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 So I have a couple of rough ideas for the A and B plot of book 3, and I'm going to spend the next few days roughing out what I want to happen. Let's talk about them, and start the process of refining.

I'm going to forget a bunch of plot threads, please remind me of any major plots I forgot along the way, or just shout out suggestions for what you'd like to see. I'll lurk in the comments threads for a couple days while I formulate a game plan.

What to do about Washington and the remaining humanoid Replicants? B plot

Recolonizing Manita? A plot... Too early?

Solaris starts to go a little crazy. B plot

Whose eggs are these? B plot

Also, I'm going to be editing the last chapter over the next couple days to address some of the comments, with some changes to the middle and the end, so keep your eyes open for when it gets updated.

Come tell me what you wanna see from book 3!


Jackson Andrews

I would like to see nuance with the solaris situation. i don’t think he can be a direct enemy but i do think that having something happen is already heavily foreshadowed. I like the idea of solaris floating the idea of retirement, but i also like the idea of the portal to mantia being out in the wilds and perry trying to form a new city. perhaps putting him at odds with solaris in a political sense. or do more with washington city. perhaps dr. replica goes to washington as a b plot. also i would love to see more chemistro, perhaps even having him be the crux of whatever the primary plot is.

Ryan Naquin

Remember when that tinker who specialized in magnetism tried to turn himself into a being of pure magnetic fields? Its possible that he succeeded but solaris blasting him with light provided a conduit for the tinker to 'infect' Solaris. (Light is a electromagnetic wave) Now the tinker is getting stronger driving Solaris mad whenever he usrs his powers.


Maybe instead of Solaris going crazy he gets snippy with wanting to retire and wants Paradox to succeed him. Replicator professor uses that to give him a child like clone and it goes crazy causing an ultimate team up. At the very least we should see the Zaubueter family team up with everyone going all out either against Solaris, the replicator professor, or the wilderness in Manila. Hopefully you include Heathers baby and more of Sophie because she has been underutilized in book 2

Dominic Harney

The mantia invasion is to early, maybe setting up long term projects for it but no major plot points unless it’s a Chekhov’s gun. Or wand in this case. Maybe perry starting his magitech industrialisation. Solaris getting sick rather that old tired and demented would be more interesting, as it has the major axis of hero’s worrying over him and making snap decisions, plus villains trying to either take a bigger piece of the pie or outright trying to finish him off before he recovered. Could see some low tier villains make stupid mistakes with possibly scrape realising what he has done and either getting to big for his boots or panicking and trying to flee the city.


more Brandon discovery, unless you've mentioned not to bring that up. otherwise exploring Washington and maybe city building on earth to create a forward base before going to Manita

Tim Deral

I don't like Solaris going crazy. I feel everybody likes him and it's nice to have him. It'd be better if paradox would somehow make him weaker

Tim Deral

I also like Brandon getting more attention. Overall I feel many characters deaths where instant without any reactions. The whole story suddenly got super serious and no gimmicks or super hero stuff is there any more, which is kind of Sad. I want sex scenes with heather because I want them. Overall: just more chill side of life stuff. Then going to manits would be smart


Honestly I like Solaris and I'd rather he stick around un-crazy. Its nice to have some concrete-ness somewhere. Recolonizing Manita actually sounds really cool. Or maybe something to do with the egg(s)/Tide?