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First Draft!

Second Draft V

What do you guys think? Improvement? It made me smile a lot, so I think we're only gonna do minor tweaks from here on.


vetro 26

Yes that's a lot more like I thought he looked like, looks great

Jared Bowers

I think that draft V is much better.


Much better, but I have never been a fan of random gears that don't seem to do anything. Some softly glowing wires connecting stuff up that isn't covered to to lack of... Flesh would probably be a better fit in my opinion

Shakango Resident

Hell yeah it doesn't look like has mysterious junk now, looks great!


His face looks like that one actor. I know that’s vague but I haven’t pinned it down, it just feels like I’ve seen his face before. Like I should recognize him from somewhere.


Looks heaps better!

Bobby B.

Love the dude, miss the smokestacks, but absolutely love the pose!!


Yep pretty good


Those nails, but I enjoy draft 2


Ron Pearlman Zombie Robot!!


Number 2


Second is much better and more dynamic.

Ben Waschuk

Thats freaky, love it


Second Draft V is artistically much better, but thematically a step back in design with the gears I think.

Ben Tew

I liked the blue eye better than the red. It's just too "on the nose" of a terminator ripoff. And if the teeth were whiter or some red accents added to the open mouth it would make the smile stronger. It also looks to me like there's something weird in the anatomy between the thumb and pointer finger of the forward hand. That's what I think.

Joshua Flowers

Oh so you don't like the metal teeth? If we're going back to regular bone I disagree with them being whiter though; I like the grungy aesthetic.


The second is much better, but I really liked the blue eyes.

Jennifer Thorpe

I like the second draft the best. The red eye is perfect because Borg has already referenced the, “Terminator.” And the combination of gears, and such with the blue mist is also on the nose for how Borg came to be alive. I love that he’s smiling. I really like this one. 👍👍 😄