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I was sitting here about to get started on writing, waiting for my sister to come dig a hole in her backyard for a crabapple that won't pollinate her apple tree, when  I realized that the end of the year is going to be bumpy, and I should probably tell you my plans and give you a heads up about what it'll look like.

The rest of November will see my family visiting me here, and me struggling with Amazon bots.

December and January will be a trip to Disneyland and a cross-country road trip to Oregon to visit my wife's family.

Early December looks like it'll be a bit free, (save for amazon) but late Dec. and Jan. will probably be full.

This doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing. I will have my travel laptop with me, and I tend to wake up earlier than everyone else, which allows me to sneak in a few hours here and there.

It does mean there will most likely be less chapters and occasional delays until the end of Jan as I get dragged around from place to place. I hope you guys don't mind.

Ideally by the end of all that running around, I'll have even MORE inspiration to write! And hey, by then, the amazon thing will probably be taken care of, allowing me to focus on what I'm doing.

After that, there are no more distractions that I'm aware of, and I'll be able to write full-time again.

Alright, time to get to work until my sister gets here!

TLDR: chapter coverage may be spotty until Feb because of family and travel.



Just my two cents but why don't you take an official 30 or 40 day break from the later half of Dec to the first half of Jan?


Thank you for reporting on all the upcoming changes you have. I hope these upcoming 2 months will be interesting and fun for you! Best wishes!