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Okay, so the dragon and Perry are pooling their knowledge and resources to create some mind-bendingly powerful magitech, then they're gonna kill each other over who gets to keep it.

That's the plan, But i don't have much mind-bendingly powerful magitech solidly in mind that could be the end-game for them.

so my question(s) is(are) this(these):

1: What kind of improvements to Perry's spell-storage could be made? What kind of spells could be invented? How would his Table of Essences work?

2: How does the secret book pilfered from his dragon mother's den, that general Abrams knows about (but but tyrannus doesn't) be used against the dragon in the finale? (chekov's gun)

3: How much time do you think should pass working together before they try to kill each other? What's the turning point? My first thought was when Perry gains a level and suddenly becomes significantly more powerful between one day and the next, and Tyrannus realizes he's on a shorter timer than he thought. my first thought was maybe six months to a couple years? Too much time skip? do we prefer none? Would you prefer to be present for baby time?

4: Did I forget any hanging plot threads that could be revisited at the climax of the story?

5: any other questions/ideas?

I'm trying my damnedest to write a smart villain, so I'm straining my brain, and need outside input to come up with more/smarter things than my limited, feeble monobrain can do.


Mikkel Poulsen

With regards to the table of essences, it could be based on concepts that are distilled into reality, when sufficient time or concentrations occurs in a three dimensional space that overlaps with ours. You could have any essence imaginable because they are created by sapient imagination. How they interrelate would be perceptionbased. You would have the concept of strenght wich could overlap with the concept of stone to grant an essence of earthelemental and so on. It gives you some creative writing flexibility. As for new spells... Well there is the rest of the world to consider as well as space. A simple teleport spell and som idylic casting and you have a moonbase or a vulcano island. To follow up on that, the dragon and our protagonist are basically on one continent. What has the rest of the world been up to? Are there other empires out there? I figure a least a year of coorporation interspaced with other stuff since they both have empires/towns to rule. What is up with Brandon? The stange floating multidimentional eggs?


I'm very confused by what Perry is. And think that Tyranus should just get "accidentally" stuck in between The Eldritch Mimic(AbuZual,) The Grey Goo(Dad's Tinker Soul,) The Young Mimic/Tinker(Perry's Soul.) getting stuck in an eternal fight for control of a shapeshifter/power mimic's soul is some fun X-Men's Legion shit, and could be fun Krtptonite for interesting horrozontal powerscaling to prevent things from getting Number Go Up📈🆙⬆️👆⤴️☝️tedious. Also fake stock/science advice from a dragon would be funny, and seeing a 4 way brawl of souls for every level up could be fun.