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Hey everyone got a little update for you.
So as many of you know I have created these 6 page comics for a while now. They are really fun to do but this month I wanted to try something different!

Instead of the usual coloured + Rendered 6 page comic I am going to be making a 20 page comic. However this will be a grey scale comic. This page is an example of how it is going to look.
Since the comic is so much longer I am going to be selling it for £10 on gumroad instead of £5 as it will be a more complete comic. Because of the increase in price on gumroad I am also going to move the Long form comics to the Lemonade tier (£10 tier).
The £5 tier will still get the shorter 6 page comics as well as any nsfw content they just won't get these long form comics.
Another thing I want to add, these long comics won't be every month, occasionally I will still do the 6 page comic but like I said all future LONG comics will be for the Lemonade tier.
Thank you for your support!



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