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Look, this is my longest discussion for Psycho Pass so far for a REASON! So much character work, fun callbacks to Season One, not-so-fun connections to our own reality that the show is making -- it's all REALLY well done in a VERY exciting episode that is my favorite so far!

The mystery is high, the fun is leaping like Spider-Shindo, and Romania is one happy Psycho Pass fan today!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/j6YSQj6xMt3n9kRMzf7Akv? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass Season 3: Episode 3 Reaction! HERACLES & THE SIRENS?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/j6YSQj6xMt3n9kRMzf7Akv? **HERCULEAN HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Look, this is my longest discussion for Psycho Pass so far for a REASON! So much character work, fun callbacks to Season One, not-so-fun connections to our own reality that the show is making -- it's all REALLY well done in a VERY exciting episode that is my favorite so far! The mystery is high, the fun is leaping like Spider-Shindo, and Romania is one happy Psycho Pass fan today! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! What an episode! 🥰 We had a breadth of topics covered in this discussion: from the insidiousness of smear campaigns, “tracking” and educational inequalities, othering, segregation, etc, etc. Not to mention All The Plot. Amazing discussion. We have some things which are similar to “tracking” in various ways, including specifically for higher education, e.g. widening participation (WP): various initiatives used to support pupils who wouldn’t normally be able to access HE. There is work there that is really necessary (and excellent) in terms of acknowledging HE not being accessible to significant sections of the population. It also means: pupils are being tracked throughout their entire education to see where they ‘end up’ - any and all activities undertaken (even things like promotional events by HEIs) are tracked and rated for their ‘efficacy,’ and sometimes (often) used to make sweeping decisions. But what we then often see at the other end - is that schools which have more resources to allow their pupils to participate (often due to Profoundly Obvious reasons such as actually having staff who have time to organise this access) end up skewing the results, and then are able to access additional funding, based on their ‘success’ of course. Another example of an attempt to address systemic inequalities by working backwards from results rather than working on (obvious) foundational issues. Sibyl would approve. So many character moments this ep! Tenma was really cute and grumpy; Irie calling Hinakawa senpai; getting introduced to Irie’s background and priorities which include being a brat 😂; getting introduced to Enomiya who is spectacular; etc. Love seeing you warm up more to all of our new darlings! 🥰 I was the same in terms of worrying (stewing) about Kunizuka watching the earlier episodes for the first time – seeing her looking so amazing brought so much relief. The way Shion was looking at her in that post-credits scene? My heart. 🥰 Happy Birthday! Thank you for feeding us so well on your day. 🥰 Cannot wait for next week! 💙


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! Ahhh, this episode was CRAZY in the best of ways! I was loving everything about this episode: 10’s ACROSS THE BOARD! The system you have seems really neat! But yes, when you get to the other side of it – where the ones with resources and privilege keep getting better and better – yeah, I think Sybil would approve of our systems in this instance. Always more work to be done! BUT YES – alllllll the character moments! Temma and Irie really jumped up in my book after this episode! And yes, I love Enomiya’s design and role in the story so far! And my heart was just over the moon at how proud Shion looked at Kunizuka - her girl beating the system! Wait…Kunizuka is the one Enforcer “getting it on” in the division…is this a sign that having…relations…will help you clear your hue? *cough cough* I mean…Ginoza could test this theory out if he wasn’t transferred to the Foreign Affairs division. Hm. Now I’m curious. Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes! This SHOW kept me fed on this day as well! Such a great Birthday gift! Thank you for the kind words and I can’t wait, either! 😀

Anime Annie

Todoroki, whilst more silent than Irie, is definitely just as expressive, only for him it's more in regards to his body language. It's an interesting comparison to think of how both Inspector and Enforcer acted at the two interviews between this episode and last episode. Also says something about Komiya and Yakushiji's characters on how they interacted with both in those interviews [Komiya's focus was entirely on Shindo, and she ignored Irie completely; whilst Yakushiji answered Kei's questions but within that interview more of his focus got placed on Todoroki]. A lot of the seiyuu for this season do tend to have certain character types that they typically voice, but I feel like Psycho-Pass gives them a chance to try something new and play around more with the cadence, tone, and volume of their voices. Prime examples being Sakurai voicing Hinakawa, and Nakamura voicing Kei. Sakurai's voice is more hesitant and softer for Hinakawa, than the drawl he sometimes uses. And like you said at the beginning, a lot of Nakamura's characters are very exuberant/flamboyant and cocky; whereas with Kei he does still have a bit of that cockiness to his voice, but it comes across more as confidence, and he mostly just sounds more sedate than Nakamura's other characters. Glad I'm not the only one that gets the urge to yawn when the characters do 😆 Honestly love how they've set up Kei being so knowledgeable about Shindo, and being the one able to bring him back from diving into his Mentalist ability 🥰 Shindo though is such a little sh*t to Mika with that line about a game that involves trying to get her fired sounds boring 🤣 I'm sure Mika thought being the honcho in charge, and no longer having Ginoza as a subordinate, her life wouldn't be as stressful. But then enter Shindo and Kei 😂 The chibi robot holo things are equal parts cute and creepy, but I never fail to laugh at Irie's interaction with them whilst he's being assaulted 🤣 Glad I'm not the only one that made me think that the holo picking up on the damage Irie's received and the possibility of him being assaulted though reminds me a lot of the reaction of the crime robot to that woman who was publicly assaulted and murdered in Season 1 thanks to Makishima's helmets. Once again, Psycho-Pass does a great job of portraying something the viewer can relate to, such as the race for the election and the underhanded tactics the parties use, as well as the idea of using an immigrant workforce so as they don't have to pay as high of wages. How great is it that politics doesn't change even in this fictional future world 😅 As much as I feel bad about Irie getting beat up, I love that Psycho-Pass continues to be *that* anime that doesn't have its characters just brush off beatings like that. Instead they do get bruised and bloodied, and have to go around injured for a time. For once Crunchyroll subs are accurate for what's being spoken in Japanese, in regards to how Enomiya is referred to in terms of gender. Pronouns and things are a trickier part of Japanese as, for the most part, sentences can make sense without using pronouns or the person's name is used instead of a pronoun. That being said Irie uses the term "karera" for Enomiya's pronoun, and it translates as 'they' in English. Also agree with you that Enomiya's character design is so well done. And yes, not only does Psycho-Pass show how such an anime can portray relationships (gay, straight, platonic, etc.) in a realistic manner without it just been thrown in to be like "see we have representation" or as some kind of fan service, but we also get this character that can be considered either trans or non-binary. Romania: Don't like this *cue flash to the unusual taste in interior decorating* 🤣 The skulls definitely help cement home that this may not be a good/smart idea for Division 1. You know I love me many of Suwabe's characters, but I knew I adored Irie not when he acted all cool and confident towards Enomiya, but when he was a dork about it and couldn't maintain the cool persona 😂 And with the opening of their borders we now get to experience the racially-motivated complaints 😭 Definitely hard-hitting (and disgusting) with how realistic that scene at the hospital was. Not just the older man that felt he had the right to make such remarks, and towards Kei, but also all those people in the waiting room who just sat by and watched. That shot of Shindo petting the calico cat whilst talking about why Irie became an Enforcer, I can't help but feel like (considering the abrasive way Irie was towards Shindo and Kei in Episode 1) that these last couple of episodes have had Irie being like a cat around Shindo, slowly coming to the realisation that Shindo's a trustworthy guy and it's okay to be more himself 🥰 Irie is liked by the people from the same place he's from. Shindo is liked because he acts in different ways to make people open up and trust him. Todoroki being told off by his family in front of Kei has a very similar vibe to the racist that was complaining to Kei's face at the hospital. I truly adore that Irie calls Hinakawa "senpai" 🥺 Definitely adds a different vibe to their relationship than how it seemed back in Episode 1 when Irie and Todoroki were hanging out with Hinakawa. Biggest shock for me is that Kei and Shindo are the same age 🤣 Also learning through Shindo's mother's death the fact that, under the Sibyl System, euthanasia is a legal option for chronically ill people. I do have to laugh though at this group of Enforcers. Our previous ones, whilst they had a close relationship, were shown doing solitary activities in their downtime. This group of Irie, Todoroki, Kisaragi, and Hinakawa have been shown to spend more time together in their downtime, including this little moment of them sitting around gossiping about their bosses' personal lives 😂 Also love getting to see Shindo and Kei during their time off hanging out and working out together 🥰🥺 But it definitely leaves you so much more intrigued about the relationship and past between them (and Mai). Every time you mentioned Kunizuka and wanted to know about her I did giggle a little evilly. That after credits scene honestly made me so happy, and just as proud as Shion. The way the information about things has been parsed out this season honestly gives me such detective-mystery vibes. It's definitely an apt way to remind the viewer of the things we already know, and just layering more information on top of that, whilst also leaving them anticipating getting more knowledge as the plot progresses. I do think Psycho-Pass have done an excellent job though on giving us these new characters, and making us actually care about them and be intrigued by them, even without the characters we'd had since Season 1 (Akane, Ginoza, Kougami, and Kunizuka) being present. I have watched some anime and other shows that make this kind of change-up between seasons, but don't create a bridge between the new and old characters (like Psycho-Pass has done through Hinakawa's presence on the team, Mika being in charge, the whys of Akane's arrest slowly being revealed, and Ginoza, Sugou, and Kougami working on the same team). Lee's death reminds me a lot of Oberyn's violent death in Game of Thrones. Especially because 1) it was death due to a violent assault on their heads, and 2) with Irie and Kei's presence there I was on tenterhooks waiting for our guys to get the upper hand and protect the civilian. We have discovered the true goal of the Sibyl System! It's to Stockholm Syndrome us into finding those drone holos adorable instead of constantly being creeped out by them! 🤣 My favourite is the "scared" reaction of the drone holo when Irie tells it to shut up just because it was letting them know that they were out of range for their Dominators to work. That drone was too adorable! In regards to the testing and division by ability, I completely agree that it doesn't give the class of children who aren't as talented a better change at improving. When I was at school that's how dome of our classes were divided when it came to our GCSEs (14-16 years old). I was in the second highest class (of eight) for English with English Literature, but I was in the lowest class for Maths. Now at that point in my life my entire family and I knew that Maths was definitely not my strong point. I did well enough in relation to my class, but nationwide that left me hovering around the average/below average mark (C/C-). Whereas the previous year with one specific teacher who could take the time to do some one-on-one for areas I was unsure in I was attaining a decent grade in relation to the whole year (B/B+). A lot of that my parents put down to the insular focus within our single class meaning I was doing well against the other struggling students and so there wasn't the same kind of motivation for me to improve and try to do a little better. For me, personally, I put a lot of it down to not feeling like I could approach the teacher because there were students struggling more than me that she needed to spend more time with, as well as her not having a teaching method like my teacher from the previous year that enabled me to understand several mathematical concepts. Also, in relation to Psycho-Pass, this splitting links very interestingly with the idea of the Sibyl System allowing the slum area to continue as being an area where the Dominators and Hue scans don't work. I definitely agree that Kaji's voice acting as Shindo is much more similar to how he voiced Narumiya (from what I have seen of Mei) than a character like Eren. There's more subtleties and an innocence to his voice. I love how much character their desks each have. Just the condition and little items on them add to our own perceptions of each of the characters so much. Can I just say that I'm amazed we didn't see Huckleberry's head pop up with the bug on your desk 😂 Love that the important questions includes where Homura got his great genetics from, 'cause it definitely wasn't from his Dad 🤣 Romania: "There is no causal link between crime coefficient and blood relations." Well go find Ginoza and tell him that!...Not that he cares anymore. That one hurt Romania! 😭 Thanks for the Masaoka feels 💔 Yeah Shindo was born 11th February so is an Aquarius, and Kei was born 18th January, making him a Capricorn (Japanese dates are written as YYYY/MM/DD). I couldn't remember if it was mentioned in this episode or not, so I held off on saying in my comment for Episode 2. You queried about Kei saying "nii-san" at the end of the episode whereas the Crunchyroll subs changed it to Akira. Now I can fully confirm that whilst in Japanese we learned that Kei was talking to his big brother's picture, whilst in the English subs we just get a name instead. Japanese viewers wouldn't have learned the brother's name until this episode, whilst English viewers (if just going by the subs) don't discover the familial relationship until this episode. Not just them giving us the crotch shot of Shindo out of all the characters, but Shindo in basketball-type shorts. Such a waste 😜 But hey, once again Psycho-Pass is giving us equal fanservice 🤷‍♀😆


I like that this series has slowly given us so much character development with Irie, Temma, and Kei and Shindo – it makes them all so much more endearing! And that’s a neat concept with the VA’s getting to voice a “different type,” though Suwabe as the “misunderstood bad boy” is a … type for him! 😛I’m not surprised you also enjoyed his encounter with Enomiya, though! Our bad boy! OH, I hate if I get breathy from talking too much and feel like yawning in a reaction; I’m always worried it will make me seem bored, and this just subliminally made me want to yawn again typing about it, haha!! The idea of Kei and Shindo as a team and how they help each other is SO cool! I also like the idea of the cat representing Irie warming up to Shindo as well! And how Irie respects Hinakawa…yeah, I grew to like Irie a lot after this episode! And poor Mika, she can’t have a break without this dynamic duo giving her grief similar to Akane! 😛Kei and Shindo as the same age IS something interesting, too! And Shindo’s voice is so innocent here! An Aquarius and a Capricorn – I can see it! Is it bad I want a Chibi Robot squishy or stress ball? The true goal of Sybil System: MARKETING MANIPULATION! There is definitely a lot of “real world” applications to the elements of this Psycho-Pass season in a very *NERVOUS LAUGH* manner! I am loving the mystery way the story is being presented, though! And yes, Psycho Pass doesn’t just let the characters “heal,” they carry that pain with them for a bit! I LOVE Enomiya and how cool their character design and backstory is! And leave it to Psycho-Pass to be progressive and have a broad spectrum of diverse characters without it feeling “on the nose” or cheesily forced. The Kunizuka reveal was SOOOOO satisfying! I’m SO glad she’s okay!! I can only imagine you all watching me speculate! YES, Lee’s Death was JUST like Oberyn; I was honestly thinking of that when it happened, and that’s probably one of my least favorite GOT moments because I did NOT see it coming and it just HAPPENS. Thank you for sharing your experience with tracking! Yesss, what you described I’ve heard of from others as well…it just really puts into perspective the difference a “system” can make that some don’t even realize! Huckleberry would not have surprised me if he’d done that! 😛 All this talk of fathers and their sons with Homura and Ginoza and their dads they don’t quite look like. 😛 That’s so neat about the translation and the brothers! AND YES SUCH A WASTE OF A CROTCH SHOT…but hey, Psycho-Pass is equal opportunity apparently. ;) Thank you for the comment and kind words! Onwards!