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The Third Part of the Video Series is Edited and Uploaded on YouTube.

It will be made public as per schedule in a couple of Days.


Chapter 3 - Attainments Through Yogic Practice - Detailed Patanjali Yoga Sutras with Pictures

👉Schedule of the Four Part Live Interactive session(Sundays at 10AM): Samadhi Pada : 30th May 2021 (Replay) : https://www.crowdcast.io/e/yogasutras/1 Sadhana Pada : 6th June 2021 (Replay) : https://www.crowdcast.io/e/yogasutras/2 Vibhuti Pada : 13th June 2021 (Replay) : https://www.crowdcast.io/e/yogasutras/3 Kaivalya Pada : 20th June 2021 : https://www.crowdcast.io/e/yogasutras/4 🌐Event Link: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/yogasutras Password to Enter the Live Stream, is accessible either through registrations at https://bit.ly/learn-yogasutras or through Patreon. Patrons above Tier-3 on https://www.patreon.com/thesanskritchannel have complimentary access to all Live Streams and Archives of The Sanskrit Channel apart from other Downloadable Resources. #Yoga #IDY2021 #IDY #Patanjali Chapters 0:00:00 - 0:09:57 - Welcome, Recap of Chapters-1,2 0:09:57 - 0:18:43 - Overview of Chapter - 3 0:18:43 - 0:27:58 - Sutras (1-3) - Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi 0:27:58 - 0:40:08 - Sutras (4-8) - The Nature of Samyama 0:40:08 - 1:19:34 - Sutras (9-16) - Series of Transformations 1:19:34 - 2:20:22 - Sutras (17-54) - Enhanced States of Being 2:20:22 - 2:27:15 - Sutras (55) - Onset of Unity, Recap 2:27:15 - 3:17:00 - Question and Answers


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