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09:03 - 10:03  is a Heaven Official's Blessing SPOILER! Please note!   

The epilogue to the series is here and so many things get tied together and yet so much is left ambiguous for us...I'm in AWE of this show and its power!  

I cannot believe we're to the end of the series. I still have one week to savor this show before moving on (with the recap next week) but THANK YOU for joining me on this journey! Holy smokes, Urasawa...what a ride it's been!  

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/6igeGvShnfWhFyK9Fz46ja?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


MONSTER: Episode 74 Reaction! THE REAL MONSTER?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/6igeGvShnfWhFyK9Fz46ja? **SERIES FINALE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** 09:03 - 10:03 is a Heaven Official's Blessing SPOILER! Please note! The epilogue to the series is here and so many things get tied together and yet so much is left ambiguous for us...I'm in AWE of this show and its power! I cannot believe we're to the end of the series. I still have one week to savor this show before moving on (with the recap next week) but THANK YOU for joining me on this journey! Holy smokes, Urasawa...what a ride it's been! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I've been watching this series along with you from the beginning. I was able to get through the dreary parts because of you. I originally quit after Nina's foster parents were killed because it was just too sad. I ended up really enjoying the series, so thanks! I like that Eva is taking some time to herself, she was introduced as a sort of gold digger, so it's a nice way to show that she's moved on and doesn't need a man to make her happy. If I had some criticisms of the series, it would be how Dieter and Nina didn't actually end up doing much. Dieter vanishes in the second half and Nina is mostly having flashbacks. I am glad they both had a happy ending with Dieter playing soccer and Nina running late for school with a piece of toast hanging out of her mouth. Johan haunts this episode. It's like he's in every shadow and around every corner. I now know how long I could last underwater without breathing. I was ready for Johan to knife Tenma in those last moments. As far as psychic powers, I think the show tries to mislead us. I think Urasawa knows about the creepy twin tropes so they lean into that, then they vaguely refer to "experiments" at kinderheim, and even far into the series they mention that the mom was a brilliant geneticist, etc. I think he wants to trick you into thinking something supernatural or sci-fi is going on, and then it turns out that it's just a straight thriller and Johan is just a smart dude who is good at manipulating people. I agree with you that ultimately everyone was a Monster, in their own way, they all made selfish or horrible choices over the course of the series. I guess the moral of the story is that, maybe...in the end the real Monsters...were the friends we made along the way...


Ahhh, thank you for following me from the beginning! It’s been a wild year and a half, right?! It was a journey getting through some hard parts, but I’m with you, I’m glad we could do it together! 😀 I love that Eva is helping to become a better person! That’s so awesome! And YES, Eva going from a gold digger to her doing things for herself is SUCH a great twist with her character! I do agree – when we do the character tier, I wanted to talk about Dieter and how he doesn’t have much to do in the second act. And Nina, while she does give us some exposition, doesn’t have the moment with Johan I really wanted her to; that said, having been TERRIFIED that Deiter would die the entire series, I’m so happy that he and Nina get a “happy” ending! I was SO ready for Johan to do something insane in that last episode and confrontation with Tenma as well! But I love that idea that he lurks like a shadow over the world of Monster. YES, Urasawa definitely made some red herrings for us throughout this series! And YES, the whole time I kept waiting for the supernatural reveal and no, Johan just knows how to manipulate, which makes it that much SCARIER! Hahaha, I think Urasawa says a lot to us about judging others and not being too “righteous,” because we’re all capable of becoming monsters THAT easily…but, if we DO become monsters, we can also be led back to our humanity, like with Grimmer, that easily. This is definitely a series that is going to stick with me for a long time to come! Thank you for the comment and following me on this journey! Next week I’ll do some wrap up until the livestream!

Alex Kornejo

Man, I'm late for this party, but let me just say, I loved this journey. No one does characters like Urasawa does. and yeah, that comment about Spy & Family really wrecked havoc on the theorizing front though in fairness when the show literally starts quoting the bible talking about the anti-christ it does sort of prime you to expect some supernatural stuff to happen and not just some guy dealing with trauma in the worse possible way. I mean, there's nazis, communists, terrorist and serial killers in this show and the final boss is just some guy? But no, like the show makes clear the real monster is that darkness in all of us, because that darkness is what makes nazis, terrorists or killers out of people who would otherwise would just be people. So it was so fulfilling to see that Tenma never surrendered to that darkness and shot Johann, Or that Eva came back from her own darkness, and so did Lunge... pretty much everyone who made it to the end is in such a better place than when they started. And it feels so earned. Even Grimmer, and even if only posthumously, he doesn't have to carry that weight anymore. Finally about the OP I always felt it was meant to show what Tenma's life was like during his 'off time' during the episodes obviously things would happen he'd be at a destination and be interacting with people for plot reasons, but most of his life in his years as fugitive would be spent similarly to how he's show in the OP just, lonely and paranoid not to be recognized and strugling to get from point a to point b with only his own darkness as companion. The story doesn't advance in those moments so it couldn't be part of the narrative, but it's the most constant and significant part of his life during the story, so that's how it got portrayed, just put it as the OP, something that' there constantly and doesn't change for the duration of the story till the end when he finally come out of it. Anyway, again, thank you for this journey and I look forward for Pluto and the other Urasawa stuff if and when it happens.


You’re never late, Alex! Thank you for the kind words and comment! This journey has been AMAZING! And Urasawa does character so well! BUT YES, THANK YOU – the series starting off with this religious context made it seem to me like we were going to get into that supernatural element! But yes, instead it’s so much more real! And yes, the real monster is the darkness we carried with us along the way, right? Hahaha, but yes, I actually love that the “ultimate monsters” Johan and Bonaparta were just…some dudes. And to see Tenma, Eva, and Lunge face that darkness and claw their way out along with Grimmer, though he died – I love that! Definitely want to bring that up in the recap! That note about the OP and Tenma’s Off Time is so interesting! I hadn’t considered that, but it makes sense! I love that part of your comment and letting me think of it that way! A recap to go and then Pluto! I would definitely love to get to more Urasawa works down the line, but I will savor Pluto, whose length will be the OPPOSITE of Monster. Thank you for the kind words and comment!