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Book 2 cover follow up!

  • streetcorner map reading 84
  • Eating in the diner 51
  • 2023-12-26
  • 135 votes
{'title': 'Book 2 cover follow up!', 'choices': [{'text': 'streetcorner map reading', 'votes': 84}, {'text': 'Eating in the diner', 'votes': 51}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 26, 18, 51, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 135}


I realize I didn't give enough information. We've got 2 solid 'stuck in the 70's' choices, and I wasn't really very specific about the prompt.

Option 1: Perry and Heather argue over a map on a street corner while Nat repairs Boomer and Mass Driver hails a cab in spandex. 70's onlookers confused.

Option 2: The crew marvels over a 1970's diner with meat while people gawk at their outlandish attire. Mass Driver is unimpressed, Chemestro sets aside the bread. Empty calories.

Also, expect next chapter to be delayed, because this is eating into my work time. Apologies.

Also, if you've got ideas about where we should go with the next arc, I'm taking suggestions in the comments. part of the reason I've switched gears to logistics work today is because I don't have a solid plan yet.

Side note: Avorion is like the gummy ship builder from Kingdom Hearts on CRACK!


Thando Nkadimeng

War with super intelligent religious ant


Perry has dealt with Gods and Dragons Fantasy end game complete For Sci Fi he needs to deal the an Invasion ( saving his home dimension counted ) and a migration to the stars ( or another Dimension ) to get humanity's eggs out of a single basket For Super Hero he needs to deal with the Big Bad ( Replicators checked off so maybe the Prawns next ) For Harem, Natalie has ( shapeshifter, tsundre, gamer, prince, wizard, legacy super, etc ) so only needs a 🔲seductress 🔲a "no emotions" ( please not Chemestro ), 🔲( soul / mind ) linked harem member, and a 🔲maternal type to complete her harem 😍🥰😈