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Well, Psycho-Pass, if your goal was to crank up my anxiety to an ELEVEN this episode and get it to where I can't sit still....you hath SUCCEEDED.

Things are ramping up and not looking good for our protagonists, as the rat race and "who's cheating and betraying who" takes on several turns and is leaving me with theories, with questions, and with a LOT of tension as we go into the final two episodes of the season!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/x8TncgcfBLDJ3Y1uR2cGMx?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Season 3: Episode 6 Reaction! CAESAR'S GOLD COINS?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/x8TncgcfBLDJ3Y1uR2cGMx? **ET TU BRUTE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Well, Psycho-Pass, if your goal was to crank up my anxiety to an ELEVEN this episode and get it to where I can't sit still....you hath SUCCEEDED. Things are ramping up and not looking good for our protagonists, as the rat race and "who's cheating and betraying who" takes on several turns and is leaving me with theories, with questions, and with a LOT of tension as we go into the final two episodes of the season! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! Feel a bit bad saying that ‘cause the anxiety was palpable 😂 I’ve always found the idea of a comatose state as a “treatment goal” to be a funny one – it’s not that they seem to make people unconscious so this course of treatment has a higher chance of taking like a medical coma, it’s just the… resolution. Like anti-allergy medicine which is meant to make you less sniffly or itchy and actually just knocks you out. It’s one solution to the problem, I guess. And now that I’m thinking about it, it’s another excellent example of the Sibyl approach to any and all decision making – a cymatic scan data set that’s slightly different than seen before? What could it possibly do about something like that?! Like a person for whom every minor inconvenience is a crisis. A definite truth was uttered in this episode - the "PSB’s mission," and by extension Sibyl’s, is to care about those with “healthy” hues. We've heard this before, though in slightly different terms, I think. Sibyl just has to Struggle with how it can get rid of everyone else in a way that wouldn’t threaten its existence. I loved getting more Irie & Arata interactions! Irie trusting Arata to follow his lead and in turn looking out for both Arata and Kei, following Kei’s request. The fact that we have Shion, Kunizuka and Frederica – my loves 🥰 – just there, doing their work excellently? All I need in life. Getting a glimpse of Akane and then specifically Hinakawa doing his report?! I don’t think we ever saw him smile before S3, or at least I don't recall, then we saw a couple of small ones earlier this season (like when he saw Gino and Kunizuka again) and now this? Our precious bean feels happy and useful. 🥰 I think Psycho-Pass creators have a very specific approach to fanservice: you want it? We’ll give it to you but you will need to pay. 😂 I love these episodes and how much you’re enjoying the journey (as well as that cut at the end 😂- yes, how dare you, show)! Cannot wait for next week! 💙


The anxiety was REAL in this episode! Me just vibrating out of my seat because I was terrified, but I’m excited that you enjoyed it! Thank you for the comment and kind words! Ahhh, and that makes sense – they’re not “treating” you so much as just saying, “Now you’re in a coma…that’s a wrap!” TERRIFYING! And it adds to the complicated and slightly cynical nature of the Sybil System! And yessssss, the PSB mission of only protecting the healthy but just worrying about how to “dispose” of those that aren’t. Woof. Irie and Shindo are such a fun pair! I love them as chums on the detective beat! And yesss, our lovely ladies are just doing their job effectively! And yes, Akane crumbs and the sweetest interactions with Hinakawa! Awww! And seeing him smile was so sweet! Definitely a bean! And yes, fan service at a price: Is it worth it – I guess it depends! But YES, I loved this episode despite the anxiety…but…*nervous laugh* I guess we’ll see how next week is! Huzzah!

Anime Annie

You cannot deny that Psycho-Pass's set designs can be incredibly complex and so captivating. That prayer room is definitely one of my favourites that definitely evokes awe in you when the doors open and it's revealed. Something very fitting for a place of prayer. I truly adore that Kei, who has been portrayed as this tough (physically and mentally) character, is the one to tell Kisaragi that "Everyone needs help". It's a statement that carries a lot more weight when said by someone who has so far been portrayed as the one to *give* help rather than to receive it. But it also links nicely with Maiko's fears for Kei. Shows that even though Kei believes and understands the idea that everyone needs help, it's a lot harder to accept and receive said help. Irie being the one to protect Shindo (from himself and his own choices) this episode gives me all the feelings. It shows how much the team have really bonded. And shows that even with Kei not there to ensure Shindo doesn't use/overuse his Mentalist ability, at least Irie is there and feels comfortable enough to stop him (even though Shindo is his boss) 🥺 Using immigrants for a prostitution ring...yeaaah, once again Psycho-Pass is not afraid to touch on subjects like this that are happening in our world today. Just with the added fear of the immigrants being branded latent criminals thrown into the mix. I really do take my hat off to them at how well they manage to weave such realistic plot points with the more sci-fi aspects of the show. Frederica teasing Mika when she acts all tsundere about the immigrants gives me so much life. Also that moment is what fully cemented them as a ship for me 😍 One, because Mika needs someone able to call her out when she acts like that; and two, it definitely gives more credence to Frederica liking Mika (at least a little) and it not being more of a one-sided crush on Mika's behalf (which is how I'd quantify her relationship with Kunizuka. Laughing at you saying you understand why Kaji took this role thanks to that one scene of Shindo acting kill-crazy 🤣 In all seriousness though it definitely goes to show how Shindo's innocence is just a front. If he truly was as innocent/naïve as he acts then he'd either not be able to pick up Irie's cues and/or be unable/unwilling to act in such a way. I definitely agree that Season 2 Mika would have torn Irie and Todoroki a new one for going against an Inspector's orders. The fact that she's now in a position where she can take a step back and view things in a more neutral manner explains though why she was able to accept and say that it was the Enforcers who were in the right at the time. So slight a thing but it definitely shows the character growth Mika has gone through 🥰 It could also suggest that Mika is aware of the orders Kei left behind for the Enforcers so, by rights, Irie and Todoroki were following an Inspector's orders by stopping Shindo. Just it was Kei's orders that they listened to. Psycho-Pass really went: We haven't had Kougami all roughed up this season, just a little bruised Irie. Let's give our viewers bound and battered Kei, alongside a little hint of fanservice from the untidy clothing 😏 The fandom: Kei fanservice yes, but not like this! 😭 Romania: Mom?! Mom!!! Psycho-Pass is so great for giving us these shocking reveals 😆 This reveal definitely gave me similar feelings to the reveal of Togane and his mother, alongside her brain being part of the Sibyl System. Honestly they are so evil letting us see Shindo, Kei and Maiko so young, and then leaving us in utter fear over Maiko 🥺 Definitely an evil place to end the episode. But yeah the stress this episode can cause you would definitely result in all viewers' Hues colouring 😅 Totally understandable on needing to binge a little after the ending 😆 I believe Caesar's Gold Coins could be in reference to Julius Caesar being the first person to have Roman coins minted with his image on them. There is definitely a link between the title and bribery, which links to the diamonds and weapon parts they discovered this episode. Enomiya was the Second Inspector. Blonde-haired Kei is definitely interesting. Personally I don't think I'd see him as a gorgeous character if he'd kept that blonde hair 😅


I just love all of the concepts in PP and how it evokes so many ideas, especially depending on your background and personal history. And the series touching on real world issues is just something that helps it relate to us and connect, even if on a “surface” level and juuuuust deeply enough to relate. Agreed; the ability to weave is so well done, here! And Kei going from being the anchor to Shindo to being the “vulnerable” one that is in the most danger is a slap of ice water to the face at this turning point in the season FOR SURE! I was not expecting it! Although, him getting the Kogami treatment of “fan service” – show, that was CRUEL! Just as cruel as ending the episode with that moment between the three of them, to showing us having Maiko kidnapped. NOPE. Irie going from being a character I wrote off as stereotypical to such a joy to watch is also SUCH a development; I love it! Mika needs Frederica for the reasons you said in this comment! I ship them so hard! I do appreciate her growth as a character as well! She definitely is more tolerable in this season. Ooohhhh, I can SO see the Togane and Kasai connection with Torri and his mother! Yes! That’s a really good connection, there! And the note about the gold coins connecting to the weapon parts makes so much sense! Enomiya being the second inspector! Thank you! I’ll have to make note of that! And yeah, the blonde hair with Kei is definitely like seeing Hyuuga with Blonde hair in Kuroko’s basketball, hahaha! It just…isn’t the same, especially after seeing him with dark hair. Thank you for the comment and kind words!