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The final two episodes of Season 2 and it's ALLLLL coming together, y'all! Akane is put to the test by Kamui AND the Togane family and I could not be more proud of our girl and how far she's come these two seasons!  

Mika makes decisions of our own and we see who is still here when the dust settles! This season was fun and insane and I can't wait to talk about it with you all!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/wQDFkRSfZmjA7SJDoEUZRZ?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass Season 2: Episodes 10-11 Reaction! GAUGING THE SOUL & WHAT COLOR?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/wQDFkRSfZmjA7SJDoEUZRZ? **SEASON FINALE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** The final two episodes of Season 2 and it's ALLLLL coming together, y'all! Akane is put to the test by Kamui AND the Togane family and I could not be more proud of our girl and how far she's come these two seasons! Mika makes decisions of our own and we see who is still here when the dust settles! This season was fun and insane and I can't wait to talk about it with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! This has been such an excellent set of discussions for this season, thank you so much! 🥰 Has been really wonderful to see you have a great time. The theorising was particularly delightful throughout – e.g. sus!Togane was at one point or another (even if just for a moment) accused of being: dead, alive, a cyborg, Kogami, Shogo, Shogo’s brain, Kasei, Kamui, grandma, etc. 😂 His trajectory in the season really served this so perfectly. I really like the core concept of this season – individual vs collective entities, and I’m so glad you touched on a particular parallel in the discussion. Absolutely, the debate around “corporate personhood” to me is the key question posited by the season. In our world, a corporation, as an entity, holds responsibilities so therefore does that then extend to having some semblance of “rights”? How do we hold such entities accountable for their actions, or do we have a tendency to scapegoat individuals within the entity, even when there are actual systemic issues at play? How do we prosecute and/or punish collective entities? How can we prevent harmful behaviour of corporate entities when it is a collection of individuals “just doing their jobs” – generating profits, protecting the corporation and its reputation, etc, etc? I think especially for late 2000s-early 2010s this was particularly current - not to imply that we’ve moved on, or come to any sensible conclusions, as a society; in fact, in a fair number of jurisdictions we (human beings) fucking lost. I think right now we would recognise this conversation as the one around corporate social responsibility – which is sort of the next step after corporate personhood was ‘acknowledged’ by law in some places. Can corporations have an opinion on a social issue? Should they and, if they do, how do we (human beings) act towards that? This also follows the season in a way that’s prescient – we had the Kamui & Sibyl parallel (corporate personhood), and then Kamui talking about the idea of “the one who holds the dominator” being a judge and affecting the judgement differently depending on who it is (our attitudes towards corporate social responsibility). This is the lens through which I see S2. I agree that S1 and S2 comparisons are often not really made on equal terms. (Disclaimer: don’t get me wrong, I do love S1.) S1 to me remains a world-building prelude, set up as a detective/noir genre story in a futuristic setting. I think you are also correct in your assessment of S2 being a different genre with different narrative priorities – I think it explores actual ‘full-on’/bonkers science-fiction ideas (multi-personhood, the absolute extremes of body modification, possibilities of consciousness melding, collective entities, etc) as opposed to the ‘softer’ versions we see more frequently (cyborgisation, AI overlords, etc). Not everyone who likes one genre, likes the other and the different narrative trappings they employ. Mary Shelley and Frankenstein was actually one of the constant inspirations the creators have talked about in interviews. Your discussion back in S2E1, theorising on reasons why certain S2 opinions are common, actually hit the nail on the head almost entirely. We also cannot divorce the release of this type of story+setting, in early 2010s anime-world, from the way it was sold in pre-release promos (as Kogami focused), or the way the ensemble changes from S1 to S2 (primarily male to primarily female). A significant portion of the audience during the release of S1 (and after) believed that Kogami was the primary/sole protagonist of the story and the whole thing was just the Kogami/Shogo Show. With Akane’s sole role being the audience surrogate/ingenue. Some of that, again, I’d lay at the feet of marketing materials. Personally, I wouldn’t even call Kogami a deuteragonist, that goes to Shogo. He’s important, of course, but the point of view of both seasons is Akane’s. If I had a penny for every time someone had said to me: ‘I haven’t seen S2 but I know it is garbage filler,’ and then went on to actually watch it and have a good time with it? I would have enough to buy myself a nice drink and a meal. Ultimately, it’s just So Very Curious which opinions propagate through the media-landscape so completely, and which don’t. I have my (strong) opinions as to why, but they are truly uncharitable. Some of it is also my need to come to the defense of someone who doesn’t need it at all 😂 – Gen Urobuchi. He has noted he specifically wanted to create a lasting fictional world where a multitude of stories could be told. Some say he wasn’t involved with S2 and that was the issue – but he was, the story and character concepts down to the nitty-gritty are his (Sibyl vs Sibyl, patchwork brains vs patchwork bodies, etc), in addition to plenty of other work, he just wasn’t credited as the main writer for the bulk of it. Same as S1, it was a collaborative effort. Agreed with regards to Togane, as well – his trajectory was clear, and I loved watching it unfold. His attempts to please his mother, how often he equated her to Sibyl, how he viewed his position and role – all very biblical. I also really like stories where the audience has more information than the characters. Having the mystery (what is Kamui’s plan and motivation) and simultaneously the more voyeuristic narrative (Togane and his goal), was a lot of fun. I am also so happy our squad has come out the other side of this season. Especially Hinakawa 🥰 – I was really worried for him all season, as well. One of my S2 headcanons is actually about Kunizuka and Hinakawa being featured so frequently as a pair – and that goes back to her and Shion talking about him, etc, did she stick by his side to actively protect him? Because she couldn’t protect Kagari the same way? 😭 Breaking my own heart here at the thought of it. Saiga going back into isolation broke my heart. I understand his reasoning and his fear. He is actually one of the main reasons I really wish we would have had a fuller season - because I wonder how much of his decision was influenced by Togane (acknowledgement of a supposed similarity) and then what happened with Akane (where Saiga felt that he wanted to see if he could deliberately worsen someone's state, or just felt that he wanted to). The Sugino acknowledgement made my day, I will attempt to be normal about them. I may not succeed. 🥰 I cannot wait for next week, so excited! Onwards and upwards 💙


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I have LOVED this season! It was a lot of fun to theorize with and see how it all played out and I had such a delight with “suspicious” Togane! It’s interesting how the “collective” vs. the “individual” was a concept developed this season. Yessss, our country (in the U.S.) having “rights” for corporations is FASCINATING to me! And the idea that companies we may think are “dastardly” are made up of good individuals – it made me think more on the issue and I appreciated that a lot! Your comment touches a lot on this, so thank you! The idea of who judges and who is judged is SO fascinating to me, I agree!! S1 is definitely more Sherlock mystery than Sci-Fi thriller like S2 is! I’m SO glad the creators were actually looking at Frankenstein for this season – I love the callback and reference to it! Ahhhh, that makes sense considering it was Kogami’s series when it was in fact Akane’s and not wanting to continue with her plot line, which is such a shame! I can SO see marketing be a factor in that so that is understandable. That is insane so many skipped out on this season – THEY MISSED GINOZA IN THE TANK?! I feel so sorry for them! That is interesting in how the Urobuchi man was viewed as not involved…when he was! *sigh* Gotta read that fine print, right?! I really love a Shakespearean villain and watching them develop, so Togane was a hoot this season! And yessss, aligning the mysterious Kamui with Togane that we knew was going to do SOMETHING was a lot of fun this season! Ahhh, I love Hinakawa and I’m so glad I warmed up to this precious bean this season! I was so afraid he was going to die! I love the idea that Kunizuka is protecting him! UGH. Still miss Kagari, but I love having Hinakawa and the Sugou BROMANCE YES PLEASE! I am sad Saiga went back into isolation and ugh, I agree, we could have had more interactions with his character and Togane if we’d had more time! Thank you for the kind words and comment - oh, Next week is going to be FUN. 🙂

Anime Annie

Completely agree with you in that if certain characters, such as Ginoza, aren't given as much spotlight then it feels like we can be less worried for their safety and continued survival 😂 Loved the dog art, especially with you in the dog's colours 🤣 If we could read a person's Hue I imagine watching something like Psycho-Pass, and anticipating how these last two episodes will go, would have quite the affect on your colour. I rolled my eyes at Togane using a black towel/handkerchief in the bathroom 😂 Little aside but if you do visit Japan having a little towel like that will be a godsend. Majority of Japanese public bathrooms whilst clean, and a lot of them have the toilets with all the bells and whistles on them, they don't have hand dryers, or a towel/paper towel dispenser. Most Japanese people carry a little towel with them to dry their hands instead. In one way it is more hygienic, though can be an annoyance for unaware tourists. Also I adored you calling Togane Darth Sidious 😆 Once again this anime lets the viewer in on a secret matter, and makes you want to scream in frustration at the 'story' the characters are being told. In Season 1 it was the lie of Kagari being missing when we, and the Sibyl System, knew he'd been killed by Chief Kasei. In this moment it's the alluding to Aoi having been attacked and murdered by Kamui when we, and most likely the Sibyl System but at least Misako, are aware that she was being held (alive) in the boot of a car by Togane and so the one that murdered her wasn't Kamui. They do a good job though of not making this seem repetitive and just a great tool for making us angry with the Sibyl System and hope against hope that our beloved characters can learn the truth somehow. In times of trouble Kougami is the one Akane turns to 🥺 I love that it's her memory of him and what he'd say in such a situation that helps her get back control of her reaction. It's understandable that she's having more trouble in this moment being calm and collected, in comparison to how she was able to react logically and not emotionally when she learned of Kagari's death in Season 1. But yes they're feeding us crumbs of our ship even when Kougami hasn't actually appeared this season at all 🤣 Also yes she was sitting at Togane's desk, but I'm taking it as a further nod to our ship in that it was Kougami's desk before that. Especially with her thinking of Kougami in that moment, it's like Akane purposely sat in the space Kougami used to occupy to try and gain her centre/some comfort from the memory of him. And furthers the idea of Togane not having as much of an impact on Akane's psyche as Kougami did 🤣 Kamui's chess game is seriously unreal. Knowing about how the bombs Division 3 were using were basically evidence from a prior case Kamui had created really helps explain why they were so incredibly calm when talking to Akane about the Sibyl System's plan to blow up the trains. They aren't simply thinking one or two moves ahead, but all the moves it would require to reach their end game. It's such a relief to know that Akane did know Togane was a suspicious person, and that she wasn't naïvely accepting the way he acted and the things he said. Like Kamui, Akane plays a long game to figure out the truth behind a matter. It is nice that she, unbeknownst to Togane, gave him a chance to prove that he was more like Saiga and didn't mean to affect other people's Hues. I did laugh though at your comment about Togane basically trying to catfish Akane 🤣 Can I just say some of the lines from Kamui (such as the line they say at the end of Episode 10: "Be gone, you pitch-black soul") really showcase such a different side to Kimura Ryouhei's talents. Like that single line, it still sounds like him, but you could never imagine some of his more airy characters like Kise and Bokuto saying something like that or in that tone of voice. I honestly love the way they showed Kamui and their other six personas. That scene with Akane and the different personas taking charge and acting/speaking in a different way reminds me a lot of the different brains being in charge of Chief Kasei. Also can't help but compare this simple way of showing multiple personalities to a certain character in a basketball anime...🙃 I agree though that it reminds me of Split, which like you I have issues with the plot and usage of multiple personality syndrome like that, but I do have to give James McAvoy his due for convincingly portraying all those separate personalities. Just when you thought you couldn't get more creeped out by Togane you discover he tried to murder Misako, and then also stabs his thumb with a calligraphy pen to free himself from the handcuffs (whilst smiling like the Grinch). He is off the charts creepy. So now that I'm re-watching with your reaction, I think once Kamui asked Sibyl if they can judge their colour and their own (when Misako was pointing the Dominator at him), they made the necessary adjustments for the Dominators to be able to judge a collective. It's a bit confusing because Kamui comments about Misako's colour being that specifically, but Misako (although in the body of Chief Kasei) is part of the collective that is Sibyl and as a collective their Crime Coefficient is over 300. Within that Sibyl chose to rid themselves of brains that increased their collective crime coefficient to that amount. In regards to Kasei, from Season 1 and Season 2, it didn't seem like the brain of the person piloting her was physically placed in the Chief's body. So whilst Kamui shot her, and Togane saw it as his mother having been killed, Chief Kasei's body is just a representation of Misako (or in Season 1 Touma, who was given control to talk with Makishima). Misako and Touma's physical brains would have still been in that room with all the yellow boxes [and one or the other may still be there as we don't see which brains have been purged, just that a number of them have been at Sibyl's discretion]. Also Kamui's Crime Coefficient was never able to be read before, they were like a ghost when the Dominator was pointed at them/cymatic scans used on them. But because the Sibyl System updated the Dominator's ability to judge a collective, Kamui was no longer a ghost and could be judged. Though their Crime Coefficient being over 400 does make me question how exactly Sibyl decides a person's Crime Coefficient. I think we can all agree the most important scene of Episode 11 is that moment between Sugou and Ginoza. No words need to be said between them but you know Ginoza is finally ready to forgive Sugou for Aoyanagi and move on with him as a friend (or more 😏), and Sugou completely understands that 🥺 It's especially meaningful that he used the sniper gun/Assault Dominator he used to accidentally kill Aoyanagi to paralyse Shisui, giving *her* a chance to get better and heal. Just a little clarification though, Sugou doesn't have the power to choose which mode the gun fires in. It works in the same way as a Dominator in that a person with a Crime Coefficient below a certain level will lock the gun, preventing it from firing; when the Crime Coefficient has been above 100 the guns use a Paralyser mode; and anything above 300 has been shown to change the mode to Lethal Eliminator mode (what it was for Aoyanagi). The third mode for the Dominators, which I don't believe we've seen this sniper gun do, is Destroy Decomposer, but it's only been used on objects and things like the robot dogs. Watching your reaction the only part I cannot grasp is why Togane survived getting hit by the Eliminator mode when Kamui becomes a puddle of blood because Togane shoots them with his Dominator in the same mode. We don't see where exactly the blast from Togane's Dominator hit Kamui but we do see that Kamui's hit Togane in the arm and basically amputated his right arm, so yes that was a non-fatal shot with a chance of survival. But it seems strange for Kamui to not aim for a more fatal wound (like they did with the Enforcer back in Episode 1 when Kamui used the Dominator whilst holding a drugged Shisui). I'll put it down to dramatic effect so as there'd be that moment between Togane and Mika. Mika went through it these last few episodes. Poor girl has cracked with the knowledge. Which fits with what was discussed in Season 1 about how most people, and especially the general public, are not ready to learn the truth of what the Sibyl System is. The little reactions of Kunizuka though definitely makes it seem like she's aware of the role Mika played in all this. I do love that Kunizuka shows where her loyalty lies by saying she'll never forgive what was basically a betrayal of Akane. But I also love that Mika, although she isn't exactly acknowledging her fault, is saying she'll never forgive herself for it either. It gives a tiny bit of hope that she won't make the same or similar mistakes in the future... Ginoza and Hinakawa really leading the PTA (in this case meaning Protect Tsunemori Association)! I love their little group so much. But I especially love that they go out of their way to help and protect her, because she will do the exact same for them. And now we can exhale a big sigh of relief that Hinakawa survived!!! 🥳🤣 Also now Sugou is using Kougami's desk/Togane's temporary desk. My only qualm with Season 2 is that I feel trying to fit a contained overarching story, like we got in Season 1, into just eleven episodes is a task. Some parts they handled it brilliantly, but other moments I definitely feel like they needed a few more episodes to fully unwrap them and give us a bit more story for it to properly compete with Season 1 (namely more time on Shisui, some of the other Divisions, and Saiga). Also, in my opinion, Season 1 has another reason for being better: Kougami's abs 🤣 There was a severe dearth of fanservice in Season 2! Like Akane, just once when you were thinking of/imagining Kougami you couldn't have thought of him with his shirt off? 😏 For Ginoza getting the arrow in his arm, that was his metal prosthetic so I don't think he'd feel anything with it...unless said prosthetic is equipped with pain sensors or something.


I’m so glad Ginoza and Hinakawa made it through this season! I don’t even want to think what my hue was throughout this season, much less these two last episodes! Togane went ALL in on the aesthetic! That makes sense why Ushijima in Haikyuu had that little hand towel, though! Thank you for the little bit of information! The Sybil System sure likes to cover up its murders and lie to its constituents, doesn’t it? And yes, I love that Akane still turns to Kogami as inspiration in her “mind palace.” I’m here for ANY crumbs they send our way! And ooohhhh that desk being Kogami’s before Togane is PERFECTION! I’m so glad you pointed that out! And yes, Togane WISHES he had the impact that Kogami does on our girl – though, man, he just struggles to get his mother/Akane’s attention, doesn’t Togane? @_@ I definitely think that the only true way Makishima and Kamui would connect would be if it was phrased as a game of chess, since both are extremely good at contingencies and planning ahead to a degree. And like the two of them, interestingly enough, yes, Akane is playing the long game and I love to see it! And the idea that Akane TRIED to give him the benefit of the doubt? Our girl is too good for that catfishin’ Togane. ;) But Togane is SO creepy, this is true! I’m still now sure how he survived that dominator hit, either. I agree, I think it was more for dramatic effect as well. And YES, Kamui’s VA also playing BOKUTO AND KISE is mind-blowing! The RANGE! I love how the “multiple” personalities was showcased as well! And the idea of the basketball game – is Kamui a “generation of miracles?” I’ll stop now. And James McAvoy is just a great actor, point blank. I love the resolution we get with Ginoza and Sugou! And they’re both safe! YAY! And the fact that Aoynagi died and Shisui lived is hard, but I’m glad they gave her another chance. I’m also all for Ginoza and Hinakawa leading the PTA here! :D Mika has gone THROUGH IT this season! I’m hoping that Mika learns from all this moving forward but that little scene with Kunizuka was SO GOOD. And yes, I agree that the season was a lot of fun but it was definitely packed tight in those 11 episodes and could have used a few more for a bit more story , such as the parts you mentioned! And yeah, Kogami and Makishima are such colossal players, it’s hard to argue when they aren’t “there” any more. Akane, why aren’t you imagining Kogami naked?! Come on! Maybe post-movie she will. ;) And ooooooooh, I didn’t connect that the arrow was in the metal arm! That makes ALL the sense! Thank you for the awesome comment and kind words ! Onwards and upwards!