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I had alllllll the expectations as to how this season would kick off....and I was completely WRONG on all fronts! Holy smokes, the MYSTERY!

I've missed the detective, mystery angle of this show from the last few films, so I'm welcoming this with open arms but I am so baffled and curious as to what the show is going to give us! Let's just say, Romania is going to be theorizing a LOT for the next few weeks and in "conspiracy mode!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/uNnAbZUREfDayWwYjnpFrQ?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Season 3: Episode 1 reaction! LAELAP'S CALLING?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/uNnAbZUREfDayWwYjnpFrQ? **FLABBERGASTED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I had alllllll the expectations as to how this season would kick off....and I was completely WRONG on all fronts! Holy smokes, the MYSTERY! I've missed the detective, mystery angle of this show from the last few films, so I'm welcoming this with open arms but I am so baffled and curious as to what the show is going to give us! Let's just say, Romania is going to be theorizing a LOT for the next few weeks and in "conspiracy mode!" Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Evil of me but I laughed so hard at your intro with the anticipation of potentially having Kougami, Sugou, and Ginoza gracing our screens 😂 The music in conjunction with the Donnie Darko looking fox entity in the car gives such horror vibes, and I am here for it! But yes we are back to the detective mystery genre! Yes! Arata is voiced by our beloved Kaji Yuuki 🥰 Definitely on the softer side so far in comparison to Eren 🤣 The drone enthusiasts filming at the airport makes me think of train enthusiasts nowadays who travel to different spots to observe and film different trains going by. I think there are also aeroplane enthusiasts like that, but the train geeks are definitely more well known in various countries, but especially in Japan. I honestly love that as the years have passed the tech within the universe of Psycho-Pass has been upgraded. Links nicely with how as the years have passed in real life that the animation quality and techniques have changed too. Season 3 beginning really just makes every viewer go through the 5 Ws and H (Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?). Really throw you in the deep end with giving us Mika (who now holds the title "Chief" rather than simply "Inspector"), and then a whole bunch of new Inspectors and Enforcers who we have no clue who they are, or why they're here, or what has happened to our previous Division 1 (outside of Hinakawa and Mika) and where they are, or how things got to where they are from the last time we saw our Division 1 back in Sinners of the System Part 2. My first time watching this, with Mika saying she wanted Arata to use his Mentalist abilities, and then he did that gesture of waving his hand as he said "Let's pray we won't need them" immediately made my Star Wars brain think of Jedi powers 🤣 It gave me same energy as "These are not the droids you are looking for." I feel like of all the Enforcers Hinakawa is the safest one for Arata to sleep like that next to. Hinakawa is truly the most precious boy! 🥺 Ignatov and Arata wanting to work with the people to ease their hues, rather than just use Dominators on them, reminds me a lot of how Akane always was with victims and some latent criminals from Episode 1 of Season 1. Which definitely makes it all the more interesting that Mika allows them to go off and work how they want to, as well as doing some "old school" detective work. As much as I side with Irie on shutting down the complicated explanation about the formula, I do feel for Hinakawa that he didn't get the chance to show his smarts 🥺 I would not have understood a single thing he said most likely, but it would have let him shine in the way he is confident about. I still can't watch that scene of Arata promising to find the killer without laughing. Not for what he says but rather for the way the wife reached out for the flowers and pulled them closer to her 😆 Even being artificial flowers, unless they were created with the stalks attached in some way to the vase the flowers would not have stayed the way they did. It's my only slight peeve with the animation this episode, and I consider it a peeve just because it takes me out of the serious sincere moment within the scene every time 😂 As much as I think those big police heads are creepy, I certainly wouldn't say no to a Pez dispenser with one on it 😆 I do love Obata's personality and her gestures, expressions, and body language really tell you a lot about what she thinks of being classified as Azusawa's "subordinate". Also she's a great contrast with Azusawa's thrill for the potential game of Arata and Ignatov chasing them, and her finding them simply creepy. Your excitement over seeing Ginoza only to be immediately like "Give me more!!!" was hilarious and entirely relatable. Hurray for him being alive, but damn this show for only giving us these little snippets of information that just leaves us with a whole host of questions. Definitely agree with you that I love the way that the 'extras' with Psycho-Pass are not simply filler and parts of it are woven into the rest of the series, making those stories completely canon. With you on the movies that are waived as not actually having any relation or relevance to the actual plot. Those types of extras honestly just seem like a capitalistic creation. The main series like this that comes to mind for me is honestly, and sadly, Bleach. I do enjoy the movies but they really have no bearing on the actual canonical plot. Totally understand needing to watch the next episode 😆 Romania: I'm sure Mika gives her a good time...not to mean anything sexual by that!!! Me: 😏 In all seriousness from how we've seen Mika be with the male characters in comparison to the female characters (minus Akane) you would definitely surmise that Kisaragi gets better treatment from her than the others within the Division. The way they introduce Arata's ability when watching your reaction all I could think of was Kelsey calling them out on "superpowers" like she did with Kuroko no Basuke's "abilities" 🤣 But it is really great that from the get-go a caveat is established. Also gives us a better understanding for the bond and relationship between Arata and Ignatov. The layout of that room for the Bifrost, with how mysterious that place is and the lack of information given to the viewer, made me go "Triangular shaped? ILLUMINATI!!!" 🤣 Mika's bland, black office space (perhaps because of the Psycho-Pass AMV I'm creating) made me think of Togane and him wanting to colour Akane black 😆 So many great and interesting theories this episode 💕 With a whole host of new characters we have a bunch of seiyuu joining the Psycho-Pass family. You already got that Shindou Arata is voiced by Kaji Yuuki. Other than Eren from Shingeki no Kyojin he has also voiced Kenma from Haikyuu!!; Judeau from Berserk; Todoroki from Boku no Hero; Shion from No. 6; Narumiya from Daiya no Ace; and Meliodas from 7DS. Ignatov Kei is voiced by Nakamura Yuuichi, who has also voiced Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen; Kuroo from Haikyuu!!; Takami from Boku no Hero; and Silat from Berserk. Irie Kazumichi is voiced by my beloved Suwabe Junichi 🥰 and has also been the seiyuu for Grimmjow from Bleach; Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen; Aomine from Kuroko no Basuke; Jae-ha from Yona; Laurent from Great Pretender; Aizawa from Boku no Hero; Oda from Bungou Stray Dogs; Victor from Yuri!!! On Ice; and Pei Ming in the Japanese dub of Tian Guan Ci Fu. Thank you for commenting on that dang soul patch of Irie's! When I heard Suwabe's voice coming from a character with a soul patch I truly felt so pained 🤣 Todoroki Tenma is voiced by Ootsuka Akio, who has also voiced Kyouraku from Bleach; The Skull Knight from Berserk; and All For One from Boku no Hero. Kisaragi Mao's seiyuu is Nazuka Kaori who has also voiced Maria Ross from FMA:B; Shimizu from Haikyuu!!; Takeyama from Boku no Hero; Margaret Mitchell from Bungou Stray Dogs; and Naenia from Vanitas. Homura Shizuka is voiced by one of your favourites: Miyano Mamoru. He has also voiced Rin from Free!; Atsumu from Haikyuu!!; and Dazai from Bungou Stray Dogs; Light from Death Note; and Ling from FMA:B. Saionji Kyouko's seiyuu is Tanaka Atsuko, and has also voiced Hanami from Jujutsu Kaisen; Torii from Gokushufudou; Helenka from Monster. Shirogane Haruki's seiyuu is Naka Hiroshi, and is the voice actor for Ukai senior from Haikyuu!!; and Dr Dürer from Monster. The AI voice during the Roundrobin scenes is by Morikawa Toshiyuki, who has also voiced Tousen and Isshin from Bleach; Ruthven from Vanitas; Edgar Allan Poe from Bungou Stray Dogs; and Kagaya from Kimetsu no Yaiba. Sasagawa Tetsuya is voiced by Kusunoki Taiten, and has also voiced Rokuro from Kimetsu no Yaiba; Thorgil from Vinland Saga; and Lev Aldrecht from 86. Azusawa Kouichi is voiced by Horiuchi Kenyuu, who was also the seiyuu for Eduardo from Banana Fish; Amagai (the new captain in one of the filler arcs) from Bleach; and Tobirama from Naruto. Asahi (the victim from the drone crash) was voiced by Ogino Seirou, and is the voice actor for Hanako's Dad from KazeTsuyo; Giran from Boku no Hero; and Dennis from Shingeki no Kyojin. The others have seiyuu that you haven't seen any of the anime they've voiced other roles for.


Loved the reaction & discussion! This was so delightfully familiar – back when S3 was being promoted I had very carefully (and with great difficulty) avoided any and all promo images/materials/etc. The shock starts at 3 years having passed and then does not abate! Meeting such an extensive cast of new characters was wonderful. We can be the Hinakawa Protection Squad 🥰 – our poor precious bean. I love his characterisation as someone who observes and looks to others, we saw this in S2 a fair bit. Watching this episode the first time I related the most to him and think he was a really good choice for a character to be our ‘in’ to the new environment – things are different, dynamics are different so the way they work on cases is also different, etc. And he’s kind of watchful and anxious. Even though he’s been around a while now, he’s trying to figure out his place – the same way we are as the audience. And him softly-softly patting Arata’s shoulder to try to wake him up? Precious. 🥰 Also, loved how Sugo was a kind of touchstone for you for new characters: you wondered whether Irie was Sugo with a new haircut but as soon as he opened his mouth went ‘nah,’ or Sugo who ‘may as well be a party animal’ in comparison to Kei. 😂 I immediately fell in love with the Kei and Arata dynamic, I always enjoy characters who are protective of one another and openly help each other, so I really gravitated towards them. I agree with your assessment that the Psycho-Pass creative team do what they want to do. I cannot wait to get the further into the season with your discussions! 🥰 And can’t wait for next week! 💙


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I am very happy you got to start this without spoilers as well! That’s awesome! But yeah, the time skip and then the madness that follows! We all definitely need to protect our precious bean Hinakawa! I love the idea that he has as much trepidation as we do navigating this new season! And HA! I was convinced Kei was Sugo with a new haircut sans Aizen pseudo-curls but the demeanor gives it away – Kei is closer to S1 Ginoza in his stoic-ness (just not grump) than Sugo’s broness. That’s more like Irie, but just not AS bro douchey. I really am enjoying Kei and Shindo already! The duo that are protectors of each other? Yes please! I’m really excited to get into this season and see all of its shenanigans! Onto next weeeek!


Right?! My trio of hunks nowhere to be seen…it’s CRUEL! And yes, back to mystery/detective genre and I couldn’t be happier! The Donnie Darko fox is CREEPY, though! AHHH, yay! It IS Yuki Kaji! 😀I’m so happy, and yes, he sounds SO much softer, here! And him like Obi-wan? Yes, please! And yes, both Kei and Shindo give me Akane vibes in their actions! Old School for sure! OKAY, BUT YES, I was thinking of Kelsey’s KNB comment on “super powers” when his ability was explained! But I knew 99.9% of viewers would have no idea who I was talking about, haha! I can totally get the “drone enthusiasts” – but yes, the tech has upgraded so much! I like how the show is “following” us the viewer through time. That peeve about the holo tech makes sense, too – I could see that! Mika and the Pez dispenser was such levity! But yes, girl is not…as into…the male characters that way! ;) But she’s definitely interesting this season so far for sure! BUT YES, Togane wanting to “color” someone black…what’s Mika’s hue again? But yes, she would go with your AMV!! I wanted more with Ginoza FOR SURE! Show is SUCH a tease! Yeah, it instantly made me want to watch episode 2! And such a tease with this whole BiFrost thing! In all honesty, I was thinking of the One Piece and Bleach movies when I was thinking of the “not canon” extras with series, hahaha! Thank you for all the voice actor information! OH MY GOD – we have Yuki Kaji…AND GOJO’S VA…AND SUWABE?! I need to pay more attention to Irie now, but with that personality it SO connects to Grimmjow! I can see it! Also, I’m realizing Suwabe plays Oda and now I need to go back an listen to him again because I didn’t recognize him there. AND MIYANO MAMORU – my mind is swimming – how did I not place all these characters?! Is this real life?! And Isshin’s VA?! I am drowning in good VA talent! I am so excited for this season now! Thank you for the comment and kind words!