point, one who shouldn't exist in the divine domain is incarnated just once in a thousand years


I live in the Dallas area and this week we have been raked over the coals with tornadoes, hurricane strength winds and flooding. (Called a Derecho) At 5:30am, we got a tornado warning. The sirens were going off, the power was out, the windows were rattling! We hid in the closet as asvised. It was so scary hiding in the closet. (I felt like Nina) and being without power for a few days….. I saw someone describe tornadoes as the closest thing to a “monster” we have in our world. Truly cosmic horror made real! We have been more fortunate than others in our area who have lost their lives in last week’s tornado event. We are still picking up the pieces. We went to the museum today for a distraction and was surprised to see so many people there. Despite our areas troubles, it was a great day. It’s been weird. Now you know my head space as I watch the review for volume 21! Oh good times! You pronounce Farnese just fine! (said in a Texas accent) now that this arc is over, I can say it now: this is my favorite arc so far! Why? One is that it has Lost Children in it! It’s not a separate arc, but a set of chapters in The Conviction arc. It can stand alone as well. It’s that strong! We also have introductions of new interesting characters. Luca, may I say more? She is fantastic! Heck, I love all the new women characters. Of course I know what’s going to happen, but, we see the germ of an idea of what Berserk ultimately is about and it starts here, where “the shape of the world began to crumble.” I also find some of the topics very relevant to how Texas is right now. I do not advertise my thoughts to many people I know for my own sake. Best not to advertise…if you know what I mean. The baby: I love all your ideas! Like I said, I’ve worked it out in my head. Of course my own ideas plus the consensus of ideas concerning the baby. What we know, the Egg of the Perfect World has commented that the baby is human and it’s dying. Griffith/ Femto is no longer human but a godlike being. I actually wrote more notes on this but if I say more now….. let’s wait to have that conversation! 😉 The Egg of the Perfect World: it itself is a Behelit that has sacrificed itself to its “wish for a perfect world.” So is it a wish fulfillment being? I’d say yes! Let’s see how this shakes out now that “baby Griffith “ walks the earth! I like that you called that thing, “baby Griffith!” I call it Evil Jesus 2.0 since it’s not human, and it has manifested from the Astral Plane. Mozgus: I think he looks like a pangolin! Except pangolins are cute and Mozgus is definitely not cute! ( we need a pangolin emoji) Farnese: We see her very slowly changing her outlook on the world after the night she spent fending off spirits. One line that I love and to me we need to take it to heart more often nowadays. Farnese starts to pray while they are being attacked and Guts tells her,” prayin keeps you from doing anything else!” This speaks to me sooooooooooooooooo much! How many times do we have a national tragedy and all we hear are “ Thoughts and prayers “ but no action is takes to move towards a sensible solution to the problem…..( school shootings for example). Now at the end of the volume, Farnese calls Guts her saint. I want to point out the similar worship for Griffith, Casca had! She didn’t think he was a Saint, but, she held him in great esteem. I think the deconstruction of Farnese’s faith is a slow process. To me, this is where she is at this time. The only language she has to describe her evolving thoughts on who Guts is, is a “Saint.” She went from, we must kill the Hawk of Darkness to “my saint” this arc. I applaud her for at least looking at the world differently. Some people never ever get there even when they experience the world as it truly is. This is when she caught my attention. I think the Farnese attention and her thoughts would not be shared by Casca. I think Casca’s thoughts about Guts were more on an even level to Guts as she was his superior in a lot of ways. To me, ( and I do find it frustrating as well) Casca has been put on the back burner to explore new women characters. Maybe? The sun rise: there is always hope! The day that we had that terrible hurricane strength winds blow in and tear our trees down with our power lines as we huddled in the closet, in the middle of the day, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day. We went outside and talked to our neighbors. Yes, this arc is crazy and a roller coaster ride! Great reactions to the whole thing! Thank you as always for your reading this to us! You can grab Zodd by the neck, I’m sure he doesn’t mind! That is one thing I’m trying to fix with Zorg jr. I’m going to see if I can put more stuffing in that area, but I don’t want to over stuff it either! I’m on the wings right now! Almost ready to sew him and stuff him! 👁️👁️👁️👁️FEB Spoilers⬇️👁️👁️👁️👁️ What the frack is going on in this story?! Volume 21: 3!


YES! We got that same storm that you all got – just half a day later - and it was VERY freaky. Luckily, I escaped the problem of power outages, but my neighbors were not so lucky! That sucks you all had to go through that! But YES, tornados are cosmic horror made real, I agree! It is also very bizarre, I agree, experiencing moments of levity after moments of horror – maybe why this volume is so shell-shocking, now that you mention it! I will say, this arc was SO engaging! Luca is an amazing character and I really love how she was able to interact with the Skull Knight and LEGIT have a happy ending; I do agree, the women in this arc were well-written, different, and layered, which I appreciate! Thanks, Miura! And YES, the “shape of the world” crumbling is a very relevant topic and “if you know, you know,” is me saying I get you! A PANGOLIN! YES, Mozgus being compared to a Pangolin is the most accurate thing I’ve heard so far with him, so thank you for making that note! I have…so many thoughts and theories and befuddlements concerning “The Baby” and I know it’s going to drive y’all mad as I struggle through it all Berserk-style! I definitely feel my thoughts on it are embodied by that claymation penguin who is just a complete GRUMP, if you know what I’m referencing. YES – Guts literally tackling the “Thoughts and Prayers” mentality is SO on the nose! I love it! I agree that Casca held Griffith in high regard, kind of like Farnesse holds Guts – but she’s not quite “revering” him so much as is in awe of him, or so it seems to me right now. But yeah, at least she’s THINKING about the world around her at this point! I’m glad that I’m not the only one that finds Casca’s relegation to just “stand there and be saved, I guess” frustrating - I’m at least glad that we have these new dynamic female characters, but I want my Casca back, darn it! At least she’s safe for now. Is it weird that the “always hope” motif happening now almost feels like it’s a prank Miura is playing on me? Like, you made us go through 19 volumes of pure pain, and NOW, you’re like, “JK, there’s always hope!” – I almost feel I’m so jaded from the series, seeing this new message feels like he’s about to jump and scare me with something traumatic. It almost feels too “good” to be true, but I’ll take it! I’m at least glad you had that moment with your neighbors and the storm passed in real life on your end! I love that you have Zorg Jr. almost done! Yeah!! I’m trying to be careful with Zodd…mainly so he doesn’t attack back. ;) I need him for emotional support, especially for this coming week! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words!