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All the images are AI generated composite rough drafts, will be edited later for extra fingers and weirdness.

Just wondering which one caught your eye first.  Does NOT require you to have read the book first, because the cover is bait for people who haven't read the book.

If you have any comments, suggestions or discussion for my photoshop fairy, leave them below.




1 looks great 2 looks grimdark / horror. I wouldn't even pick that book up off a shelf. 3 is meh 4 could be good executed harder 5 looks like it's extremely YA

William Waggoner

If it’s the first book in the series than I’d say either #1 or #5. The last one looks a little off for some reason though. Maybe a little too childlike for the setting? Idk, the rest of them are good too but feel like they’d do better as 2nd or 3rd book covers after the readers already established who your character is and what the story is about.


Number 1 is the best!