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So when Chemestro was introduced, just a short time into writing it, I decided that the best role would be a dark mirror of what Perry could've been, raised to be a super BY supers.

I also realized that with the way I have their starting points, over the course of the series they could easily improve themselves by studying the other.

Perry by improving his self-discipline and cold pragmatism.

Chemestro by creating a support network and emotional stability

In regards to a heel turn:
It's possible, but the best heel turns are the ones that happen after they've been earned. Chemestro is going to have to do some bad stuff and fuck up royally and realize it, before he begins the path of a heel turn.
This is probably bad news for Lu'Ann.

The broad strokes of a good heel turn to me, is a gradual build-up of trust between him and Lu'ann, until she asks him to help her get away, then he betrays her to his father, who kills her.

This eats away at him for a large portion of the series which leads to increasingly unstable behavior, possibly a person for him to project this guilt onto, and a culmination where he kills neuron then has to choose between cape and cowl.

If you can think of a better path for a heel turn/more rounded villain, I'd love to get suggestions!

I Um... have never really made a great antagonist, and this is a skill I feel I need to strengthen. It feels like we've got a shot, and if Chemestro turns out to be the best villain I've ever made, it would make me very happy.


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