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Look, I'm not giving ANYTHING away for this one just in case you haven't seen it! All I can say, after watching season 2 and diving into this is:

Romania fangirled a lot. Like. A LOT A LOT.

For many reasons. But this was nearly two hours of Psycho-Pass goodness that went by SO fast! I cannot WAIT to talk with you all ABOUT IT! LET'S GO!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ZMRj3NSu5AQbF211dCf4qh?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ZMRj3NSu5AQbF211dCf4qh? **FANGIRLING HEADPHONE WARNINGS - PREPARE THYSELF** Look, I'm not giving ANYTHING away for this one just in case you haven't seen it! All I can say, after watching season 2 and diving into this is: Romania fangirled a lot. Like. A LOT A LOT. For many reasons. But this was nearly two hours of Psycho-Pass goodness that went by SO fast! I cannot WAIT to talk with you all ABOUT IT! LET'S GO! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! This really was an excellent treat for the all the shippers and a nice specific story. The excitement of seeing Kogami again – and finding out what he has been up to – really came through. 🥰 I also had a whole experience watching this, especially trying to deal with all the plot, the socio- + geopolitical elements, the new characters, etc, etc, while also going: ‘but could we just check in with Gino’s ponytail for a second?! Just a quick shot. What could it hurt. Please, movie.’ 😂 You may be interested now in some production information – to me the most curious was that The Movie and S2 were conceptualised and produced almost simultaneously. The script for The Movie was completed before all the S2 scripts were finalised (makes sense based on the number of hours of content). I’ve always wondered how much of S2 was ‘made to fit’ the end goal of this movie. Urobuchi did the main story + screenplay (along with Makoto Fukami). I’m looking forward to being able to share more of the production info + staff interviews later on (especially the ones which have been translated from the artbooks). I would recommend the dub of Psycho-Pass in general – it is very high-quality. But I would especially recommend it for Shinkane shippers. Kogami’s final line in the dub of this is: ‘She is a remarkable woman.’ I commend the dub for acknowledging Akane’s role in the resolution of this particular plot. The evolving Sibyl-related analysis continues to be excellent. I think at this point, I want to talk a bit about the way I see Sibyl. I don’t particularly view it as a ‘system’ – which would function on ‘rules’ and to a basic/specific instruction e.g. maintaining justice or social order, or, in its origin, ‘selecting occupations most suitable for citizens’ – I view it as an organism. Mostly this is because the primary goal of any organism is self-preservation. And beyond that, I see it as a parasitic organism. In my eyes, Sibyl has taken over its ‘host,’ has worked to adapt to the host’s physiology, learned to control and influence it. It reduces the host’s ability to expel the parasite by reducing its overall health, or inflicting specific impairments, and is now able to expend even more of its resources to preserve itself – by spreading and infesting others. Not all actions a parasite takes are harmful – it needs to preserve the host body, too. To me, Sibyl is such a fascinating concept – it is petty, and prideful and imperious. It attempts to deny its biological origins (or foundation). And there is Akane – seeing right through it now and trying to make a terrible situation work! Yugo Kanno continues his amazing work with the score and new variations on familiar themes, will share some below (as usual, no spoiler static images in links): Ano Hito Wa (primary piano theme we hear when Akane is sparring): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGh09GtnSQ8&t=786s Shisou to Songen (travelling to meet Kogami): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGh09GtnSQ8&t=1345s Hakai ga Oikakeru (Kogami scenes before meeting Akane): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGh09GtnSQ8&t=1869s Hito to Hou wo Mamoru Tame ni (the familiar Kogami/Akane theme as he shows her around the compound): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGh09GtnSQ8&t=3113s Psycho-Pass feat. Akane (main theme variation, when Akane gets a working dominator again): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGh09GtnSQ8&t=4564s I cannot wait for next week! 💙

Anime Annie

Reaction to the first minute of the movie usually goes: "Okay, English...I do have my settings right, right? Wait...KOUGAMI!!! 😍🤩" 🤣🤣🤣 Timeline-wise: Akane's second day of work in Season 1 was the 5th November 2112; Season 2 started around October 2114 (Episode 2 we get a date on Akane's computer: 22nd October 2114); and this movie starts out July 2116. We get yet another example of Psycho-Pass being ahead of its time with tech in regards to Mr Miyazaki's translator watch. The movie aired back in 2015 and I believe some decent watch translators became available on the market around 2018/2019. I love the change-up in the music with the arrival of the paddy wagon, but I love it more with your head canon that Hinakawa, our sweet bean, is secretly a metalhead 😂 Love how quick you were to note on Ginoza's change-up in hairstyle. That's a thank goodness on the no mullet. No one is prepared at just how much Ginoza getting a damn ponytail derails your mind. It's distracting in all the best ways. Much better hair styling than another Production IG anime movie that comes to mind (*coughs* Kuroko no Basuke: The Last Game *coughs*) 😆 The flash grenades being wrapped in a holo of those dang creepy police faces is equal parts terrifying and hilarious. Also the foreigner just continuing to shoot at the holo images the robots are projecting, rather than the robots themselves, is a very subtle way of showing that other countries may not use holos (or at least not to the extent that Japan do). Can you imagine how easier shopping for a bridesmaid's dress and/or wedding dress would be with that holo technology Psycho-Pass? Random thought I had when re-watching that sequence in your reaction. Also my heart gave a little twinge that Funahara never got to be with them and experience this moment with her friends 😭 Akane is becoming more and more like her mentors, Masaoka and Kougami, every passing day. Masaoka for using similar [old-style] investigation techniques, and Kougami for physical training. How blank Mika is about having just done something like that is seriously concerning. But it's seen as something acceptable because he was a latent criminal. The one thing about this whole scene is that Akane's somewhat on the opposite end of things in comparison with Season 1. Ginoza didn't believe a memory scoop was a suitable investigative technique for them to be able to get an image of Makishima, but Akane went ahead and did it anyways. The difference though is that it was *Akane* going through the memory scoop and, in my opinion, she has the right to do what she wants with her own body and take such a risk. Mika, and the Sibyl System, however did it on someone I imagine did not consent in any way to have such a procedure done. And that potentially increased the risks attached to such a procedure. This movie really makes it hard to be a sole shipper, especially if you take into consideration Akane probably only knew Kougami for a matter of months whereas she's known Ginoza now for four years! Why we should just make them a threesome (i.e. make Akane polyamorous and both Ginoza and Kougami are her partners) 🤭 Now that I've been to Japan hearing that announcement about preparing to land felt so strange. That voice and the way it was said is exactly how the announcements on some train lines sound 😆 I feel like the long luscious hair and somewhat regal attire put you off on recognising Levi 😆 I love him saluting and being a good little soldier is what twigged for you that he's voiced by Kamiya Hiroshi 😂 The whole thing of segregated living and buses, and the collars on others not fully accepted by the System, honestly gave me racial segregation and slavery kind of vibes (which I do feel is backed up by the book the mercenary scrawls over [Black Skin, White Masks] being a critique on racism and dehumanisation). Immediately set off so many warning bells in my head. But Akane, born in Japan where information is controlled by the Sibyl System, may not know about that kind of human history. It definitely gives off the feeling of the Sibyl System experimenting with these people to see if they can control a populace in this kind of manner. It's definitely a nice little attention to detail giving Akane slightly wavy hair when it's wet. Honestly the score as the army are rolling in against the rebels kinda gave me Schindler's List vibes. Laughed so hard at you saying "Makishima would be so proud of him" as Kougami jumps off a tower 🤣 Be a badass Akane!!! 😍 That hand-to-hand sequence is so damn good. It shows just how much Akane has improved since Kougami last seen her, though to be fair to Kougami she also had surprise on her side. Kougami certainly wasn't expecting Akane to show up in a war zone. I agree Makishima would have fun having a discussion with the mercenary boss, but I feel he'd agree with you and me that it's sacrilegious to write on whatever book is at hand 😆 When I first watched this I will admit to tearing up a little at Kougami taking time to ask after Ginoza 🥺 Can I admit that I love how seriously badass the mercenaries are? I feel like it's because in so many other stories the antagonists tend to get a little nerfed in order for our protagonist(s) to be able to defeat them. But in this movie I don't feel like at any point they weaken them. Whilst they are badass I just could not be with their group because 1) their boss writes on books, and 2) did you see that mess that was meant to detail their plan? That scrawl of notes were almost illegible. I do not think it's bad that you want Akane and Kougami to get it on. If this was a Western show/movie I'm sure we'd have gotten a sex scene 🤭 Instead we get a talk in the moonlight which also includes discussing the ghost of the man between them, Makishima 😆 "Come try to catch me again" glad I wasn't the only one to think of YuuMori for that moment between them! 🥰 We did not know Sem long, but Kougami's relation and reaction to his death is what gives it more punch for us the viewer 🥺 Shion coming through! You thought she'd given her something kinky. Honestly wouldn't be out of the realm for her, but she is also a dang good friend for Akane. Her reaction to seeing what the true Crime Coefficients of the military were gave me a chill of fear and concern for our girl Akane. The mercenary dropping his beer, but his fast reflexes also catching it a second later is perfect. Such a little thing, but worth the time they spent animating that moment. Ginoza coming in to save the day!!! 🥰😍 I love though that your first thought now that Ginoza is there isn't for them to defeat the enemy but for Ginoza to punch Kougami 🤣 Did you think you could get more pissed at Mika's character than in Season 2?? 😅 Just like Akane had the illusion of Kougami talking to her in Season 2, Kougami has Makishima. The Sibyl System definitely have a need for Akane to keep them within the bounds of the law. Ginoza and Kougami giving a beat down together is more than we could ask for 🥰 I love that Mika looked shocked by the announcement from Han. She follows the Sibyl System like a little robot dog, carrying out all their commands. Whereas Akane challenges the System to do and be better. The movie ends with Kougami's hope for a better future, where a kid won't have to fight to survive...the after credits brings you out of dreamland and into reality and show that nothing may have actually changed. By democratic vote Han (i.e. the Sibyl System) could once again be in control. Only 40% of the votes have been counted so it's not a majority win yet. The thing is that for Han to step down as Akane asked, the Sibyl System spun a story laying all the blame on Colonel Nicholas. I know in our own political climate a politician that holds their hands up and steps down because of something a subordinate did/said doesn't always have a negative impact on how some of the general public view them. There are some that would think of them in a more positive light because they're "trying to take responsibility". As much as some people rag on the English in the movie, I do think it's a decent enough attempt for non-native English speakers. I do think it would have enhanced the movie if they'd gotten actual English VAs for those parts but I honestly don't mind it so much. Especially if it means visually I get such high quality scenes. But yeah hearing Kamiya speak English here is way more intimidating than how he was as Akashi in the movie...which is a little weird considering this movie came out two years before Last Game, but could be understandable if he hasn't had to use English much between this movie and it. I also personally feel the writing for the English lines were a little more natural and edgier than the English in Last Game. Such nostalgia getting the book club back 🥰 Overall I feel like this movie is a nice mix of things from Season 1 and 2. Like we get our literary quotes again like in Season 1 but the gore and violence is more like that of Season 2. And they show off once again on their usage of reflections and lighting/shadows. Some seiyuu information. You already recognised the Kamiya voiced Nicholas so I won't include him (though he really did amazing as our antagonist). Mr. Miyazaki is voiced by Sakuya Shunsuke who has also voiced Edamura's Dad from Great Pretender; and Sonoda from Jujutsu Kaisen. Han's seiyuu is Sasaki Katsuhiko. He hasn't done too many roles but ones you would know are: Mun-deok from Yona; and Henning Heinich from Monster. The Mercenary Boss's seiyuu is a very prolific voice actor called Ishizuka Unshou. You may recognise him from roles such as Dino from Banana Fish; Hohenheim from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood; Zabuza from Naruto; and Annie's adoptive Dad from Shingeki no Kyojin. Kougami's friend Sem was voiced by Kimura Subaru and he also voices Panda from Jujutsu Kaisen; Tendou from Haikyuu!!; Papa from Kuroko no Basuke; and Spencer from Violet Evergarden. And lastly, Yeo (the woman who served Akane and drugged her) was voiced by Morohoshi Sumire. Other roles you might know her from are Yachi from Haikyuu!!; Kyouka from Bungou Stray Dogs; Nina Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood; Lili from No. 6; and Ann from Violet Evergarden.


Thank you for the kind words and comment! I LOVED this movie – there was so much excitement with Kogami coming back and THEN we get hit with Ginoza!! It was a treat alongside the normal philosophical thriller elements! Oh WOW, I had no idea about them being made at the same time! That is CRAZY and verrrrry interesting to have the “chicken and the egg” idea of what influenced what. Thank you for that! Oohhhh, and now I may have to listen to the dub, if only to satisfy my KogAne heart! Oohhh, and the “organism” idea with Sybil is fascinating! I agree with that, though I interestingly don’t think Sybil sees itself as that, because Kamui is a “human” representation of that, too! I will definitely have to bring that up in the Sinners #2 intro, but now I need Makishima in a nurse’s outfit trying to “Cure” the system! 😛 Thank you for the links to the music as well! I am LOVING these feature-length PsychoPass entries, and I cannot wait for next week! Thanks so much!!


I honestly was perfectly fine with the English; it was some of the better English I’ve encountered with anime so far! Wow…the fact that this take place 4 YEARS after Akane started the PSB…. That is also crazy about the technology catching up! I also love the headcanon of Hinakawa being a metalhead in secret! ;) And ahhh, no Aizen curl or mullet for Ginoza! Yay! And DERAILED is an apt term to describe my affixation on it. IG Made up for KNB with this!! That’s a good note about how other countries may not have the holo tech that Japan does. Also, where’s my holo tech to try on clothes? I would love that. And thanks Makishima…for taking Funahara from these two for this moment. Akane taking from those she’s lost - Kogami and Masaoka - almost as a keepsake is so endearing! That’s also a really good point about the difference in the Memory Scoop moments! Also, the fact that Akane has now known Ginoza for Four YEARS is insane. That’s crazy that it sounds the same as you’re used to hearing it when actually traveling to Japan! WIth the soundtrack and the Schindler’s List vibes – I can see that. Hahaha – it took me awhile, but your reasoning is exactly what it took for me to recognize Kamiya’s voice! That’s also a really good point that Akane has had a lot of history denied to her, so she probably does not realize that it mimics prior historical events; good point! Akane being so badass and her interactions with Kogami and conversations were EVERYTHING in this movie! I had missed it so much! The mercenaries were also really well done, I agree. The chemistry with Akane and Kogami….UGH….I think Kunizuka and Shion getting to have an intimate scene has me wanting Akane to get some of her own, hahaha! At least Shion helps a girl out! The love triangle between Kogami-Akane-Makishima is strong! But my love triangle of Akane-Kogami-Ginoza might be stronger. ;) But yeah, Mika….girlllll….and yes, Akane challenges the system while Mika falls in line for it. The ending is definitely bitter sweet and real, though! I was happy to bring back the book club, though! Thank you for all the VA information and the kind words and comment! That’s awesome!