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Okay, I've spinning my wheels in my head a lot. Part of this post is just to weigh the pros and cons on paper for myself. I figured If I was gonna do it, I might as well get feedback too.

A good super story has a lot of supers and a lot of recurring characters. (I am terrible at large casts, and this series is an attempt to work on that foible.)  I'm also not sure how to handle the raid on the gangster's weapon shipment.

Should they
A: find a bunch of cool stuff/introduce a new teammate? I'm thinking bioweapon who is part of the shipment.


B: run face first into the wider super world. (I.E) their robbery gets tangled up in a raid by superheros, and they have to fight their way out or else get arrested.

Or both, maybe?

Do I need to introduce a bunch more supers in rapid succession to kind of form a background cast? What would that look like? A school or some kind of organization? The Characters are almost out of school, and Idunno what kind of organization they could join.

^This is something I'm seriously concerned about because I always feel as if I've done a poor job of maintaining background characters and populating a world with enough characters that are as powerful or better than the MC. (At the time) as well as believable organizations.

I feel as though option B would be better for worldbuilding, because it emphasizes that MC is a little fish in a big pond.

I feel as though option A is necessary eventually BC we need more teammates, at least 4-5 to maintain a decent sized main cast.

Also, should I add another POV to give world glimpses into the workings of the city and politics? Superminion did this pretty often, giving the reader an outside view of what was going on, mostly to recap the reactions people had to the MC's actions, and to expand the worldbuilding.

And if so, recurring or introduce someone relevant for each minor POV, then toss them?

It might be a little early to worry about this, as we're only on chapter 7, but hey. It never hurts to plot and plan when you're writing a story.

Also, how does the worldbuilding feel so far? Does it feel like it's missing anything in particular? does it suspend your disbelief? Are the hints about why the world is the way it is good enough? too hamfisted? *shrug?*

I wrote 2k words today and will post them in a few minutes after this post is up.

Don't hesitate to toss up your opinions about what I'm doing right/wrong, or where you see the story going. While it *probably* won't amount to anything, I'm really good at stealing ideas or building new ones off of comments that spark my imagination.


Jackson Andrews

I am really enjoying the story so far, but I also do feel as though something is missing from the wilder world. I am a huge fan of su[erhero web fiction. And while I dont think going down a darker path "Ie: worm" would be best, I do think its really important in superhero literature to have a concrete understanding of how the normal humans view supers. Humans would not enjoy knowing that their are some people with powers that defy all logic and reason, they would be afraid. I think we really need to see how this world was shaped, and what the dynamics between supers and humans look like. Because its seems unlikely that people would be ok if heroes and villains were treating their world as a game.

Benjamin Walsh

I vote for B; super school could be cool, but I think it should be more like media training with a smattering if elite forces training. Like Vaught in The Boys or the hero organization in Worm. I’d prefer only 1 POV, but if there are interludes with other POVs, that’s a fair compromise.