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So I asked for an undead cyborg doing the 'buddy christ' pose.  

It's meant to be a representation of Borg.  Let me know what you think, how it makes you feel, and what it needs, if anything. Color, composition, framing, whatevs.  This is the first, roughest draft so it's all changeable at this point, so get in while you can.

Heart people's comments if you like 'em. That helps me figure out what people really like.

I have my own opinions but I don't wanna reveal them just yet. I need fresh eyes.



I imagined him more bulky/blocky with tech stuff, I guess larger in general


More bulky, almost like a half covered 40k space marine

Joshua Flowers

I for some reason imagined him as looking like an undead Terminator. A body with more mass and metal teeth; the patchwork look is great though.


I thought he'd be more bulky and metally, like with pieces of him being made of metall armor, the skull half metall etc. Maybe also an indication of some storage opening in his chest, some cables


I didnt think Borg would be this deisel punk. The smoke stacks are odd. He runs off a myst engine, i thought

vetro 26



Needs both finger guns or both thumbs up. The mix and match isn't working for me.

Bobby B.

I figured he'd be more Frankenstein, absolutely LOVE the smokestacks, the metal teeth mentioned are cool af too though


I think the background is too dark. If it was a brighter color Borg would show up better. Plus to me this is too grimdark, when the book has a lot of humor.


I think this is freaking Sicc! Only thing I would do would put the classic Frankenstein’s monster head on him since Borg is supposed to be super smart.


My one criticism is about the Buddy Christ pose. Typically in the meme we only see him from the chest up, rather than a full body shot. Not sure how that would fit with the cover/title composition, but it would help evoke the meme more effectively than the current setup, at least IMO.


I expected him to be more slack jawed.


Maybe a shot of him strolling through the deathwilds in there over vibrant color?


I pictured more cyborg than zombie

Shakango Resident

The shadows on the pants look weird, like maybe they are see through or something or there is a shape or bones inside the pants dont know if it's intentional looks strange.

Carl Mason

They are ripped in a few places and then there are grasses in the foreground. It does look weird, though.

Marcel Ortlepp

His belly looks female to me. More muscle would help. And maybe only one arm with wire dangling, while it regrows?

Pastor Joubert

Its funny how everyone sees Borg as a hulking mass of brawn lol.

austin kutz

If that's supposed to be Borg, he needs a thick enough torso to hide his go-go gadgets in


The expression doesn't feel like he's trying hard enough. One of the few times I think aiming for uncanny valley might be useful for bringing out his weirdness.

Alex Lindsay

Not sure exactly why but if this was on a cover of a book, I would never expect the actual story. I don’t think it very accurately conveys the feeling of the story.