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Superhero stories are basically one fight after another with little rhyme or reason, so I didn't go into this thinking I would need much more than solid worldbuilding. That means I don't have a big plot goal other than letting the characters explore the world.

What storyline do you think we should pursue next?

Why is Brendon worth money?

Working more with Titan's crew?

New Villain?

Something illegal to balance Paradox's scorecard?

High Tide? (kind of an overarching thing) I'm not sure when to introduce it kicking in, but I wanna do it soon. That's when things get truly weird.

My brain's turning to mush from writing a chapter every single day, so if you guys could hold my hand and tell me what to do next, I'll pursue anything that sounds like something I'd have come up with.



So, in this universe, can tinker tech be used by people other than the tinkerer? My memory of the chapter that described the various tinker classes and had a lot of copy pasta seems to be fuzzy on this point but wasn’t there something about tinker tech being harder to use or less efficient or something similar when used by people other than the tinkerer? How does this fit into the potential problem of introducing magi tech to the world? Does it make it not a problem at all because the spell frames could only be used by Perry? Does it make it not a normal people problem because it can only be used by other tinkerers but it’s less efficient? Bottom line is this, is there some kind of class lock baked into your system on magitech?


Also if the central core of your story is world building then the question that should be asked and answered is what does your world need. Supporting questions can be asked from there such as “who delivers it”, “why is this person or event delivering it”, and “how is the delivery made”. A follow up question for characters or events that more interesting than others and deserve more screen time is “what did it cost them”. Following these questions can jump start the framework of characters and keep how they relate to the central core of your story as their basis for coming into existence.


No, it was made by Perry before he even had a class, so it could be used by anyone. BUT his is always going to be ridiculously stronger than someone else's, even other tinkers.