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Homura is as elusive as ever, as Kyubey presses for Madoka to become a magical girl yet again, and we learn some unsettling information about life as a magical girl!

This series continues to give us all the creepy foreshadowing, the sorrow, and the twists that make your jaw drop! WHAT THE HECK?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/pvt1s9

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 6 Reaction! THIS IS DEFINITELY WRONG!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/pvt1s9 **WALKIE-TALKIE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Homura is as elusive as ever, as Kyubey presses for Madoka to become a magical girl yet again, and we learn some unsettling information about life as a magical girl! This series continues to give us all the creepy foreshadowing, the sorrow, and the twists that make your jaw drop! WHAT THE HECK?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



White board kun discussion yessssss 🥰 The reveal about the soul gems is always so unnerving no matter how many times I watch. In other fantasy stories, we often see characters putting their souls into objects to be harder to kill. But they are often the evil characters who forsaken their humanity, trying to cheat death. And maybe Kyubey is right, that it is safer for these girls to fight like that. Like I would prefer not to die easily if I have to go fight witches. But the fact that this is done without their knowledge, that they consented to this without having the full idea of the situation, is what makes it fucked up. It is just extremely violating. To see Kyouko, a fully confident and cocky character, also not know and be shaken by this is also surprising, and adds more weight to the situation. Homura, on the other hand, has full knowledge of the situation and jumps right into action. I have so much to say about her too but that will have to wait 😷 In this episode, Sayaka said that Mami is the exception of all magical girls. You are absolutely right to point out that Sayaka did not see Mami tying Homura up. She is also too stubborn to have an open mind about Homura. I want to add one more thing Sayaka did not see: Mami breaking down and crying before Madoka. That scene is extremely important to humanize Mami as also a scared little girl trying to put on a brave face. Madoka and Sayaka both idolized Mami when they met her. Sayaka described her as an ally of justice . And Madoka wanted to be a magical girl just so she could help people like she did. But Madoka actually got to see Mami's weakness. Sayaka, on the other hand, still has that perfect image of Mami in her mind. Sayaka is chasing behind a version of Mami that does not exist. A version that is endlessly selfless, and sacrifices itself to save people (Her magical girl outfit reflects this, since it is literally a hero with a cape, a knight in shining armor), so whoever does not follow that is not worth being a magical girl. Kyouko is an extreme example of that. And Sayaka herself is not exempt from her own judgment, as we already saw her berate herself for even thinking about her selfish thoughts. So to be endlessly selfless or endlessly selfish? What is right? I just love love love how a character's death has such a big impact on two of our main characters, Madoka and Sayaka, in such two different ways. And plus it also wolven perfectly into their ideology, pitting them against other characters. I also love Sayaka because of how flawed she is. Trying to do the right thing but still end up unhappy is brought up in this episode. That is a lesson we learned growing up like the girls in the show, like trying your best, having the right intention, being stubborn, and coming up with the wrong conclusions. I just love the messiness of that whole process being portrayed here through Sayaka.


Your reactions to the shoe (or rather the soulgem) dropping in the final scene was perfect, absolutely delightful. I also love how Homura kept jumpscaring you throughout the episode xDD. This girl has really gotta learn how to make herself noticed before talking ! Although I must say, aren't you a bit too harsh on Kyubey, why are you so touchy about the placement of the magical girls souls ? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ . "Walpurgisnacht" is german, ("Nacht" means night, and "Walpurgis" comes from a german saint of the 8th century (named Walburga). Together, "Walpurgisnacht" is a pagan festivity that's been associated with witches by the church (classic). I already knew a bit about it, but I checked wikipedia for the details xDD. As for the pronunciation, the "W" is pronounced like an english "v", the "u" is like "oo", the g is a hard G as in grand, and the "ch" is a throatal "r" ([x] in the phonetic alphabet if that helps).


Ahhh, thank you for the comment and kind words! The “twist” this episode and Homura just POPPING into existence was definitely enough to keep me on edge, PLUS, Kyubey who is - surely - just an adorable other-worldy creature here to help girls get their ultimate dreams cast. Sure. Sure indeed. ;) Thank you for the pronunciation help as well! And the translation – I’m an episode ahead, so I’ll have to practice that for the infamous “Rule of 8” coming up! 😀 Thank you for all that info and the comment and kind words! I can’t wait to see how this turns out! *pulls out monocle*


I have a feeling this won’t be the last time we see ol’ Whiteboard-kun! That is a really good point about the separation of souls into objects usually being a “villain” move! But YES, the fact that it was done without their knowledge is sneaky indeed! And the fact that Kyouko DIDN’T know is something else, as well, and like you said, adds to the gravity of the situation. I know Homura is full of mystery and that we’ll eventually find out her whole “deal” - it’s just a matter of time. That is the one aspect I didn’t like about Sayaka going into this series, was she was instantly against Homura without knowing her, but instantly on board with Mami with barely knowing her and not seeing all she was doing and saying to Homura behind the scenes, or at least not getting the picture that Madoka was. And it’s good to note that Sayaka still envisions Mami as this “saint,” when Madoka’s seen more of her. That question of selfless vs. selfish I’ll have to bring up in a future reaction! Sayaka has - as I’ll note in a future episode - grown on me a lot from what I thought of her at the start of the show. She’s not my favorite, but I appreciate her more after her becoming a magical girl! And YES, the idea of how “messy” it is growing up is a great theme to point out in this! Thank you for offering that and the comment! Oooh, I’m excited for what’s to come, albeit really nervous!