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My artist sent this to me right as I was leaving for vacation and I didn't check my work email until just now!

Anyway, this is for book 3 of Wake of the Ravager,  Which you may not have read. Book 3 covers a lot of 'business transactions' between calvin and the good people of...I forget the country. I think he conquers it at some point. It ends with Uleis getting turned to glass and a jerk-face getting his fingers bitten off, and Calvin learning some valuable lessons.

If you haven't checked it out yet, it's on Royal Road, chapter 121-211. It'll be down in maybe 2 months.

For those of you that HAVE read it, Whaddya think of the cover? This is a stylized depiction of one of the Diocese who didn't get along so great with Calvin and his inter-country train. Any tweaks that need to be made? Honestly I think it's the best thing I've ever commissioned from this guy and I'm absolutely thrilled to put this on a cover.



Thomas Shaw

Love it! Big fan Has anybody brought up the ooze weaver plot hole? Technically all the ooze weavers are princesses since the chief is the biggest female(that’s how I read it). Kidnap for the entire female populace for mega-Body gains.


I kind of like it, but also I don’t like the thing at that spot, make a better one.