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Natalie led him to her room in the motel. It had taken a distinctly…Nat air since she’d become a permanent resident. The so-so paneling had been replaced with something sleek and modern, while LED’s provided pulsing lighting across the walls.

The floor was soft carpet, and the bed was bigger than he remembered installing when he first designed it, covered in cute pink sheets.

Come to think of it, why is she still living in a one-room motel? Girl’s literally a millionaire.

Nat turned to face him once the door was closed, and gave him the answer to his unspoken question.

“C’mere,” She said, standing on her tiptoes, reaching up and tugging his head down to hers, locking him in a passionate kiss. He could feel her entire body pressing against his, her warmth radiating through the thin layer of cloth between the two of them.

She let Perry go when he was about to see stars. Through the haze of oxygen deprivation he could make out her eyes, with pupils so dilated that Perry would suspect demon possession if he didn’t know better.

She took a step back and took a deep breath.

“You’re coming back alive, right?” She said, her voice carrying a hard edge, despite the slight tremor.

“I will do my best,” Perry said, nodding. I like living, after all. Nat would kill me if I didn’t survive this.

“Promise me.”

Perry raised his hand and swore: “I promise…I will never die.”

“Don’t meme at me,” Nat said with a scowl, thumping his shoulder, taking that moment to step closer. She lingered a little longer this time, the smell of her shampoo drifting upwards.

“You started it,” Perry said with a shrug, his arms folding comfortably around her waist.

“I guess I did…” Natalie admitted. “I just can’t help feeling that way.”

“Hey, I have every reason to come back alive, because-” Perry’s throat choked up unconsciously. Because if I don’t, everyone else will probably join me within a few days. Perry’s heart began hammering in his chest as the sheer magnitude of what he had to do tomorrow began to catch up with him.

“Hey.” Natalie interrupted his mini panic attack with another kiss. “Just for tonight, everything’s okay. Alright?”

“Okay,” Perry nodded.

“Good, because there’s some things I want to do for you before you go,” Natalie whispered into his ear, sending tingles down his spine.

A soft hand glided along the side of his neck while the other traced the outside of his pants, making his knees go weak.

Natalie grabbed his neck, affording him a view of her cute butt over her shoulder, a moment before she let out a soft moan.

Goddamn, Perry thought, his knees knocking. Natalie arched her back and leaned backwards, leading him forward. A moment later, he felt a leg on the back of his knee.


Perry’s weight collapsed, but he didn’t fall to the ground. Instead, his view of the room spun, doing a full three-sixty before he impacted against a soft surface, leaving him staring at the ceiling, and Natalie, perched on top of him with a mischievous grin.

Perry glanced under him, at the bed he’d somehow been pinned to.

“Umm...What the heck was that? Sexy Jiu-Jitsu?”

Natalie glanced off to the side guiltily without losing the smirk, and Perry realized he was closer to the mark than he thought.

Where would she learn sexy jiu-jitsu…Perry came to the horrifying realization just as Nat explained.

“I got some pointers from Sophie.” Natalie admitted with a shrug. “No biggie. Ways to subdue a larger opponent in bed, a couple techniques…bit o’ magic…

Nat got ‘pointers’ from possibly the best lover on Earth? Someone with literal millenia of experience?

“I don’t know whether to be excited or deeply threatened,” Perry muttered.

Natalie began to languidly writhe on top of him, brushing the warmth of her center up and down his front, echoing the pressure gradually pulsing in his cock.

“Don’t be threatened. I can share the lessons with you,” Natalie leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “I can show you exactly how much degradation a girl like me needs to make her beg for your-.”

“Oh. My. God.” Perry gasped before grabbing the back of Nat’s head and pulling her into another kiss, hoping to take control of the situation. Natalie lured his tongue out and began sucking on it enthusiastically, driving his imagination wild, her moans tickling his tastebuds.

Okay, this is a losing battle. I’m gonna cream my jeans before she even finishes with the foreplay. Damnit Sophie.

“Hey, Nat are you-“ Heather’s head peeked in from the door. The redhead’s pupils dilated as she spotted Natalie sucking the life out of Perry, her breath catching in her throat.

“Dude,” Perry gasped, breaking away from the kiss to wave a desperate hand at Heather. “Tag in, this succubus is gonna kill me!”

“Don’t worry, love,” Natalie whispered. “I’ll relish the feel of you getting hard again while I clean you with my tongue.” She punctuated that with a gentle lick around his ear that caused his spine to arch. Natalie rode it like a wave as she continued to unleash a torrent of whispered fantasies into his ear, almost stream of consciousness.

“I’ll save ya, buddy!” Heather shouted, charging forward and grabbing Natalie from behind, her arms flowing under Nat’s clothes, causing the tiny Tinker to shudder.

“It’s two on one now, Nat,” Heather said, her shapeshifted arms writhing sensually under Natalie’s clothes. “Whaddya gonna do about that?”

Natalie arched her back, reaching one hand up and hooking it over Heather’s neck. The other hand reached back behind her waist while Nat tilted her head back and whispered in Heather’s ear.

The whole time she didn’t stop her hips, sliding up and down Perry’s covered manhood.

“Oh god,” Heather breathed as Perry watched Nat’s mouth moving silently against Heather’s ear. Heather shuddered, her eyes rolling back in her head, while the shapeshifted arms under Nat’s clothes began to slow as Heather’s concentration broke.

This cannot stand, Perry thought. At this rate Natalie would defeat both of them without suffering any damage herself.

“Pardon,” Perry muttered, tearing Nat’s shirt off, revealing her breasts covered in rivulets of Heather’s body that teased and caressed her nipples as they worked their way down.

Natalie glanced down at him sideways, still whispering into Heather’s ear, a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth.

He needed to slow down the stream of dirty-talk Nat was using to subdue the shapeshifter. Perry slid his fingers up Natalie’s waist until they rested on the Tinker’s breasts, marveling at the feel of Heather’s rivulets sliding around his hands. He seized her nipples and pinched them harder than Heather had been willing to do.

That was a mistake. Nat seemed to writhe on top of him harder, her stream of lurid fantasies continuing to render Heather glassy-eyed.

I’ve got no choice. Perry thought, sliding his hands down to Nat’s waist and grabbing her jeans.

Very carefully,Perry used his super-strength to pop the seams on Natalie’s jeans, shredding them and tearing them away from her waist, revealing a set of erotic lingerie that enhanced the curve of her hips.

Perry took a moment to admire the black silk sliding back and forth against his fly before that too, was torn away, leaving nothing but Natalie’s warmth pressed against him.

Perry reached down and slid his fingers inside.

“Ah,” Natalie’s torrent of dirty talk was finally cut off, releasing Heather and stabilizing herself by placing her hands on Perry’s chest as she shuddered at the sudden sensation.

Nat swallowed back a gasp as Perry’s fingers churned her silky wet center. She glanced up at him, and he could see the mischievous glint in her eyes.

A moment later, she slipped out of his grasp, crawling down until her chin rested on his waist.

“You don’t need these anymore, do you?” she asked sweetly as she hooked her fingers in his waistband, the scraps of her clothes hanging from her glowing like holy robes in the soft light of her bedroom.

Perry saw Heather hastily shrugging out of her clothes behind Nat, her gaze following Natalie’s sinuous movements.

“I guess nooot!” Perry barely suppressed a yelp as his pants and underwear were whipped off and tossed aside with the speed of a magic trick, leaving his lower half exposed to the sudden cool air of the room.

The cold was quickly replaced with warmth as Natalie slid back upwards, her hands sliding under his shirt and gently tugging it over his head. When Perry’s vision cleared, Natalie’s lips were right in front of his own.

She seized him in a kiss as she tossed aside the fabric, and a wet warmth began to slide up and down his manhood.

Perry saw Heather waiting her turn behind Nat, and realized he’d been inconsiderate.

Perry seized Nat by her waist and lifted her up.

“EEP!” Natalie squeaked as she was flipped, suddenly facing away from Perry and towards her other lover. Heather seized the opportunity, wrapping her arms around Nat’s waist and pulling her into a passionate kiss, her hands exploring Natalie’s waist and thighs, slowly zeroing in on Nat’s silky smooth pussy.

Natalie explored Heather’s body in kind, all the while gyrating against Perry’s lower stomach, her own bumping against his engorged pole.

Perry could feel Heather’s fingers slip past his manhood and bury themselves inside Nat, prompting a convulsive moan from the Tinker.

“C’mon babe,” Heather muttered, gently tugging Natalie forward by the hand seated deep inside her.

Perry inhaled sharply as his cock was almost painfully bent downwards, Natalie’s wet warmth sliding overtop of it. The only barrier between them was Heather’s hand sliding back and forth between them.

At the moment when the weight bearing down on his cock was nearly unbearable, Heather’s hand slipped out from between the two of them.

The insistent upward pressure of Perry’s manhood slipped between the swollen folds of Nat’s sex, spearing up inside her. Perry thrusted up reflexively, unable to restrain himself against the sudden sensation, wrenching a moan of pleasure out of both of them.

Heather stood back, looking quite pleased with herself.

Nat’s back shuddered, her raven hair cascading down to her hips as she took a moment to breathe. Soon enough, Perry saw the muscles in her back and hips flex as she began to rock back and forth, gently massaging him with her womanhood.

Nat leaned forward and whispered into Heather’s ear. The redhead nodded and stood up on the bed, wrapping her fingers around the back of Natalie’s head and pulling her forward.

“Let’s see you use that mouth now,” Heather said with a smirk.

Natalie eagerly pressed herself forward, lapping her tongue through Heather’s love juices before pressing deeper, burying her tongue inside her lover.

Heather let out a gasp and moved her hands to Natalie shoulders for support. Her weight drove Natalie’s hips down, forcing Perry deeper than he’d ever been. The movement forced both of them to moan piteously.

Perry spotted a mischievous grin forming on Heather’s face as she realized her commanding position above them. One hand secured Natalie’s head, while the other put weight on her shoulder, guiding her. Nat accepted the wordless instruction, matching the timing of her hips to Heather’s movements.

The three of them gradually sped up as the pleasure built inside all three of them like an ancient volcano. Searing hot energy roiled deep inside him, desperate to get out.

All rational thought fled as Heather shuddered, her legs shaking violently, causing her breasts to sway. She glanced down at Perry and bit her lip, grabbing Nat’s shoulders with both hands.

Oh crap.

Heather pulled Nat into a merciless pace. The Tinker was no longer gently grinding back and forth, but slamming up and down with abandon, driving Perry’s manhood inside her wet folds again and again.

Perry seized Nat’s hips as pleasure overcame him, dragging her out of Heather’s grasp and securing her in place as he came, exploding deep inside her as she let out a mewling cry.

Cresting waves of pleasure flooded his whole body as his cock throbbed inside Natalie’s writhing form. After what felt like several minutes of pinning her in place, Perry’s body gradually stopped, allowing him to let go of the Tinker and fall backwards, staring at the ceiling.

Heather collapsed onto the bed next to him, panting violently and staring into his eyes.

“Did we win?” She asked.

“I think…no,” Perry panted. Perry was nearly exhausted despite doing nothing but lying there. I thought I had superhuman endurance.

“That was pretty good you guys,” Natalie said, climbing overtop both of them. Perry recognized the dangerous glint in her eyes.

“Ready for round two?” She asked sweetly, crawling lower as her hands traced their way down their stomachs, her slender tongue flicking out of her mouth like some kind of predator, tasting the two of them.

Sophie, you’ve created a monster!

Perry needed some way to keep up.

Sliding Stats

Stability 40 -> 34

Body 23 -> 29

What followed was borderline traumatic, and Perry should’ve just taken the loss.

The last thing Perry’s aching body heard before he fell asleep was Natalie whispering in his ear.

“Come back alive, and I’ll do things to you that make this seem like waiting in line at the DMV.”



That was a hell of a ménage à trois. If that doesn't motivate Perry to come back alive I don't know what will. Great job on writing the scene. This really fleshes out the deepening relationship between Perry, Nat, and Heather.


Thank you for the chapter Have you ever decided to flush out the replicators and Human combat this series does a very good job The Zone War series: By John Conroe Zone War Borough of Bones Web of Extinction


Nat is usually the dom in all the explicit sex scenes but in the ftb ones she's the sub, curious. It's always the quiet ones ( probably also her lessons and the mark of that war God)

Sean Shivers

I'd call her more of a power bottom... she's not domming them, she's teasing then until they cant help but dom her