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The armory was always a McGuffin to allow me to put Perry in situations where he would not have access to his armor.

Unfortunately the suspension of disbelief snapped at the end of last chapter for some of my sample size, which means it was going to sit poorly with others.

I'm going to be doing some minor edits tonight that change the tone of the armory's presentation.

1: Rather than being required and strictly regulated, it will be convenient and customary to house bulky power armor and mechsuits there because it's the most convenient spot and armored in case something goes haywire.

2: the commander not unfolding the armory at the end of the last chapter didn't make sense if he was going all out. I thought to include some extra weapons native to the train that can come with that, which give the armory a sense of purpose.

Once I' done with that, I'll probably write half a chapter with a giant anteater sticking it's tongue into the train and scooping people out with it... =P


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