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****Claudette Zauberer***

“So,” Darryl said, sitting on the edge of the bed, a contemplative frown on his face. Claudette knew that look. That was the look he got when he was scheming the best way to ruin an adversary.

“So?” Claudette asked.

“The kids are watching Ghostbusters in the living room…on the couch…in the dark.”

They’d been teenagers before. They both knew the score.

“Yes?” Claudette asked, wondering what awful thing he was planning.

“I’m gonna go make them some popcorn!” Darryl said with a grin, pushing himself to his feet.

“Don’t you dare!” Claudette shouted, tackling Darryl to the ground.

“What’s movie night…” Darryl grunted as he crawled toward the door, weighed down by his wife. “Without a little popcorn?”

Claudette got Darryl in a chokehold and reeled him backwards, assisting her strength with magic.

“You and I are not going in the living room until morning, is that clear!?” Claudette said. She was a firm believer in letting romance bloom into whatever form it took. Darryl was a firm believer in being a villain.

“What if I get thirsty?” Darryl pouted.

“Drink out of the sink,” Claudette said, eyes narrowed. “And if you can’t behave yourself, I’ll shut you off until morning.”

Darryl blew a raspberry through his lips, heedless of Claudette’s chokehold. He hadn’t needed to breathe in a decade. “Fiiine.”

The two of them collapsed into bed and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before Darryl began tapping his fingers against the covers.

“I’m not sleepy,” he said.

“Me neither.” Claudette sighed, inspecting the spackle on the ceiling.

“Wanna go battle or something?” he asked, glancing over at her.

“You know you’re not due to level another building until two weeks from now,” Claudette said. It was tempting, but their public image had certain schedules that needed to be respected.

“Paladin and Glamour girl?” Darryl suggested with a shrug.

Claudette’s pulse quickened, her body tingling in anticipation. “Well, maybe for a little while.”

Darryl tapped the top of the bedside lamp, and an escape hatch opened up beside the bed. The two of them jumped into the chute which connected to the secret exit two blocks away.


They settled into the upholstered surface and turned on the old movie as mom and dad went to bed. Perry had the right-hand side of the couch, Heather the left, and Nat was trapped fidgeting between the two of them.

Mom and dad went to bed early, retreating to their bedroom shortly after the opening credits rolled, leaving the three of them to their own devices.

“Really? Ghostbusters?” Heather asked. “I’ve seen this like a dozen times.”

“Should be easy to ignore, then,” Perry said, glancing meaningfully at Nat.

“Ah,” Heather nodded thoughtfully before resting her head on Nat’s shoulder, slumping over and leaning her legs over the edge of the couch to get low enough.

Perry could see Natalie’s heartrate skyrocket in the hollow of her neck as she pretended to pay attention to the opening of the movie.

Perry sat nice and close, enjoying the feeling of Nat’s warmth pressed up against his side. He reached a hand down and around her side, interposing his arm in the minute gap that Heather left between them.

Natalie gave a gasp of surprise as Heather began nibbling on her ear, her hands reflexively reaching out to seize on anything she could to stay stable. They landed on Perry and Heather’s thighs.

“That’s, un…” Natalie let out a cute moan as Heather continued to gently lick her ear. Perry’s hand travelled along, down her side before reversing and tracing up her stomach, landing on the generous breasts contained by her shirt. Natalie’s back arched at the sensation, causing the tiny Tinker to undulate like a wave was crashing through her, her eyes half-lidded.

Natalie’s hands, on the other hand, began to travel upward, exploring their thighs. Hesitantly at first, then greedier and greedier, her right hand slid deeper into Perry’s lap, until it found his manhood, throbbing against the inside of his jeans.

Perry let out an involuntary shudder when she touched it, which seemed to encourage Nat, as she began feeling it out through his pants, probing and rubbing gently.

“It’s so warm,” Natalie murmured, her left hand extending into the darkness of the living room, vanishing between Heather’s thighs.

Perry shifted in his seat, turning toward her and leaning down to give her easier access while also bringing his right hand and mouth to bear.

“Oh god,” Natalie managed to groan before Perry sealed her lips with another kiss, causing her to writhe under their ministrations until she had to pause for breath.

“May I?” Perry heard Heather whisper directly into Natalie’s ear as her left hand tucked under Perry’s arms and slid gently down Natalie’s stomach, her fingers alighting on the buttons of the Tinker’s jeans.

Perry pulled back to give Nat a chance to respond, leaving a sparkling trail of saliva between their tongues.

“But…are you two…?” Natalie protested, unable to form coherent sentences, her eyes twitching beneath her eyelids like she was dreaming. They understood her, though.

“I mean with any other person, it’d bother me but…” Perry glanced up at Heather and shrugged. “Heather’s my friend.”

“Yeah,” Heather glanced up at him and shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve known Perry so long this feels like…us VS. you.”

“O-okay,” Natalie nodded, and Heather’s fingers slid the buttons out of their seats with supernatural adroitness, then one finger pushed Nat’s zipper down, revealing the top of a pair of lavender underwear.

Quick as a snake, Heather’s hand disappeared beneath the seam of those underwear, and Natalie let out a gasp and began to shudder in place, her hips undulating to the slow, steady motions of Heather’s wrist.

They stayed there like that for what felt like hours, as Perry lifted Nat’s shirt and learned how to loosen a bra with one hand, and definitely didn’t use superpowers to make the damn thing come off.

Thus freed, Natalie’s breasts’ spilled out from under the cotton constraining them, and Perry marveled at their exquisite softness for several moments before he began to gently pinch and twist her nipples, spurred on by the rhythmic gasps that only seemed to heighten as they went.

I feel like I’m watching a movie starring myself, Perry thought. None of this seems real.

Heather interrupted his thoughts by shooing his left hand away from Nat’s chest before taking the Tinker’s nipple in her mouth and gently suckling on it.

Natalie’s breath hitched before she moaned involuntarily, bucking against Heather’s hand between her legs.

Natalie’s right hand began to stroke Perry through his jeans more vigorously, keeping cadence with Heather at first, then slowly speeding up as her gasps came closer and closer together.

As her gasps became desperate back-to-back panting, Natalie freed her left hand from between Heather’s thighs and grabbed the red-head’s chin, drawing her lips up to meet her own.

Natalie began to shudder wildly, her moans muffled by Heather’s kiss, keeping the volume of her climax just below that of the movie itself.

Natalie panted as she melted against Perry’s arms, residual convulsions thrumming through her body. With a surprising amount of assertiveness, she used her grip on Heather’s chin to turn her head and whisper in her ear.

“Can you get a blanket?”

Heather pursed her lips and nodded, sliding off the couch and onto her feet.

Perry couldn’t help but notice that her knees wobbled a little bit as she headed for her bedroom. Soon enough, his contemplation was cut off as Natalie twisted around, slinging her leg over Perry, straddling his lap and pinning him to the couch.

“Wh-“ Perry tried to ask what she was doing, but Nat cut off his words with heavy kisses. She wrapped her arms around him tight, pressed her chest against his, and deliberately rubbed the warmth between her legs up and down his manhood as her kiss stole his breath away.

I think we may have awakened a monster, Perry thought as Nat grinned down at him, her teeth pale in the dim flickering light of the movie. A predator in the jungle moonlight.

“You two against me, huh?” Nat asked mischievously without slowing the motion of her hips, Bargand’s Favor glowing from under her shirt. “You think that’s a fair match?”

“Umm…” Perry tried to make his tongue work.

“I brought you the…blanket,” Heather said, trailing off as she took in the sight of Natalie grinding against Perry. Heather swallowed hard.

“Excellent. Sit down,” Natalie said, standing and taking the blanket out of Heather’s hand before pushing Heather backwards into the couch.

“Eep!” Heather let out a soft yelp as she collapsed onto the upholstery beside Perry, still trying to keep her voice down. The two of them were now looking up at Nat looming in front of them, silhouetted by the flickering light of the T.V.

“Now you see me…” Nat said, grabbing the hem of her shirt and tugging it off one handed, depositing her shirt and bra on the floor beside her before stepping out of her loosened pants. All Perry could see was the silhouetted outline of her smooth curves, and a portion of her upper neck and chin from the glow of Bargand’s Favor.

“Now you don’t.”


Natalie spread out the blanket behind her, cutting off the light from the T.V. entirely and casting herself into darkness, except for the faint glow around her shoulder.

She ducked forward and threw the blanket up around Perry and Heather’s chest, disappearing underneath.

“Hold the blanket up. Don’t let go of it.” Natalie’s command emanated from inside, slightly muffled.

“Whyiii!” Heather choked off a shriek as her entire body jerked and shifted under the covers, like she’d just been seized by some underground monster.

“Nat, that’s-“ Heather’s words choked off with a shudder as Perry felt her bare leg drape over his jeans, shoved apart by insistent hands. Heather clapped both hands over her mouth, stifling a moan as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Perry could feel her hips shifting back and forth along with the lump under the covers, through where her leg was draped across his own.

“Hooleeee shit,” Heather whispered, her wide eyes pale slivers of light.

A moment later, a questing hand discovered his manhood under the covers, fingers tickling all the way up until they found the buttons.

Pop, pop,

The buttons came loose with a firm tug, and Heather seemed to relax and sigh in relief beside him as she was granted a moment’s respite.

Perry barely suppressed a yelp of his own as Natalie grabbed his waistband and tugged it down to his ankles in two strong pulls that nearly yanked him off of the couch and almost made him drop the blanket.

Something wet engulfed his manhood and began to slide up and down, forming a tight seal that sent shivers through his entire body and wrenched a quiet groan out of him.

Heather stiffened and grunted as the blankets over her waist began to shift. Her reprieve was only a temporary one.

There was a squeak of a door from the hallway.

All three of them froze.

“How was the movie?” Grampa said, appearing beside the couch.

“Movie?” Perry asked, trying to catch his breath and nonchalantly disguise the lump under the covers.

Wordlessly, Grampa pointed at the end-credits, scrolling to the lively tune.

“Good. Same as ever. We’ve seen it like a dozen times,” Heather said, recovering first.

“Where’s your little friend?” Grampa asked, motioning with his hand at about Nat’s height.

“She’s went to the bathroom,” Perry said, picking up Nat’s clothes with his toes.

“Okay, well, I’ve got a news report on the conditions outside I wanna watch before I head out tomorrow, so git,” he said, thumbing over his shoulder towards the bedrooms.

He stood there, watching them expectantly for a moment while Perry’s thoughts churned furiously.

“You know there’s a growler of cider in the fridge for tomorrow?” Perry blurted.

“Reeally?” Grampa asked, glancing over his shoulder at the fridge.

Stability 9 -> 5

Nerve 7 -> 11

In a burst of speed and dexterity fueled by sheer desperation, Perry pulled his pants up one-handed and snapped a single button before Grampa turned back.

As Grampa looked back, Perry passed Nat’s clothes up into the blanket, then bundled Natalie up inside it, carrying her effortlessly. Heather had also gotten dressed under the covers, although that was a less demanding task for a shapeshifter. She stood as well, leaving her spot on the couch.

“Well, we’ll see you tomorrow, grampa,” Perry said, walking back to his room with every bit of nonchalance he could muster, the blanket-swaddled Nat resting on his shoulder.

***Grampa Collins***

“Foolin’ around under the blanket,” Tom snorted, watching the guilty teens go back to their individual rooms, doors shutting with an audible click, before grabbing the remote and setting it to the news station. Then he headed into the kitchen to fill up a glass of cider, shaking his head.

That had been invented at the same time as blankets.

Wonder if the little one knows those two are an item.


Perry closed the door, hit the light switch and dropped Nat on the bed, heaving a sigh of relief as he collapsed to the ground, his nerves shot.

“Oh my god, that was way too close,” Perry muttered, fanning himself off.

“I’ll say,” Heather said, slithering under the door.

“What are you doing in here!?” Perry whispered harshly.

“You’ve got my blankets, doi. You’ve also got my Nat.” Heather whispered back.

As if on cue, the bundled blanket on the bed unfolded, revealing Nat holding her T-shirt in front of her chest, other hand covering her bottom half.

“Umm…” Nat squeaked. “Would you mind turning the light back off?”

“Sure,” Perry said, flicking the light off to grant Nat her privacy.

Rather than put her clothes on, they watched as the glowing symbol on Nat’s shoulder disappeared under Perry’s covers, dousing the only source of light in the room.

“Mom said I could have a sleepover with Heather, so she’s not expecting me back until tomorrow,” Natalie’s trembling voice came from the shadowed bed. “W-would you like me to finish what I started?”

Perry answered her question in the most succinct way possible.


Mickey Phoenix

Definitely worth signing up for your Patreon for this one. 'specially because I was thinking about doing so anyway. 🤣


I felt the scene was fairly authentic teenage shenanigans